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Trying to sell small arms, fighter jets to Saudi Arabia: Sartaj


Feb 2, 2007
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LONDON: Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs and National Security Sartaj Aziz has said Pakistan wants to strike a balance between Saudi Arabia and Iran to ease tensions between the two countries.

In an interview with BBC's Urdu Service, Sartaj Aziz said Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will visit Iran in May or June to discuss bilateral relations and world issues. When he was asked if Pakistan was sending arms to Syria, he said there was no specific agreement about Syria in the present circumstances.

Pakistan was following a neutral policy on Syria in line with UN resolutions. He said that sectarian divisions were very harmful for the Islamic world.

Sartaj further said Islamabad was making efforts to sell small arms and fighter aircraft to Saudi Arabia. He said it was strange that objections were being raised about it, though all world nations wanted to sell their weapons to other countries. He said there was no difficulty for Saudi Arabia to purchase weapons from any other country. There was no need for creating any doubts on the issue, he added.

Over Pakistan-Iran gas pipeline project, the advisor said that the project was intact, but due to sanctions the time limit for its implementation would have to be reset.

Trying to sell small arms, fighter jets to Saudi Arabia: Sartaj - thenews.com.pk
all nonsense that they are trying... 1.5 Billion Dollars ring a bell or not? and these arms shall be used against Muslim Brethren..
all nonsense that they are trying... 1.5 Billion Dollars ring a bell or not? and these arms shall be used against Muslim Brethren..

But they can still buy from China if not from us, also we'll be given an end user certificate so IMP it ain't that bad.
But they can still buy from China if not from us, also we'll be given an end user certificate so IMP it ain't that bad.
end user certificate is just piece of paper! look around.. Saudia is fighting against who? Why does this kingdom need arms?
so the cat is out of the bag, eh?

1.5 billion dollar aint a gift.
end user certificate is just piece of paper! look around.. Saudia is fighting against who? Why does this kingdom need arms?
I am not talking about who is fighting whom, the question is whether the Saudis can obtain it somewhere else which is a clear yes. Any ways let's see what happens.
I am not talking about who is fighting whom, the question is whether the Saudis can obtain it somewhere else which is a clear yes. Any ways let's see what happens.

Can Pakistan drag saudis to any court of law for breach of any kind of contract/ agreement? answer is NO! Hence 1.5 USD and yes let's see!!!
So now we cant even sell arms to other countries. What kind of a logic is that.

Ukraine is at the brink of war, but could anyone would have guessed that they were going to be in this bad a situation say an year ago.
No country is safe, and no one is guaranteed to be safe for ever.
I am not talking about who is fighting whom, the question is whether the Saudis can obtain it somewhere else which is a clear yes. Any ways let's see what happens.

If Saudis could obtain it from anywhere else they would have done it by now . No country is willing to supply terrorist to please Saudis.
3 billion was and is for arms for terrorist only problem is uncle nawaz got caught with his pants down and now is despratly trying to put spin on it.

The new laws have largely been brought in to combat the growing number of Saudis traveling to take part in the civil war in Syria, who have previously returned with new found training and ideas about overthrowing the monarchy.

Saudis wants terrorist and arms from another countries they don't want trained terrorist coming back to their own country they rather pay the mercenary and get rid of it after not needed.
We encourage all Pukhtoons and like minded people to fight in Syria for Assad and his regime.

Pakistanis (some) will always support Arabs as it their source of income and survival, they have showed how much the life of their own countrymen is to them, so where does a poor Syrian stand.

Pakistan can play games but the outcome will be horrific as it's own people will turn against it as they have already done.
all nonsense that they are trying... 1.5 Billion Dollars ring a bell or not? and these arms shall be used against Muslim Brethren..
Right! They'll be used against the Syrians - the lawfully elected Muslim government. This will have a blow-back effect on Pakistan. Syria would pay back Pakistan with the same coin. As if the TTP aren't causing enough trouble already.
Right! They'll be used against the Syrians - the lawfully elected Muslim government. This will have a blow-back effect on Pakistan. Syria would pay back Pakistan with the same coin. As if the TTP aren't causing enough trouble already.

Price of joining the war on terror, did they forget that same blood runs through the veins on either side of the border.

Pakistan joins Saudia in Syria and the outcome will be quite bad, we promise to send every Arab lover to the desert.
Why do we need to balance Saudi and Iran when we ourselves are not balanced.Saudis and Iran are mature states which are able to conduct their business without Pakistani intervention.

Weapons are business and we need to sell them to KSA. We must not destroy our developing arms industry just because Irani mullahs will get herpis.

Iran buys zilch weapoms from Pakistan and we must not let them decide who we sell weapons too. Learn from China.
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Right! They'll be used against the Syrians - the lawfully elected Muslim government. This will have a blow-back effect on Pakistan. Syria would pay back Pakistan with the same coin. As if the TTP aren't causing enough trouble already.

Any proof or you blowing out of your *** again?

Please spare us your care for other "Muslim" nations after your stance on Kashmir.

Hypocrisy galore you Indians.

Syria will not be ever able to pay back Pakistan even if it came to that. The same leadership we sent help to during Arab Israel wars. They were in the wrong, they handled it even worse and are now nothing but a shadow of former self. Ever been to Syria? I have. Ever met with people? I have. They had issues, bubbling under the surface. It only exploded when the security forces cracked down hard and violently. Then the war erupted.

I'm sorry if my countrymen particularly Shias see it from the prism of Iran, but they negate the actual footing of which the war started. The civil war had been on the right cause. Just as when Iran started supporting Assad then the Gulf countries supported their militias and then comes AQ and the likes into play.

If anyone negates and says FSA is terrorist, they need to know the actual stories behind the war. Not just propaganda from both sides.
Any proof or you blowing out of your *** again?
Yep! I'm blowing my *** off again! And you're surprised? What an idiot! There seems to be no shortage of trolls and feather brains on this forum.
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