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TTP Pledges Allegiance To The Afghan Taliban

The question is, is the TTP still at war with Pakistan or is it looking for an amnesty from the PakistanI Government?
It was never debunked!!! The same news outlets said that TTP reported Maulvi faqeer was not released contrary to what the Afghan statement said. There is ZERO evidence showing his release in the period post April 26th. Only very recently during the Prison breaks has it been confirmed he was out of Prison via breakout confirmed by multiple sources and TTP themselves, unless somehow they are lying as per some members which is complete lunacy as to why they would lie in such a case. Images have also been published showing him embracing his members recently which is further evidence of his release through the prison break.
Please i encourage people here to think logically, yes you shouldn't believe everything without prior evidence and at face value but apply this EQUALLY.

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He was released by Ghani in April, there was a news in VoA.
This dude was also "but was later removed from his position in March 2012 on suspicions of entering into a peace deal with the Pakistani government."

There will be more to this.
Bro wait before reaching any conclusion and act responsibly.

Does this come from Afghan Taliban or TTP using their dedicated mouth pieces or their political wing aka PTM and its sympathizers. This statement was deliberately given to trigger the same expected response.

Disinformariin campaign has already started and i wont be surprised if these ethnofascits communist proxies PTM, PKMAP or their allied foreign influenced TTP factions carry out attack just to target IEA. Sabotage IEA relations with Pakistan, because thst will give an opening to them.
I expect taliban to say yes to everyone
And i doubt they will let them to bomb any country let pakistan
Even if they make such a statement then they have to listen what the IEA says. Today in front of the world they said they will "never let the country be used against a neighbour or support anyone using acts of terror and rebellion", so where does that put the TTP now?
Basically TTP will be given three option
1. Join us
2. Be killed
3. Or live in peace(but likely be later handed over to pakistan)
What's left for the TTP for fight for ? It is time to turn the narrative table on them

The TTP's narrative and propaganda of da ghulam , da murtad da blah blah blah now will have no feet to stand on , so what will the TTP do next ? will they call Mullah Ghani Baradar the next in line to be President of Afghanistan the same , given that he has good relationship with Pakistan government ? will be interesting to see



Noor Wali Mehsud and his gang a are just a bunch of "kherand" chutiyas from the Mehsud tribal belt trying very hard to remain relevant , they were allied to the Afghan government of Ashraf Ghani and Amrullah Saleh and going forward they will have no relevance
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Needless to say that Pakistani agencies are keeping an eye on these developments, TTP has committed unimaginable acts of terrorism inside Pakistan and if Afghan Taliban give them refugee against Pakistan than I say to hell with them, and Carpet bomb them to hell.
Everything is managed for now

Only the inability of Taliban to establish their writ in areas under their control, infighting or IEA turning against Pakistan may change that

This doesn't mean terrorism in Pakistan will die right away, but interrupted supply chains, absence of safe havens/launchpads and fewer places to hide would seriously hamper TTP's operational capability. Secular BLA however has no sympathisers in Afghanistan any longer and they will have to move back to Iran for continuing their insurgency.
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Noor Wali Mehsud and his gang a are just a bunch of "kherand" chutiyas from the Mehsud tribal belt trying very hard to remain relevant , they were allied to the Afghan government of Ashraf Ghani and Amrullah Saleh and going forward they will have no relevance

Well put. Note Noor Wali Mehsud's comment about "freeing FATA". Some people are very resentful to the fact of the wall and the cessation of FATA.
Everything is managed for now

Only the inability of Taliban to establish their writ in areas under their control, infighting or IEA turning against Pakistan may change that

This doesn't mean terrorism in Pakistan will die right away, but interrupted supply chains, absence of safe havens/launch pads and fewer places to hide would seriously hamper TTP's operational capability. Secular BLA however has no sympathisers in Afghanistan any longer and they will have to move back to Iran for continuing their insurgency.

It will still happen, but on a much smaller scale tbh. Afghanistan was the launchpad for a lot of terror incidents in Pakistan. By clearing Kandahar, BLA got severely weakened. We will see about TTP.
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First, this guy was removed from his position years ago for suspicion of allying with Pakistan. Second, the Afghan Taliban are allies of Pakistan. Third, if the TTP/AT/whoever attack Pakistan or our national interests we will not respond like NATO and America. Our armed forces have already shown what they are capable and willing to do for their homeland.
We should be very clear in our approach and should not hesitate to follow it. If any presence of TTP is found inside Afghanistan, we should ask Kabul to act against it and if they fail to do so then strike inside Afghanistan. Let them be known that their honeymoon period is over and now they will get lead into their heads and chests.

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