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TTP says no ceasefire until drones are stopped


Sep 20, 2013
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The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has made it clear that a ceasefire by the government for talks will not be acceptable without a complete halt to drone attacks.

The TTP spokesperson, Shahidullah Shahid, called this correspondent from an undisclosed location in South Wiziristan Agency to clarify the stance of his outfit about the ceasefire offer. “The TTP stands for a complete halt to drone attacks simultaneously with the ceasefire as in its opinion these strikes cannot be made without the tacit permission and knowledge of the government,” he said.

“Right now while I am talking to you, I am told that there are three drones hovering over the skies and a state of fear prevails everywhere which also hinders us from free movement as well as meeting each other to form our negotiating team for the talks,” he said.

Shahidullah Shahid further said, “We want to impress upon the government that the drone attacks have already aggravated the situation and they will continue to the aggravated if these are not stopped forthwith.”

Meanwhile, Senator Mushahidullah Khan is of the view that there is no alternative to holding talks on the table after having fought a war for well over nine years and using military might against the fighters.

Jamaatud Dawa chief Hafiz Muhammad Saeed has also demanded an end to drone attacks to pave the way for smooth talks and to reach a permanent truce with the Taliban.

AFP adds: The TTP spokesman said any ceasefire must include an end to the US drone attacks in the tribal areas, which have been targeting suspected Taliban and al-Qaeda militants since 2004.

“A ceasefire alone is not sufficient. The stoppage of drone strikes is essential, otherwise — if drones continue to strike — we will not accept the ceasefire,” Shahid told AFP.The TTP’s demand adds a new challenge to the already bleak prospects for talks, hit hard by three attacks in a week in Peshawar, which killed 142 people — the vast majority civilians.Despite protests over power, petrol hikes, ECC satisfied IMF targets have been achieved

Ceasefire sans halt to drone strikes unacceptable: TTP - thenews.com.pk
If Pakistan truly doesnt control drone strikes then this condition is unlikely to be met.

Also it seems TTP is not interested in peace process and has upper hand to continue spread terror.
Drone strikes is not the issue only Pak govt can decide but even if these drone attacks are stopped these TTP terrorists will raise another demand and won't shun violence since they certainly have upper hand and striking at will making the mockery of govt forces because of half hearted in decisions of pak govt
As far the drone history goes, TTP is profiting from drone strikes and strikes from Northern Alliance armies across the border.

As far i remember, TTP was not even a terrorist organization in US books, US have done nothing to hurt TTP, interest.

Take a close look at this dead TTP:

As far the drone history goes, TTP is profiting from drone strikes and strikes from Northern Alliance armies across the border.

As far i remember, TTP was not even a terrorist organization in US books, US have done nothing to hurt TTP, interest.

When Pak govt formed peace deal with TTP,the only ones who opposed was US..And When later TTP broke peace deal and started fighting pak army,US helped pakistan by providing military and non military aid-like free supply of thousands of precision guided munitions and reimbursing money spent on operations..Also remember that during that times drones were taking off from pakistani soil without any of you tax payers knowing about secret deals of pakistani army..Also It was the drones and only the drones that were able to kill atleast some of TTP top leadership...

Take a close look at this dead TTP:

So the Tatto in an uzbek origin militant died in kamra is the proof that TTP is not muslim-While purposefully ignoring the muslim-pashtun identity of thousands of killed/arrested TTP militants and their entire leadership-
As far the drone history goes, TTP is profiting from drone strikes and strikes from Northern Alliance armies across the border.

As far i remember, TTP was not even a terrorist organization in US books, US have done nothing to hurt TTP, interest.

Other than killing their top leadership, including baitullah mehsud in drone strikes, the US has done nothing against TTP.
There is absolutely no point in having any type of dialogue with TTP. If you have a dialogue with them, you are accepting their existence. You have to finish them, there is no other way. They are mentally sick and disgusting people. They are no longer fit to be a part of our society, they are combatants who have seen gore, war, brutality and unrest. They have seen people getting slaughtered. All that really takes a toll, and you become a desensitized. Say, Pak convinces US to stop drone strikes. Than what? They will have another demand such as, "pull pak army out of waziristan", "Impose sharia", bla bla. The only reason why the govt wants to hold a dialogue with these animals is because they want to expose their mentality to the masses. They want to show that no matter what the govt does, these TTP animals are not interested, they want nothing but power. We have to finish them because if we dont, and something happens somewhere around the world, these TTPs will get the blame and Pak will have to pay the price
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