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Truth about Nawaz Sharif

Osama Ali_16

Apr 17, 2014
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By: Osama Ali
Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif is the Prime Minister of Pakistan, a well known, rich and one of the most corrupt leaders inside Pakistan. His sons and he too is involved in the unsolved cases of money laundering. In 1993 Nawaz Sharif became the PM of Pakistan first time in his life and the elections he won the very first time were also accused of rigging. The elections won by him now even is accused and also approved of rigging. It is very clear that Nawaz Sharif in all his three governmental reigns was extremely hated by large number of people. During his very first years of en trying into politics he was the supporter of General Zia ul Haq and supported his ideology of bringing Shariah laws to this country. After Zias death he stated to fulfill his ambitions and used to be like his son. He was soo impressed by General Zias government that he once said while being interviewed that : I would like to persue his policies" Mian Nawaz made alliance with Benazir Bhutto in 2007 when two of them bacame together after years of exile. You should know that from the very first days of his entrance into politics he was General Zias supporter who made BBs father to hang. This is a good example of Mian Nawaz cheating the people and other politicians, fixing with others whenever needed. Mian Nawaz Sharif came into politics just because of his political background and also having nothing to do which is a very old trend and valueless.
It is very clear by his life history that Mian Nawaz isnt the man of his word! He makes false statements and often donot fulfill his promises. Lahore the famous city of Pakistan is promised to be made like Paris as promised by Mian Nawaz Sharifs brother Mian Shahbaz Sharif! Which is of no use when the people arent getting their first priority, which is food!Metro bus projects, Motorways and train projects are held all over Pakistan which has got no use at all! Industries are promoted by almost all politicians who took over the government so this isnt a new thing which Nawaz Sharif is doing. And the projects i am talking about has consumed billions and billions of US dollars and even this work isnt done by the cash of the Government of Nawaz Sharif himself! It is the peoples taxes, it is your money which are being used and wasted by Nawaz Sharif and the best part of the scene is that nothing other than this has ever done by Nawaz Sharif and as for this work it is useless and doing nothing but the countrys loss! The current government is not only making us poor but also the up coming governments too!!!! There are scandals and convictions of Nawaz Sharif and his party members not only in Pakistan but also in the countries such as UK, Australia etc, US Dollars are becoming more valuable than rupees day by day. The Pakistani nation is suffering lack of food, huge expenses , lack of jobs, schools colleges and besides this the terrorism activities arent countered by Government but they are countered by Pakistan Army , The government of Pakistan is sitting in their offices and just taking credits for example Operation Zarb e Azb. On the top of the most hated governments ever in Pakistan comes Government of Nawaz Sharif. In 1999 I revise that Pak Army infilterated the Indian border at Kashmir and captured the mountain of Kargil. On the other side Clinton (president of America of that time) invited PM Nawaz Sharif to discuss the issues of border and asked him to order Paksiatani troops to with draw from Kargil and leave the Indian troops alone and by the orders of Government of Nawaz Sharif our troops with drew from Kargil. Otherwise Pak Army was successful in fighting the Indians and capturing the Indian territory.
When mentioning Kargil i would like to report you that Mian Nawaz is and was a strong supporter of India. And bowing down to Clinton and following his orders is being slave to America which Nawaz Sharif used to be against when Gen Musharraf used to be just friends and just only friends with America. Why he used to do this? just to show that he still supports molvis and molanas as he did during General Zias time. Mian Nawaz Sharif filled the ears of the people against General Musharrafs government on raiding Lal Masjid, where teenagers and even adults and children were misguided about their religion and country. It wasnt a masjid actually but a terrorist base, the students of Lal Masjid were trained to do suicide bombing and were send to tribal areas to join TTP. So now we can clearly see that General Musharraf was right in his dealings with them and TTP.
Another allegation about Nawaz Sharif is that , GEO a television channel of Pakistan, wellknown,rich and gets funding from jews such as America and Israel and the enemies of Pakistan is supported channel of Nawaz Sharif . Its analysts, anchors and reporter are busy in destroying the image of Pakistan, Pakistan army and ISI. Its anchor Hamid Mir even after being shot with 6 bullets is still alive surprisingly (happens in a drama) and still opens his mouth against ISI and Pak Army and those who are in opposition to Nawaz Sharif. This is the same Army they are using now to protect themselves from pti and pat crowd.
So viewers Nawaz Sharif and his party usually point out the mistakes of oppositions but forget themselves.They tell people that General Musharraf is begging and pleading the Government which is totally wrong! Gen Musharraf hasnt done something like this but Nawaz Sharif himself did in 1999 while he was being exiled after huge cries of forgiveness.
Please note that Nawaz Sharif didnt gave trues and approves justifications for his own acts and even of false accusations on the opposition. He still moves aside whenever he is beinged asked of his mis conduct at least General Musharraf whom he criticises replies at any circumstances and isnt scared at all! Secondly he is the favourite personality of India . India wants such government like of Nawazs to come in Pakistan. Which are easy to be friendly with and easy to be bribed.And India wants this to be done at any cost! India and its agencies prefer Nawaz Sharif and even GEO supports the idea of friendship with India. The idea of being Pakistan enemy! Let me tell you something that being a slave to India is "GHADDARI" which Nawaz does. You should think that General Musharraf debated with Goswammi in an Indian news channel in such a beautiful way , imagine what would had happened if Nawaz Sharif would had sat their instead?
I have already cleared you that Nawaz Sharif was and is a supporter of molvis. So, cant he be a supporter to TTP and Al Qaeda??? and it is even said that he used to bribe Al Qaeda. Because it is a point that General Musharraf , Benzair Bhutto , Bilawal can be attacked why doesnt Nawaz Sharif get attacked ?? It is even stated in ISLAM that innocent, true and honest people will face hardships but not corrupt ones like Nawaz Sharif. So, the future of Pakistan lies in your hands , you should know whose good and whose bad and its your decision to be taken because you are the future and you have got to vote!!!!
Pakistan Zindabad
PDF: Osama Ali

Source: Truth about Nawaz Sharif
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