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Tucker Carlson: Anger after Fox News host says British civilised India


Aug 14, 2022
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United States
An American TV anchor is drawing the ire of Indians for suggesting that the British had civilised India.

Tucker Carlson from Fox News channel claimed that India had not produced any architectural marvels after British rule ended.

The anchor made the statement during a show on Queen Elizabeth II who died last week, aged 96.

His comments have been criticised as racist and uninformed by politicians, commentators and social media users.

They come at a time when the Queen's death has revived a sensitive debate about the empire's colonial past.

In recent days, a number of prominent writers and academicians across the world, including in India, have criticised the British monarchy which, they say, is yet to reckon with the indignities and brutality of the empire.

Mr Carlson sought to debunk this argument in his show last week, when he claimed that the British empire was "more than just genocide".

"Strong countries dominate weak countries. This trend hasn't changed," he said in a clip that has since gone viral on Twitter.

The anchor added that unlike the US, the English "took their colonial responsibility seriously" and ruled the world with "decency unmatched by any empire in human history".

"When the British pulled out of India, they left behind an entire civilisation, a language, a legal system, schools, churches and public buildings, all of which are still in use today," he said.

The anchor then tried to defend his position by giving the example of Victoria Terminus station - a sprawling Victorian structure of yellow sandstone, granite and blue-grey basalt in what was then the city of Bombay (now Mumbai) - which was built by the British in 1887 and renamed as Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (CST) in 2016.

"After 75 years of independence, has [India] produced a single building as beautiful as the Bombay train station the British colonialists built? No sadly it has not, not one," Mr Carlson said.

His comments outraged many in India, including senior politicians like Shashi Tharoor of the main opposition Congress party.

"I think Twitter ought to have an option for something to press when you can't respond without losing your cool," Mr Tharoor tweeted with two angry emojis on Tuesday.

Another user said he found the claim "funny" as the most stunning buildings he had seen in India "weren't built by the British but by Indians themselves".

"That was before colonialism, when they could still afford to... Colonialism wrecked India, it didn't build it," he added.
Tennis legend Martina Navratilova also weighed in on the matter and said that Mr Carlson's "utter ignorance of history" was "quite staggering".

"Your racism is off the charts and your stupidity on this particular issue is of Olympic proportions!!!," she tweeted.

However, journalist Barkha Dutt said the controversy was blown out of proportion and called it a case of "needless obsession with the white man's orientalism".

"Amazed at how much time Indian media is willing to expend on a US anchor who wouldn't even notice if you commented on his nation," she added.

Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-62898655
An American TV anchor is drawing the ire of Indians for suggesting that the British had civilised India.

Tucker Carlson from Fox News channel claimed that India had not produced any architectural marvels after British rule ended.

The anchor made the statement during a show on Queen Elizabeth II who died last week, aged 96.

His comments have been criticised as racist and uninformed by politicians, commentators and social media users.

They come at a time when the Queen's death has revived a sensitive debate about the empire's colonial past.

In recent days, a number of prominent writers and academicians across the world, including in India, have criticised the British monarchy which, they say, is yet to reckon with the indignities and brutality of the empire.

Mr Carlson sought to debunk this argument in his show last week, when he claimed that the British empire was "more than just genocide".

"Strong countries dominate weak countries. This trend hasn't changed," he said in a clip that has since gone viral on Twitter.

The anchor added that unlike the US, the English "took their colonial responsibility seriously" and ruled the world with "decency unmatched by any empire in human history".

"When the British pulled out of India, they left behind an entire civilisation, a language, a legal system, schools, churches and public buildings, all of which are still in use today," he said.

The anchor then tried to defend his position by giving the example of Victoria Terminus station - a sprawling Victorian structure of yellow sandstone, granite and blue-grey basalt in what was then the city of Bombay (now Mumbai) - which was built by the British in 1887 and renamed as Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (CST) in 2016.

"After 75 years of independence, has [India] produced a single building as beautiful as the Bombay train station the British colonialists built? No sadly it has not, not one," Mr Carlson said.

His comments outraged many in India, including senior politicians like Shashi Tharoor of the main opposition Congress party.

"I think Twitter ought to have an option for something to press when you can't respond without losing your cool," Mr Tharoor tweeted with two angry emojis on Tuesday.

Another user said he found the claim "funny" as the most stunning buildings he had seen in India "weren't built by the British but by Indians themselves".

"That was before colonialism, when they could still afford to... Colonialism wrecked India, it didn't build it," he added.
Tennis legend Martina Navratilova also weighed in on the matter and said that Mr Carlson's "utter ignorance of history" was "quite staggering".

"Your racism is off the charts and your stupidity on this particular issue is of Olympic proportions!!!," she tweeted.

However, journalist Barkha Dutt said the controversy was blown out of proportion and called it a case of "needless obsession with the white man's orientalism".

"Amazed at how much time Indian media is willing to expend on a US anchor who wouldn't even notice if you commented on his nation," she added.

Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-62898655
That is such a disgusting thing to say.

I have seen Hindus who are much better than fvcking rednecks.

That they are better educated and have better manners than rednecks.

And somebody said you too be racist against the rednecks.

These redneck crackers who like to visit prostitutes like Monica Lewinsky

Yes, of course, Traditional Asian Values.
I agree, but one can say the same for Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. It only further proves that Tucker was wrong about the British "civilising" India. They clearly did a very bad job at that
What about civilizing the Mughals, I thought they were quite civilized when they made the Taj Mahal?

When Kaafirs are dishonest with us Muslims, Muslims should be dishonest with the Kaafirs as well.

The atheistic elites in the USA and in Europe.
What about civilizing the Mughals, I thought they were quite civilized when they made the Taj Mahal?
Building beautiful skyscrapers and buildings isn't akin to success, how was life for your average citizen during that time? Just because they left behind landmarks doesn't mean their rule was good, but it was definitely better than whatever we have today.
What about civilizing the Mughals, I thought they were quite civilized when they made the Taj Mahal?

When Kaafirs are dishonest with us Muslims, Muslims should be dishonest with the Kaafirs as well.

The atheistic elites in the USA and in Europe.
Tucker has no idea what he is talking about. He just lifted few talking points from somewhere for redneck consumption. You really think most of his audience knows where India or the subcontinent is on a map?

Building beautiful skyscrapers and buildings isn't akin to success, how was life for your average citizen during that time? Just because they left behind landmarks doesn't mean their rule was good, but it was definitely better than whatever we have today.
It was better for wealthy British stooges - others were either pawns or slaves in their grand scheme.
I have seen Hindus who are much better than fvcking rednecks
LOL, I would rather hang around with a deep south redneck then your average Rajesh or Kumar any day of the week. At least they can be quite cool and have positive qualities.
When Kaafirs are dishonest with us Muslims, Muslims should be dishonest with the Kaafirs as well..
I can't believe you waste your intellectual ability with this shit. You can sleep safe, the "kaafirs" aren't after you. I don't understand how a well educated person like you still manages to be a radical, terrorist sympathising fool.
Regardless of what the anchor said, South Asians would still clean a white man's shithole with his tongue.
Tucker has no idea what he is talking about. He just lifted few talking points from somewhere for redneck consumption. You really think most of his audience knows where India or the subcontinent is on a map?

It was better for wealthy British stooges - others were either pawns or slaves in their grand scheme.
Or these soldiers from imperial wars,


Calling these a$$holes disgusting imperialists!
Regardless of what the anchor said, South Asians would still clean a white man's shithole with his tongue.
A lot of Indians and even some Pakistanis secretly desire and long for the days when the British Empire ruled over us considering how awful the current situation is. Of course they won't openly admit it as they would get scolded or killed. It was very tragic for alot when the news came out that the British were leaving, and one can figure why.
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--Smug white journalist: Mr, Gandhi, what do you think of western civilization?
--Gandhi: I think it would be a good idea.

Says it all, I think.

--Civilized Indian: Gandi ji, Bhart Hindu rashtra he mattarchor...bang bang!

Actions speak louder than words.. I think.
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