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TTP’s Mohmand chapter vows to abide by ceasefire


Jan 28, 2008
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TTP’s Mohmand chapter vows to abide by ceasefire

Umar Khalid Khurasani said the outfit did not have any plan to attack Gen (retd) Pervez Musharraf or anyone else for that instance. – File Photo by INP
Published 2014-03-12 00:39:57
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PESHAWAR: Chief of Pakistani Taliban’s Mohmand Agency chapter Umar Khalid Khurasani Tuesday vowed to abide by the ceasefire negotiated between the government and Taliban despite the outfit’s claim of killing 23 FC soldiers last month.

Peace talks between the two sides to end years of insurgency by Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) had reached a deadlock after the killing of the soldiers.

In a written statement to the media, Khurasani said the outfit did not have any plan to attack former military ruler Gen (retd) Pervez Musharraf or anyone else for that instance.

Mohmand Taliban’s chief, who in a chilling admission in February claimed the killing of the kidnapped Pakistani paramilitary soldiers, said the militant outfit was obeying ceasefire as negotiated by the central leadership of the TTP.

He said security and intelligence agencies were misguiding people. “We abide by ceasefire and have no plan to attack Musharraf or anyone else,” said Khurasani.

Pakistan’s Interior Ministry, in a letter sent to the officials earlier on Monday said that Taliban and al Qaeda terrorists have planned an assassination attempt on former president Musharraf.

The former military strongman is currently facing high treason charges in a special tribunal for conspiring against the Constitution of Pakistan by imposing emergency and overthrowing the superior judiciary in November 2007.

The 70-year-old former army chief is the first military dictator in Pakistan's history to face a trial for treason. His lawyers, who cited security threats for Musharraf’s absence from the court, contend that the treason charge levied against him is politically motivated.

– with additional reporting by Zahir Shah Sherazi
We fully support the government of Pakistan in their efforts to restore peace in the nation. We are working side by side in regards to our shared peace objectives in the region. We have made our vision clear in regards to seeing peace prevail throughout the region, especially Pakistan. It is simply in our best interest to see a safe and secure Pakistan. At the end of the day, we cannot have a safe and secure region without a safe and secure Pakistan. The ongoing efforts to reach a peace deal with the TTP in an independent matter, but we stand by the government of Pakistan, and remain optimistic about seeing peace prevail throughout the country.

Ali Khan
Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM
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