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Trump will not be unfriendly towards Pakistan, says aide

My personal opinion is, Trump being a bussiness may taTke some good decisions to improve economy but he is not a politicians and might be confused after taking so much stress of the world politics and may not pursue his foreign policy as agressive as the more seasoned politicians. He is likely to weaken America's grip on other nations and may turn out to be weak politician in the end.

In my opinion after agressive period of bold decision is over, he might start acting like a second-man of his closest aides and will just follow their advice to complete his tenure

US losing its dominant position in the world was a long-time coming and has nothing do with Trump. The rise of China and return of Russia to the world stage has upturned the cart, so to speak. India is also making its mark too. All this happened under the watch of Bush and Obama. Trump is not even President yet and he's already lost! He's only inherited the mantle. Given these geo-politic realities, it will be interesting to see how Trump is going to reformulate US foreign policy. I will give the man a year before jumping to conclusions.

Problem with some of our leaders is that they aspire to go to, retire to, send their children to the U.S for work or education or just becoming rich americans.

So they don't want to tick off the yanks

Tariq Fatemi both daughters are US citizens. Interior Minister Nisar wife and kids are US citizens. Hard to be independent when there are vested interests at work.

You can imagine the internal state of a superpower when it's public elects people like Trump. Economic Implosion had started a while back and Trump is the outcome of US policies to start wars and fight all over the world instead of strengthening the economy.

Any country's economy is in trouble when manufacturing is outsourced at large scale. The bigger you are, the harder you fall when a serious illness takes over.

What's this economic implosion you are talking about? Given where US was at end of Bush's presidency and where US is now at end of Obama's presidency, the difference is between night and day. I lived through it. I'm no fan of Obama, but he left the country in a better shape than the previous guy, so what explains Trump win? I think the answer is both complex and nuanced, but I don't economic implosion is the answer.
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