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TTP Murdered 11 foreign mountaineers at Nanga Parbat base camp.

RIP,what is our isi doing?
Nobody would have thought that there would be an attack at such a place where there is no proper road and temperatures are well below zero 24/7 , It is a very well planned attack which needs high level of expertize and training and cant be done by mere gun holders.

It happened around 1 AM means those bastards were around wearing proper clothing and waiting for tourists to fell asleep silently.

It doesn't take expertise or training to kill scores of unarmed civilians that were likely sleeping. All that is needed are weapons warm cloths and no soul.

I do not know why so many here are surprised, Pakistan has thousand of these incidents a year, wether it be suicide bombers or gunmen.
Nothing like this ever happened in that area.....certainly an agency operation to malign Pakistan image...
Total failure of the Agencies and Establishment. Heads should b rolling on this account.

With due respect.... I hear this often after every terrorist attacks...But The Heads which are rolling are of civilians.....
@Topic.... RIP.....
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Nothing like this ever happened in that area.....certainly an agency operation to malign Pakistan image...
We all know , but we love to live fool's heaven.....look some invisible power to blame......
Nothing like this ever happened in that area.....certainly an agency operation to malign Pakistan image...

I feel it is other way around. Anti-US aka anti-white feeling is very high in Pakistan. Some terrorists wants to kill them since they are not available in the troubled region, they just pick up a tourist spot where they can do their dirty work. And in GB and Pak Kashmir, there are enough camps which is operated against India. Somebody from those camps thought its better to aim foreigners who are easy at his home ground.
Nothing like this ever happened in that area.....certainly an agency operation to malign Pakistan image...

I feel it is other way around. Anti-US aka anti-white feeling is very high in Pakistan. Some terrorists wants to kill them since they are not available in the troubled region, they just pick up a tourist spot where they can do their dirty work. And in GB and Pak Kashmir, there are enough camps which is operated against India. Somebody from those camps thought its better to aim foreigners who are easy at his home ground.
Nothing like this ever happened in that area.....certainly an agency operation to malign Pakistan image...

Yes of course , just when Islamist insurrection, balocuh separatists, Ethnic and linguistic rivalries resulting in terror in Karachi, daily incidents of honor crimes, acid throwing, and the general corruption prevailing in society were brightening Pakistan's image the world over, tsk tsk tsk
Well, I guess we have our culprits, it's the Afghans, it it's Afghans plus some foreign "agency" -- There's an armed Islamist insurrection in the country but culprits are all non-Pakistanis - Denial, the ocean that flows in Pakistan

It can't be afghans who did this. Afghans are Muslims and no Muslim can ever do this.
Remember the verse - if you kill a person it's as if you killed the whole of....

Must be either Indian/Hindu or American/Christian who did this.
Nothing like this ever happened in that area.....certainly an agency operation to malign Pakistan image...

han bilkul... Chilas is just 136 km away.... oh know Chilas for what reason previously?

It can't be afghans who did this. Afghans are Muslims and no Muslim can ever do this.
Remember the verse - if you kill a person it's as if you killed the whole of humanity...

Must be either Indian/Hindu or American/Christian who did this.

Is there a sarcasm emoticon available here?:D
or yeh Chilas kay log kaam kiya kertay hain sawaye slaying trees and robbing tourists and previously becoming sectarian murderers?

and now this.... who else do you think would send 18-20 terrorists? :angry:

nobody likes Chilasi people...
TTP Jundullah Group accepts responsibility for the attack...

I also was scared to think whether it was J an K???
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