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Turkey cancels $3.4 billion missile deal with China: official

Erm, the deal has never been expected to go through. From China's side, HQ-9 deal was there to show case that Chinese anti-missile technology's availability and boost its publicity. From Turkey's side, China is in the competition because it needs Chinese presences to milk the Europeans for all their worth.

Considering Turkey's location, political, religious alignment, nobody actually expected the deal to work. My guess is that EU finally cough up the dough.
Bro, let's not assume China is free from meddling. You know and I know that China is providing funds for the Kurds, especially military "aid" and humanitarian aid to Kurdish Peshmerga. You know that the Turkish Government considers the Kurds as a threat and a security issue. There is political context to this issue. You know that....


China's humanitarian aid items arrive at Iraqi Kurdish region - Xinhua | English.news.cn
Sure, China support Kurds in North Iraq to against ISIS including weapons and doing oil business with Kurds... why not ? I said it's China interest in Middle-East, with Iraq/ Iran/ Syria/ Saudi/ Kurds all oil trade with China ... except Turkey no oil to sell ... why we need for several billions HQ deal to hurt our parters in Middle-East, especially background XinJiang separatist ? I hope our government not that stupid again, for little money to risk our interests in Middle-East.
I see far ahead of acquiring than this capability if this cancellation occurs! :yes4:
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ANTALYA: Turkey has cancelled a multi-billion-dollar deal with China to build its first anti-missile system that had alarmed Ankara’s allies in NATO, a Turkish official said on Sunday.

"The deal was cancelled," the official from Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu´s office told AFP. "One of the main reasons is that we will launch our own national missile project," added the official.

The news came as Turkey hosted key Western allies including US President Barack Obama but also Chinese leader Xi Jinping for the summit of G20 top economies in the Mediterranean resort of Antalya.

Turkey entered negotiations in 2013 with the China Precision Machinery Import-Export Corporation (CPMIEC) to finalise a contract worth $3.4 billion (3 billion euros).

French-Italian consortium Eurosam and US-listed Raytheon Co had also submitted offers but the government had prioritised talks with the Chinese company, which raised serious concerns over the compatibility of CPMIEC´s systems with NATO missile defences.

NATO has said missile systems within the alliance must be compatible with each other while calling on Turkey to take this factor into account.

Turkish government sources said an official announcement was expected next week. A second Turkish official said the issue of technology transfer was one of the major stumbling blocks in negotiations with the Chinese company.

"They refused to give what we demanded," the official told AFP, without elaborating. "The talks were blocked at some point."

Although the government´s current plans to build Turkish-made missile defence system, it was not immediately clear if Ankara would launch talks with the European and American contenders.

Washington was particularly irked by Turkish decision to negotiate with the Chinese company, which has been hit by a series of US sanctions for selling arms and missile technology to Iran and Pakistan.

Turkey in the past made confusing comments over its lucrative tender, with a government minister saying the Chinese company was the winner and that its system could be used without integrating with NATO systems.

But a spokesman for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had insisted that the missile system would be harmonious and integrated with NATO defence architecture.

Source: Geo.tv
China should never sell its weapons to state sponsors of terror like Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Turkey and Saudi Arabia are 2 repulsive despots that fund, arm and fully support Wahabi terrorists.

Not only that but Turkey has been supporting terrorists in China that has killed hundreds of innocent people.

What on earth was China thinking when selling this to a NATO country that is an enemy of China and humanity?

I'm very glad this deal got cancelled.
Im sure you were the last in line,together with some of your countrymen.
Turkeys supports the ISIS dude. LOL

Anyway it is no big deal. No reason to cause instability in the Middle-east 3 ways power game.
That is a laugh...:lol:

If the Turks decided to continue with the deal, are you going to criticize the deal because it would cause instability in the ME ?

China’s military advisers ‘heading to Syria to help fight ISIS’ – report — RT News

RT News said China is sending 'advisers' to Syria supposedly to 'fight' ISIS. If true, this is more like sending Chinese special forces for them to gain some real combat experience. What about China's role in causing instability in Syria ?

This abandoned deal is a financial loss to China. Stop trying to put a good face on it.:rolleyes:
That is a laugh...:lol:

If the Turks decided to continue with the deal, are you going to criticize the deal because it would cause instability in the ME ?

China’s military advisers ‘heading to Syria to help fight ISIS’ – report — RT News

RT News said China is sending 'advisers' to Syria supposedly to 'fight' ISIS. If true, this is more like sending Chinese special forces for them to gain some real combat experience. What about China's role in causing instability in Syria ?

This abandoned deal is a financial loss to China. Stop trying to put a good face on it.:rolleyes:
You are a joke. LOL I was never in support of making this deal with Turkey to begin with. Obviously it was a good money deal for us but as we soon find our Turkey is not a stable player in the Middleeast but one that is causing instability, we start to negotiate tough on them. No ToT. That caused Turkey to switch and turn down the deal. Trust me, there is always political reason involved in any arm deal. This is just one of the deal. Like I said, Turkey can't be trusted. If Germany/France/UK (big 3 in EU) can't even trust them, who can? LOL
That is a laugh...:lol:

If the Turks decided to continue with the deal, are you going to criticize the deal because it would cause instability in the ME ?

China’s military advisers ‘heading to Syria to help fight ISIS’ – report — RT News

RT News said China is sending 'advisers' to Syria supposedly to 'fight' ISIS. If true, this is more like sending Chinese special forces for them to gain some real combat experience. What about China's role in causing instability in Syria ?

This abandoned deal is a financial loss to China. Stop trying to put a good face on it.:rolleyes:
Financial loss? China military budget growing at double digit , as if we need funds badly.

South vietnamese loser come here and make comment?
It is true that we don't want to see any more instability in the Middle-east.
Then why are there Chinese military 'advisers' -- aka special forces -- in Syria ?

Turkey has cancelled a multi-billion-dollar deal with China to build its first anti- missile system that had alarmed Ankara's allies in NATO, a Turkish official said on Sunday.

"The deal was cancelled," the official from Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu's office told AFP.

"One of the main reasons is that we will launch our own national missile project," added the official.

The news came as Turkey hosted key Western allies including US President Barack Obama but also Chinese leader Xi Jinping for the summit of G20 top economies in the Mediterranean resort of Antalya. Turkey entered negotiations in 2013 with the China Precision Machinery Export-Import Corporation (CPMIEC) to finalise a contract worth $3.4 billion (3 billion euros).

French-Italian consortium Eurosam and US-listed Raytheon Co had also submitted offers but the government had prioritised talks with the Chinese company, which raised serious concerns over the compatibility of CPMIEC's systems with NATO missile defences.

NATO has said missile systems within the alliance must be compatible with each other while calling on Turkey to take this factor into account. Turkish government sources said an official announcement was expected next week.

Turkey cancels $3.4 billion missile deal with China: official | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis
It was a better idea to bought the Patriot system which the US was taking away.
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