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Ceasefire not extended; War to begin again: Khalid Umer Khursani

Tell USA to restart drone attacks and PAF to bomb them everyday. They will not learn anyother way. I hope ISI was doing his work collecting ground intel about hideouts of terrorists.
TTP is funded in Afghanistan by india and other anti-Muslim countries
We dont support islamist barbarians..Even pak govt know that TTP is more or less allied to afghan taliban and thats why they are in a hurry to make peace deak with TTP before NATO withdrawal.
I think you should do a fake terrorist attack on one of the mosques
To turn peoples opinion into favour of a military strike
& ya It may result in loss of many lives in short run,but think how many you will save in the long run
Aur hampe may blame karna
Long run?? Don't you know what they did in the past? We cannot allow them to blow our people. We didn't take action in Zardari time. How many lives we lost and were able to save in that time?

There is no need to do a fake terrorist attack. People already want military strike. But politicians want talks. We will be glad if they will come on table and go for peace talks but we won't bear such statements.

Brother, which people? The vast majority of Pakistanis have rejected Lal Masjid ideology, sect, and mentality. There is a difference between Lal Masjid Mullahs, and TTP shown in this picture. Abdul Aziz is not a TTP guy, but a deobandi jihadi, who TTP, if given the chance, would classify as murtad, and would gladly behead if given the chance
After lal masjid incident, TTP increase the number of suicide bombings. If Abdul Aziz and TTP are different then why did they list him in 5 member committee.

There is a connection..
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