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Turkey, Azerbaijan developing rocket production


Dec 27, 2009
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Turkey, Azerbaijan developing rocket production

Azerbaijan’s minister of the defence industry, Yaver Jamalov, and Turkish Defence Minister Vecdi Gonul, signed an agreement on the joint production of missiles for multiple rocket launch systems at the IDEX-2011 International Defence Exhibition in Abu Dhabi last week.

Under the agreement, the Ministry of the Defence Industry and Roketsan are to start joint production of 107 and 122-mm missiles.

TRDEFENCE has learned that Roketsan Deputy Director General Yavuz Aka told APA that production still had to be tested.

“The necessary work has been done. Some parts of the missile will be sent to Azerbaijan from Turkey. First there will be test production. If the program is successful after the tests, production will continue. We are also trying to sign a contract on these issues. We are going to sign a contract in a few months,” he said.

The contract signed in Abu Dhabi was already the second contract on the deal. It was reported in November 2010 that Azerbaijan’s Ministry of the Defence Industry and Roketsan had signed a contract on joint production of the missiles.

Yavuz Aka told that Roketsan will produce the launch system for the missiles in Turkey and the warheads in Azerbaijan. The parts will be assembled in Azerbaijani factories.

Aka said that Roketsan’s TR107 and TR122 artillery rockets had a greater range than similar rockets and twice the range of classic rockets.

He said that Azerbaijan and Turkey now used the same launchers for 107-mm missiles. “Our 107-mm missile was tested in the same launcher in Turkey and we don’t think that we will have a problem with that. As for the TR122 rockets, these are launched from a BM21 launcher in Azerbaijan and from the Sakarya in Turkey. We tried the BM21 launcher a few years ago and it wasn’t so effective. We will test it again. The launcher we produce jointly with Azerbaijan will be an improved version of the Sakarya. We have another deal on that and it will be realized in the next few years. I think we can use the BM21 launcher too.”

“We are discussing several projects with Azerbaijan at the moment. We continue meetings to establish potential partnership,” Yavuz Aka said.

The Cirit and UMTAS (160 mm) anti-tank rocket, which is being tested now, are among the products under discussion.

The UMTAS is a long-range anti-tank missile at the trialling phase. Work on the project will be finished by the end of 2012 and full production will start after that.

“We are also working on the OMTAS middle-range anti-tank missile (160 mm). This project will be completed by the end of 2013. We are continuing discussion with Azerbaijan on these projects. These rockets can be launched from helicopters and other means of transport,” the Roketsan executive said.
If a War occur between Armenia and Azerbaijan Turkey can re-Supply Azerbaijan with 107 and 122mm Rockets and even Anti - Tank Missiles !

Great News !

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