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Tunisian Armed Forces ( Pictures & Videos )

If Tunisia wants satellite controlled armed drone, Anka-S will be a good choice. (30000ft altitude, 24h duration and 250kg payload) Otherwise, Bayraktar TB2 will perform great things on air (~30h duration with 27000ft altitude and 150kg payload)

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TN is a small country, I don't think the satellite controlled one is really needed as of now... could be wrong, but unlikely...

I think Algeria bought production rights as Yabhon stopped advertising completely. And if Algeria who has *** relations with UAE got it than I don't think Tunisia couldn't.
Algeria has better defense relationship with UAE than TN. ( we have none)
I had something on my mind for a while that is off-topic about armed forces. Aren't Tunisians at least partly descended from Phoenicians as Carthage started off as a Phoenician colony?
I had something on my mind for a while that is off-topic about armed forces. Aren't Tunisians at least partly descended from Phoenicians as Carthage started off as a Phoenician colony?

Founders of Carthage came in small numbers, the colony was not that big, the Phoenician "Blood" was kept among Elites and Nobles in the first years of Carthage, but rapidly inter-marriage was the norm. (Bc of Carthage Expansion, and Alliance making)
Therefore the Majority of the population was Berber, other ethnic groups were present but stayed as a minority.

As of today Tunisia is ethnically Arabo-Berber, It's actually the highest Arabic Decent population of the Maghreb region, compared to Algerians or Moroccans.

So, to answer your Q, It's a Yes and No.
Thank you ^^
Don't they exert some control over armed forces? Aren't they inspired by MB?
We are speaking about TN, not Iraq or Syria or Egypt...
No they do not have control over the Army as we can see in other countries in the region. and yes they are inspired by MB, but are not really it, more like a lighter version of AKP.

So anyone making the assumption that Ennahda or TN is now ruled by ISIS/AQ is as moronic as his uselss mind.
Don't listen to ignorant entities/ biased ones... you can for yourself read about them and understand the dynamic in place.
We are speaking about TN, not Iraq or Syria or Egypt...
No they do not have control over the Army as we can see in other countries in the region. and yes they are inspired by MB, but are not really it, more like a lighter version of AKP.

So anyone making the assumption that Ennahda or TN is now ruled by ISIS/AQ is as moronic as his uselss mind.
I and a lot of others thought Tunisia was a secular country, but my mind is now changed. I guess what MBR said in the 80s about democracies in the middle east would lead to islamists ruling is true.
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