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Tunisian War on Terror News & Discussions

@Syrian Lion and @Mootaz-khelifi and mootaz friends @Zarvan , @Mosamania , @JUBA , @I-LEK , @Hazzy997 , @darkinsky , @Arabian Legend ,
the Terrorists camp image







https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/936939_603520813004930_700745097_n.jpg [/QUOTE]

this is sad news. Chaos War has come to the small of Tunisia. I hope the Army will clear the country.:police:

transformation of the world. especially the Greater Middle East, the revision of borders and countries. revolution and war.
We already know who's doing it (West, Zion-Saud, Israel, pan-Turkey)

War in Libya, in Syria. Tunus now.
I hope Tunisia vostonovit safety.
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RIP to the dead and patience to their famillies
Could you explain who these terrorists are and what do they want?
this is sad news. Chaos War has come to the small of Tunisia. I hope the Army will clear the country.:police:

transformation of the world. especially the Greater Middle East, the revision of borders and countries. revolution and war.
We already know who's doing it (West, Zion-Saud, Israel, pan-Turkey)

War in Libya, in Syria. Tunus now.
I hope Tunisia vostonovit safety.

not that thous groups are the same in Mali they hate us for being ally with usa and gulf and they want us to live like Afghanistan in Taliban time
and now tunisia is a strong ally with USA , QATAR / KSA AND Turkey stronger then ever
RIP to the dead and patience to their famillies
Could you explain who these terrorists are and what do they want?

this terrorists they are AL Qaeda of Islamic Maghreb they do war in Algeria in 90s and in Mali and after the revolution there tunisian leader take a presidential pardon in 3000 political prisoner pardon because he was arrested as a political prisoner and now his group are attacking us

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