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Truth has come out about the Afghanistan war

The truth is western empire is falling and have cracks under it. It might have survived longer if it was built on justice instead of exploitation of poor nations, leeching their resources, oil etc.

The world order is shifting towards East whether they like it or not.

Taliban have indeed won the war. IEA is a reality.

Mullah Omer's words (2001 interview):

Do you know that the US has announced a war on terrorism?

Omar: I am considering two promises. One is the promise of God, the other is that of Bush. The promise of God is that my land is vast. If you start a journey on God's path, you can reside anywhere on this earth and will be protected... The promise of Bush is that there is no place on earth where you can hide that I cannot find you. We will see which one of these two promises is fulfilled.

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2001/sep/26/afghanistan.features11
Why don't you move to Afghanistan if you love the Taliban so much? what is preventing you from giving up a non Islamic, western lifestyle in Canada to live in a pure sharia society that the Taliban has enforced on Afghanistan. I heard unemployment is at an all time high over there, maybe you can offer some of your law skills in Taliban sharia courts rather than a western democracy!

So suddenly, Western MSM outlets (which are proven beyond doubt to be dishonest liars) have become the gospel for you?
Hey fvcking Indiot, I can go back to Pakistan whenever I want.

Motherfvckers got their punishment:

The truth is western empire is falling and have cracks under it. It might have survived longer if it was built on justice instead of exploitation of poor nations, leeching their resources, oil etc.

The world order is shifting towards East whether they like it or not.

Taliban have indeed won the war. IEA is a reality.

Mullah Omer's words (2001 interview):

Do you know that the US has announced a war on terrorism?

Omar: I am considering two promises. One is the promise of God, the other is that of Bush. The promise of God is that my land is vast. If you start a journey on God's path, you can reside anywhere on this earth and will be protected... The promise of Bush is that there is no place on earth where you can hide that I cannot find you. We will see which one of these two promises is fulfilled.

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2001/sep/26/afghanistan.features11
Afghan Taliban winning the war will be remembered for generations. People won't forget this so easily, that people won't.
But now much influence does ISKP really have. The Talibs will continue to be ruthless with them for fear of losing power/control or influence. China probably has also fortified its entire western border very well in the last 20 years considering the US presence in the region since 9/11. So it won’t be easy, but sure it’s possible. But in my opinion, just unlikely.
Talibs have many iskp sympathizers inside it. With time more talibs will defend and join iskp because Taliban narrative was jihad to establish shariah in Afghanistan but now they have won they seem more focused on tryna get international recognition. Iskp uses these points to break away TB commanders and fighters. AQ in Afg is especially vulnerable cuz zawahiri was killed in afg yet Tb said they haven’t found his body yet, no retaliation, and AQ haven’t even announced their successor yet so iskp using that to draw AQ foreign fighters into Iskp ranks in AFG. Also the foreign fighters in general like Uyghur’s, Uzbek’s, Arab’s, and Pakistanis in AFG who fought alongside Taliban now are questioning TB because of them trying to get international recognition and haven’t implemented what they see as shariah yet in AFG. For iskp, they can easily gain a strong presence in AFG unless TB gov is helped by other countries to counter iskp. Iskp blowing up Chinese pipelines will be in Central Asia not much in AFG. Iskp has sleeper cells and many central Asian fighters so that wouldn’t be an issue for them. But planning and carrying out such an attack wouldn’t be easy. Afg will be used as like a base from where iskp will launch its terror.
I think it might be possible for them to blow up a couple smaller pipelines and might get help from foreign intel agencies with it too. But nothing too big to severely harm China. They’ll probably just be used to hurt China and it’s interests but I think that’s all.
Anyone who knows anything about the socio-politics of Afghan resistance groups since time immemorial knows that these groups splinter into warring factions pretty much immediately. The TTA will meet the same fate, the higher ups who are striving for international legitimacy, which is linked to compromise on arguably core TTA ethos will be seen as western stooges and some hardcore faction (ISKP??) will take centre stage and wage “jihad”, against the TTA. Things will eventually turn to an absolute shit storm once more with several armed groups having their own spheres of influence with constant fighting until the next outside power tries to flex its might there. Unfortunate for the common Afghans, unfortunate for the region but it is what it is and it is how it will be in the distant future.
Talibs have many iskp sympathizers inside it. With time more talibs will defend and join iskp because Taliban narrative was jihad to establish shariah in Afghanistan but now they have won they seem more focused on tryna get international recognition. Iskp uses these points to break away TB commanders and fighters. AQ in Afg is especially vulnerable cuz zawahiri was killed in afg yet Tb said they haven’t found his body yet, no retaliation, and AQ haven’t even announced their successor yet so iskp using that to draw AQ foreign fighters into Iskp ranks in AFG. Also the foreign fighters in general like Uyghur’s, Uzbek’s, Arab’s, and Pakistanis in AFG who fought alongside Taliban now are questioning TB because of them trying to get international recognition and haven’t implemented what they see as shariah yet in AFG. For iskp, they can easily gain a strong presence in AFG unless TB gov is helped by other countries to counter iskp. Iskp blowing up Chinese pipelines will be in Central Asia not much in AFG. Iskp has sleeper cells and many central Asian fighters so that wouldn’t be an issue for them. But planning and carrying out such an attack wouldn’t be easy. Afg will be used as like a base from where iskp will launch its terror.
I think it might be possible for them to blow up a couple smaller pipelines and might get help from foreign intel agencies with it too. But nothing too big to severely harm China. They’ll probably just be used to hurt China and it’s interests but I think that’s all.
If the Talibs were smart they would make a deal with Pakistan, with Qatari mediation and financing to start extracting minerals and stabilizing their government. It’s not a given that their regime will endure. They need to deliver to their people if they hope to keep going. With international pressure off and money in their treasures they could implement the government they want and keep any challenger in check, which considering its Afghanistan, there always will be, and from all directions. If stable, instead of being a place foreigners could threaten the world from, it could become in effect an open air prison where foreigners could be under basically house arrest within a given area and not allowed to leave. Their activities monitored and the fighters disarmed. They could retrain these people with civilian professions and reintegrate them into civilian life, but if they don’t want to live in the cities, they could be assigned to a village to live out their days. Either way, they wouldn’t be a threat to the world or an potential embarrassment for the Taliban government.

For the ISKP, the Talibs are just killing them on site.
Talibs have many iskp sympathizers inside it. With time more talibs will defend and join iskp because Taliban narrative was jihad to establish shariah in Afghanistan but now they have won they seem more focused on tryna get international recognition. Iskp uses these points to break away TB commanders and fighters. AQ in Afg is especially vulnerable cuz zawahiri was killed in afg yet Tb said they haven’t found his body yet, no retaliation, and AQ haven’t even announced their successor yet so iskp using that to draw AQ foreign fighters into Iskp ranks in AFG. Also the foreign fighters in general like Uyghur’s, Uzbek’s, Arab’s, and Pakistanis in AFG who fought alongside Taliban now are questioning TB because of them trying to get international recognition and haven’t implemented what they see as shariah yet in AFG. For iskp, they can easily gain a strong presence in AFG unless TB gov is helped by other countries to counter iskp. Iskp blowing up Chinese pipelines will be in Central Asia not much in AFG. Iskp has sleeper cells and many central Asian fighters so that wouldn’t be an issue for them. But planning and carrying out such an attack wouldn’t be easy. Afg will be used as like a base from where iskp will launch its terror.
I think it might be possible for them to blow up a couple smaller pipelines and might get help from foreign intel agencies with it too. But nothing too big to severely harm China. They’ll probably just be used to hurt China and it’s interests but I think that’s all.
Funny part is that China is popular among die-hard Islamists.

This is what my colleagues told me from Saudi Arabia.
Funny part is that China is popular among die-hard Islamists.

This is what my colleagues told me from Saudi Arabia.

Well, that must be because they treat their own Muslims so well in China, right?
Well, that must be because they treat their own Muslims so well in China, right?
At least China does not support Israel, you moron.

Why don't you move to Afghanistan if you love the Taliban so much? what is preventing you from giving up a non Islamic, western lifestyle in Canada to live in a pure sharia society that the Taliban has enforced on Afghanistan. I heard unemployment is at an all time high over there, maybe you can offer some of your law skills in Taliban sharia courts rather than a western democracy!

So suddenly, Western MSM outlets (which are proven beyond doubt to be dishonest liars) have become the gospel for you?
Hey Indiot why are you living in USA?
At least China does not support Israel

Really? :D

They have an embassy:

They have lots of trade and good relations:

"China's receptive and friendly embrace of the Jewish people on its soil has been one of affectionate sympathy as the Chinese have developed a favorable view of Jews, admiring them for their contributions to humanity, their ability to survive, the sharing of Chinese values such as family, frugality, hard work, and education, and being products of ancient civilizations have been an impetus towards the long and enduring friendship between the Chinese and Jewish peoples. Shared affinities and similar cultural commonalities has not only been an impetus for the close bonds between China and Israel but has also created a symbol of brotherhood between the two communities."
Would you have been as adamant if the Taliban took over Pakistan the same way they did Afghanistan? after all they are fighting against what they call an evil "western", liberal, hypocrite, and democratic society like Pakistan.
The Afghan Taliban is the "Afghanistan" Taliban.

Why would we want foreigners taking over our country?
Funny part is that China is popular among die-hard Islamists.

This is what my colleagues told me from Saudi Arabia.
Not true.
Almost no Islamist group I can think of has good views on China except maybe Taliban but Taliban too has many people against China in it and Uyghur fighters have been fighting alongside them for 20 + years now. ETIM and all those Uyghur groups are in AFG under Taliban protection still.
AQ, Daesh and other groups definitely are very anti China. There’s literally no Islamist groups that are completely pro China even Turkish proxy HTS in Syria is anti China with hundreds maybe thousands of Uyghur fighters in its ranks.
Really? :D

They have an embassy:

They have lots of trade and good relations:

"China's receptive and friendly embrace of the Jewish people on its soil has been one of affectionate sympathy as the Chinese have developed a favorable view of Jews, admiring them for their contributions to humanity, their ability to survive, the sharing of Chinese values such as family, frugality, hard work, and education, and being products of ancient civilizations have been an impetus towards the long and enduring friendship between the Chinese and Jewish peoples. Shared affinities and similar cultural commonalities has not only been an impetus for the close bonds between China and Israel but has also created a symbol of brotherhood between the two communities."
Not the way USA supports Israel.

Not true.
Almost no Islamist group I can think of has good views on China except maybe Taliban but Taliban too has many people against China in it and Uyghur fighters have been fighting alongside them for 20 + years now. ETIM and all those Uyghur groups are in AFG under Taliban protection still.
AQ, Daesh and other groups definitely are very anti China. There’s literally no Islamist groups that are completely pro China even Turkish proxy HTS in Syria is anti China with hundreds maybe thousands of Uyghur fighters in its ranks.
I disagree with you, my colleagues from ARAMCO told me Islamists see China as an alternative to USA.
Not the way USA supports Israel.

So what is the issue here? China has diplomatic and trade relations with Israel, and that serves the national interests of both countries, directly contravening your earlier point.
So what is the issue here? China has diplomatic and trade relations with Israel, and that serves the national interests of both countries, directly contravening your earlier point.

He's referring to weapons and money giving, which the Chinese do not do; the Americans would sell their mothers as the Pakistanis would sell theirs to the West. It's interesting how the cycle of life works.
So what is the issue here? China has diplomatic and trade relations with Israel, and that serves the national interests of both countries, directly contravening your earlier point.
You fool USA supports Israel at the United Nations, China does not.

Taleban fought for survival & power - they won that. At a very hight cost in terms of lives over 20 years.

The US wanted fo avenge 9/11, destroy al qaeda, catch kill Osama bin laden, and instill elected government in Kabul- they won 3 and lost 1 of these goals at a high $ cost.

Pakistan wanted to play both sides and reap strategic and economic benefits. They succeeded in gaining economic benefit but at significant loss of Pakistani lives. They almost succeeded in strategic benefit goal but at a crucial point were caught with Osama in abboottabad next to military center and lost credibility to enforce any strategic gain.

So while all 3 of these main players can claim victory and loss, who actually lost without any gain?

The Afghan people. The innocent civilians of wtc. The villagers of Pakistan on the non trivial number of drone bombings based on erroneous (mischievous) GPS coordinates supplied.

What man has made of man. And of women.
This is huge historic victory, it will remembered be for generations, and people will not forget it so easily.
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