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TTP Pledges Allegiance To The Afghan Taliban

Already debunked several times. These TTP members were released on April 26 2021 by the afghan government, it was on western as well as local news.
It was never debunked!!! The same news outlets said that TTP reported Maulvi faqeer was not released contrary to what the Afghan statement said. There is ZERO evidence showing his release in the period post April 26th. Only very recently during the Prison breaks has it been confirmed he was out of Prison via breakout confirmed by multiple sources and TTP themselves, unless somehow they are lying as per some members which is complete lunacy as to why they would lie in such a case. Images have also been published showing him embracing his members recently which is further evidence of his release through the prison break.
Please i encourage people here to think logically, yes you shouldn't believe everything without prior evidence and at face value but apply this EQUALLY.

Even if they make such a statement then they have to listen what the IEA says. Today in front of the world they said they will "never let the country be used against a neighbour or support anyone using acts of terror and rebellion", so where does that put the TTP now?
Do you think these terrorists will keep their promises?
He added: “I would like to assure the international community including the United States that nobody will be harmed in Afghanistan, I would like to assure our neighbours, regional countries, we are not going to allow our territory to be used against anybody, any country in the world.”
Mujahid said the Taliban should be “treated accordingly” by the international community.

Question which these rats in east should ask themselves, as to why cia/raw/nds sponsored TTP would be linguishing in Afghan jails at first place? Lol
CNN is the world biggest fake news

never trust what they report and it’s true for all American news channels they are the mouth piece of CIA and pentagon

if they can translate Allah o akbar as death to America then what else you expect from them

translator did this on purpose
They'll be held to their word and do you realise what Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran and Central Asian states can do if they don't? Shutting off the borders and it's game over.

Brother you are talking to an Indian. This statement from TTP is their only face facing.

Some idiot Pakistanis are only playing into the hands of propagandists, they cant wait to see the eventual outcome of everything.

Anyone with a few brain cells can tell why this statement from TTP was released. TTP is dead if they dont get any validation, its serves to

1) prop up their political wing PTM, without TTP they are dead eitherway they have nothing else to sell.
2) to keep its terrorists in line.
3) to atrively sabotage relations between IEA and Pakistan.
SaleemMehsud works For CNN , how is it fake news?

Same CNN right who interviewed TTP chief to give it some relevance.😂😂
There are specific journalists who are trying to create a narrative to sabotage IEA and Pakistan relations.

Let us know when something comes directly from IEA.
Brother you are talking to an Indian. This statement from TTP is their only face facing.

Some idiot Pakistanis are only playing into the hands of propagandists, they cant wait to see the eventual outcome of everything.

Anyone with a few brain cells can tell why this statement from TTP was released. TTP is dead if they dont get any validation, its serves to

1) prop up their political wing PTM, without TTP they are dead eitherway they have nothing else to sell.
2) to keep its terrorists in line.
3) to atrively sabotage relations between IEA and Pakistan.

100%...It's face saving. They are nothing themselves and so hang on to the word Taliban. A total joke, and conduct low level hits, whilst talking of being good.
If they swear allegiance to the Taliban then they need to follow what they say which is to give up their terrorist activities, create no fitnah and never to seek or use Afghanistan for any sort of support.
Yes you do have Pakistanis who go into panic mode whenever anything happens i.e. it's the end of the world.
Let's wait and see.
It was never debunked!!! The same news outlets said that TTP reported Maulvi faqeer was not released contrary to what the Afghan statement said. There is ZERO evidence showing his release in the period post April 26th. Only very recently during the Prison breaks has it been confirmed he was out of Prison via breakout confirmed by multiple sources and TTP themselves, unless somehow they are lying as per some members which is complete lunacy as to why they would lie in such a case. Images have also been published showing him embracing his members recently which is further evidence of his release through the prison break.
Please i encourage people here to think logically, yes you shouldn't believe everything without prior evidence and at face value but apply this EQUALLY.

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It was absolutely debunked. I was also strictly in your camp, I do not believe anything until I absolutely know it’s true or false, in fact I was the first person on the forum to bring it up when the news broke that they had released these TTP prisoners. However if you go back and check the news from 25-26th April 2021, you will articles both from VOA (American news) as well as local news along with several tweets talking about the release of these very prisoners.

The link is not working now, but check post #230 on this thread: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/tali...eps-for-pakistan.720170/page-16#post-13279216
However if you go back and check the news from 25-26th April 2021, you will articles both from VOA (American news) as well as local news along with several tweets talking about the release of these very prisoners.
Yes that statement was widely publicized however that is all it was a statement, no other sources confirmed this as everyone was going on the Afghan gov/official statement being the truth. Post release there was no confirmation by TTP which would've heartily released images and statements in a frenzy. Instead TTP came out and said it was a total lie which the same media orgs also published. The reason why i say he was released now is due to actual sources not one but several confirming it, after this images surfaced which were published by TTP and they gave out a statement on their website confirming it i believe.

The link is not working now, but check post #230 on this thread: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/tali...eps-for-pakistan.720170/page-16#post-13279216

At first i was also surprised on hearing this and then i reviewed his information he gave me and tried to check with the new info as to whether there were any discrepancies, On a side by side comparison there is more evidence proving to him being recently released rather than earlier.
Yes that statement was widely publicized however that is all it was a statement, no other sources confirmed this as everyone was going on the Afghan gov/official statement being the truth. Post release there was no confirmation by TTP which would've heartily released images and statements in a frenzy. Instead TTP came out and said it was a total lie which the same media orgs also published. The reason why i say he was released now is due to actual sources not one but several confirming it, after this images surfaced which were published by TTP and they gave out a statement on their website confirming it i believe.
Maybe you are right then, I said it before and I still say the same, there is a big test for Pakistan coming up as well, especially for our security forces. We have not gotten what we need from this Taliban takeover yet, we can’t be complacent or let our guard down.
But we are playing our cards correctly so far, there’s a lot going on internally. The government and ISI are very aware of everything. The Taliban are still on our side, they simply won’t survive if they try to support TTP and other terrorist orgs, give it a little while, hopefully things become clearer.
Question which these rats in east should ask themselves, as to why cia/raw/nds sponsored TTP would be linguishing in Afghan jails at first place? Lol

He was first demoted by the TTP , then arrested by the Afghan government and put in jail since the TTP suspected he was secretly having peace talks with Pakistan government:



"Maulvi Faqir was the deputy amir (second-in-command) of the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and the Taliban chief in Bajaur Agency, but was later removed from his position in March 2012 on suspicions of entering into a peace deal with the Pakistani government."
If there is any new information on Maulvi Faqir disputing and confirming with actual evidence that he was indeed released in April then i will readily correct myself.

But we are playing our cards correctly so far, there’s a lot going on internally. The government and ISI are very aware of everything. The Taliban are still on our side, they simply won’t survive if they try to support TTP and other terrorist orgs, give it a little while, hopefully things become clearer.

Indeed they have been aware for months or a year+, not sure about how long but are very much in the know about the developing situation. I hope that all precautions are taken to combat the emerging threats both non kinetically and if needed kinetically.
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