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TTP vows to hit Nato trucks

I am not saying the news is a hoax, i am saying the threat given out by TTP as provided in the news item is a hoax, as in last so many years even when the NATO supply line was running, they never attacked it, they never attack anyone in Afghanistan, they are not anti-US/NATO, thus they will not attack any of the trucks.

I personally think its the same set of people.. Some of them are attacking USA in Afg (called Afghan Taliban) and some are attacking Pakistani interests in Pakistan called TTP. At the end of the day, all of them are terrorists and am sure there is enough cross movement between their cadres
TTP & POLICE will ALL get their share of bribes!!!! good news for both!!!!
I personally think its the same set of people.. Some of them are attacking USA in Afg (called Afghan Taliban) and some are attacking Pakistani interests in Pakistan called TTP. At the end of the day, all of them are terrorists and am sure there is enough cross movement between their cadres

Well your personal opinion does not matches the facts on the ground. They are totally different set of people, with different objectives. TTP is wholey and soley composed and owned by Pak based guys, while the Afghan Taliban are helped by the Pak based Taliban in the NWA mostly as that was the main area which used to be logistical and HQs of the Mujaheddins fighting soviets, thus this link between them is very very old, they are old set of people fighthing yet another war. As for TTP, they are based on young commanders with no past soviet experience, and their sole aim is to destroy Pakistan.

The ones fighting NATO/US are composed of Pak & Afghan people with Afghans dominating and providing local support once inside Afghanistan.

TTP & POLICE will ALL get their share of bribes!!!! good news for both!!!!

Ohhh yes, the bribes for Police guys would be especially increasing, they must be very happy for the news. As for TTP, don't think so much as they are not in control of the logistical route nor any area of the route falls under them and mostly are on the run and crossed over into Afghanistan.

And do remember, many of the attacks are self made up by the transporting people, as they empty the containers before staging an attack and fire eats the evidence, thus they get their insurance and sell the items in the local market, especially oil as many of the attacks happen on oil tankers, its a huge sum of money to be made in just one oil tanker alone.
Fox I am Not Surprised! by his post. Double standards you know.

Oh yeah, you guys are one to talk about double standards. Pakistan should take action against extremists in north Wazirstaan who are targeting NATO and US forces afghanistan. But it's perfectly ok for NATO and US and ANA to turn a blind eye to ttp safe havens in afghanistaan which they are using to target Pakistani forces.
First NATO trucks cross Pak border after blockade lifted

For the first time in seven months, trucks carrying supplies for NATO troops crossed from Pakistan to Afghanistan today after authorities here lifted a blockade of the vital routes ending a bitter standoff with US.

Customs officials told the media that three container trucks had crossed through the Chaman land border in southwestern Balochistan province.

Five NATO trucks had been stranded at Chaman due to a blockade imposed by Pakistan and the two remaining vehicles were expected to cross after their contents had been checked by authorities.

On Tuesday, Pakistan ended the blockade of supply lines to Afghanistan after the US apologised for a cross-border NATO air strike that had killed 24 Pakistani soldiers.

The supply routes were shut immediately after the NATO attack on November 26 last year.

Customs officials at the Chaman crossing said they had received orders from federal authorities yesterday to allow NATO trucks to pass.

Other officials said hundreds of containers currently at ports in Karachi would soon be shipped to Afghanistan through Chaman and the Landi Kotal crossing in northwest Pakistan.

The blockade forced NATO to send supplies to landlocked Afghanistan through an alternate northern route that is more expensive than the Pakistani supply lines.

First NATO trucks cross Pak border after blockade lifted - World - DNA
we are doomed we enjoyed 7 mkonths of peace now more suicide attacks will happen with extensive droning
Before you come out with your rant, drone strikes don't happen on the TTP guys, they are sparred the drone strikes since TTP is doing harm to Pakistan only, thus US doesn't attacks them rather has given them all out refuge/protection by emptying Kunar & Nooristan for the TTP to live without fear and launch attacks on Pakistan from their safe heavens inside Afghanistan.

So, plz spare us your above pointless rant.

Its not a pointless rant but a pointed observation.

There has been ZERO proof whatsoever that the TTP enjoy protection under the NATO in Afghanistan. I have been asking posters who share your view to give me proof of this collusion and not one of them has given me any evidence. The Most I got was a picture of a dead Pakistani Taliban showing his penis to be uncircumcised as some proof. :lol:

As for Drone strikes, the Drones took out Baitullah Meshued, the leader of TTP and countless other foot soldiers of the Pakistani Taliban and mid-level and senior commanders. I don't have time to write up the entire list. But what is most remarkable is the drop in terrorist attacks within Pakistan. Its reads like an economics graph. As Price goes up, Demand goes down. Same case here. As Drone Strikes went up, the terrorist attacks in Pakistan went down.

The Pakistani Taliban is nothing more than Pakistan raising Snakes to attack its neighbors but those same snakes turning to bite Pakistan in return.

Instead of inventing pointless conspiracy theories that moves the blame elsewhere, maybe you need to do some soul searching and see how Pakistan arrived at such a disastrous juncture and come up with a solution to the current crisis. Instead you will be dreaming of victory just like in 1971 and in the end half of the country separates.

Stop being the parent who has a child who is getting failing grades in school but instead blames others instead of the child. A Smart Parent would analyze his child's study habits, effort and what is exactly is going wrong. A dumb parent would invent conspiracy theories that the teacher gives his child harder exams than the rest, or his child writes the correct answers on the test but then someone erases those correct answers, etc.
Its not a pointless rant but a pointed observation.

There has been ZERO proof whatsoever that the TTP enjoy protection under the NATO in Afghanistan. I have been asking posters who share your view to give me proof of this collusion and not one of them has given me any evidence. The Most I got was a picture of a dead Pakistani Taliban showing his penis to be uncircumcised as some proof. :lol:


since you never have time to write anything comprehensively, why don't you briefly tell us why there are TTP safe havens in Kunar and Nuristan areas of Afghanistan for three years now and NATO/US have failed to take action against them.
Because TTP is not targetting western forces?

And sicne you've been given zero proof of ttp being a US asset, why don't you gives some proof of taliban being Pakistan's asset. All you've given us so far is baseless accusation and your hectic schedule.

Lastly, aside from baituallah, drones have targeted zero personnel of taliban who are targeting Pakistan. And word is that US was tricked into killing Baitullah. It was only PA's ops in SWA, Orakzai and adjoining agencies that Pak is seeing drop in terrorist attacks.
Well your personal opinion does not matches the facts on the ground. They are totally different set of people, with different objectives. TTP is wholey and soley composed and owned by Pak based guys, while the Afghan Taliban are helped by the Pak based Taliban in the NWA mostly as that was the main area which used to be logistical and HQs of the Mujaheddins fighting soviets, thus this link between them is very very old, they are old set of people fighthing yet another war. As for TTP, they are based on young commanders with no past soviet experience, and their sole aim is to destroy Pakistan.

The ones fighting NATO/US are composed of Pak & Afghan people with Afghans dominating and providing local support once inside Afghanistan.

Thanks for the lowdown... Makes a lot of sense.. However my point was that a terrorist is a terrorist irrespective of who he is targeting and why.. Though tactically it may differ from the ground situation in Pakistan or the view of a lot of learned folks, my view still is that there is really no difference between AT, TTP, BLA or for that matter LeT, Hamas etc. All of them employ the tactics of targeting civilians and soft targets to exert pressure on the state..
Now i get it why its so hard to make you understand what i am trying to say.

anyway as for topic, TTP will not be doing any attacks, they just sending out a msg to warm up the people since they have done nothing to harm US/NATO interests, since they enjoy protection under the US/NATO watch inside Afghanistan.

TTP is the US and RAW backed terrorist group that is destined to weaken Pakistan

They will attack the supply truck and the US will get a point to attack Pakistan or use surgical strikes

This is not the first time these terrorists have issued a threat against our governments. Time after time, these terrorists make a point to remind us that they wish to see us part ways. It is obvious that they feel threatened after seeing us reconcile. They must know that this could put an end to their reign of terror. The amount of damage that they have caused to the region and especially Pakistan is indescribable. Thousands of innocents killed, and countless suicide attacks throughout Pakistan clarify their dark and evil agenda. It was just last week when they issued the video tape of 17 Pakistani soldiers beheaded. Their goon-like mentality doesn’t surprise us anymore. Those who continue to exalt conspiracy theories over reality should look at their long list of crimes. And it is easy to see that they have a clear agenda against our governments, and wish to see the region destabilized for the sake of achieving their evil objectives. We are happy to see our governments move forward. We are confident of succeeding against these terrorists through joint cooperation.

LTC Taylor,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
since you never have time to write anything comprehensively, why don't you briefly tell us why there are TTP safe havens in Kunar and Nuristan areas of Afghanistan for three years now and NATO/US have failed to take action against them.
Because TTP is not targetting western forces?

And sicne you've been given zero proof of ttp being a US asset, why don't you gives some proof of taliban being Pakistan's asset. All you've given us so far is baseless accusation and your hectic schedule.

Lastly, aside from baituallah, drones have targeted zero personnel of taliban who are targeting Pakistan. And word is that US was tricked into killing Baitullah. It was only PA's ops in SWA, Orakzai and adjoining agencies that Pak is seeing drop in terrorist attacks.

TTP Not Targeting Western Forces? TTP is a Pakistani homegrown offshoot of the Taliban. They are Pakistanis who want to implement a Taliban like Sharia Law in Pakistan. They have blown up countless NATO Trucks entering into Afghanistan and conducted a murderous bombing campaign in Pakistan. And besides do they wear a uniform which differentiates them from Afghan Taliban. I fail to understand your point. TTP target anyone who opposes them whether its the Pakistani State or NATO.

The problem with people like you is that your mindset is so hardwired into thinking that Pakistan as this vanguard for Pan-Islamic Causes and Jihad that you cannot comprehend why would Islamic Jihadists would turn their guns on Pakistan. And to explain this, you invent fictitious nonsense that USA/India/Israel and whoever support these guys into attacking Pakistan and clinch on the most obtuse facts and stitch together a conspiracy theory.

For example, USA withdrew from Kunar and Nuristan provinces, and thus that area must be where India has set up its consulates to train the TTP into attacking Pakistan. And not using commonsense to realize that USA took heavy casualties in Kunar and removed its bases from the region and now uses Air Power to deal with the Taliban and using most of its ground forces in more populated areas. That doctrine is known as COIN.

As for USA being tricked into killing Baitullah Meshud, that was the nonsense invented by Zaid Hamid. I was wondering when Meshud was killed how would Zaid Hamid explain this, and I have to applaud his creativity. USA being tricked into killing Meshud. I wonder what tricks the ISI used to fool the CIA into killing Meshud. :lol:

I am glad you are being his parrot and repeating his nonsense.
^ you still haven't told why US/NATO fail to take action against TTP in Afghanistan. In the past three years ttp has been left totally unchecked and festering like a cancer there...... For Pakistan.
there main agenda is destabilizing country..and yes even attacking trucks includes that, because when in international media it comes that trucks were attacked, inverters think hell of the country, thats why some even think afghnaistan as a more peaceful place then pakistan
the basic aim for attacks is usually theft, million of dollars of fuel,cheap weapons,food,clothing are steeled from these supplies and then openly sold in peshawar
and lots of people do die in attacks but arent usally protaryed very big by the media, on average 2-3 people die in ever attack. mostly drivers and FC men or private guards
About the best picture of reality I've seen so far.
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