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TsNIItochmash delivers first batch of Udav pistol cartridges to Russian Ministry of Defense


Apr 28, 2011
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The Central Research Institute of Precision Machine-Building (TsNIItochmash) delivered to the Russian Defense Ministry the first batch of cartridges for Udav 6P72 pistols, the Kalashnikov Company said: “The institute has supplied the first batch of cartridges for the new 9 mm automatic 6P72 pistol. The cartridges are fitted with a bullet of increased penetration (index 7N42) and a slower bullet (index 7U4)”.
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6P72 Udav pistol (Picture source: Vitaly Kuzmin)

It was reported in August 2022 that the third development batch of Udav pistols was ready for delivery to the Russian army but the pistol designed by TsNIItochmash has not been accepted into service yet.

The new pistol is fairly light, weighing 780 g unloaded and 980 loaded. It is chambered in 9x21mm and has an 18-round magazine. It will be inducted in 2 versions: one for regular units and one for Spetsnaz and recon servicemen with visible/IR laser device + suppressor and subsonic rounds. Udav has a range of 100 meters and can pierce armored vests and second-class helmets at a distance of 75 meters. It operates in temperatures of minus 50 to plus 50 degrees.

The Russian Army chose the Udav pistol in August 2021 as its next service pistol, with deliveries scheduled to begin at the end of 2023. The Udav is intended to replace the old Makarov, which has been in service since 1951 and remains the Russian Army's most commonly-used pistol.

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