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Trump will never say sorry. That’s a reality we need to accept


Mar 18, 2016
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The US president may well be undone by his lies, but expecting remorse or contrition is a waste of energy

Fri 5 Apr 2019 10.00 BSTLast modified on Fri 5 Apr 2019 10.58 BST


Donald Trump at the National Republican Congressional Committee annual spring dinner, Washington, DC. Photograph: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images
It is an enduring mystery about Donald Trump that, for a guy who lolls around all day eating cheeseburgers, he appears in good health. As far as we know he doesn’t work out. He is given to fits of temper and is consumed by large hatreds. He has the most stressful job in the world and all his former aides are being busted for fraud. And yet he will probably outlive us all. One of the most aggravating things about narcissists of course is that they sleep very well. If the president, at 72, still has a baby-like sheen, one can assume it comes in part from his failure to feel shame or self-doubt.

Of everything about the man, this is perhaps the hardest to stomach, and yet one continues to have one’s hopes raised. This week, the Democratic congressman Richard Neal evoked an obscure provision in the tax code to formally request that the US tax authorities release six years of Trump’s returns. We should know better by now; we’ve been here before. Still, up went the flare of adrenaline. This was the one, finally, that would nail him.

This feeling has less to do with the hope of exposing Trump for wrongdoing, it seems to me, than with the dream of achieving some kind of catharsis. Confronted with his lies, Trump denies and slides to the side, as he immediately did when asked about the tax returns. (In fact, he revived his defence that, years after the first request for disclosure was made, he was still being audited.) A lie like this might, under normal circumstances, be an indication of some internal panic on the part of the liar, but from Trump one gets no such sense. This same week, he placidly insisted on the absurdly disprovable claim that his father was born in Germany (Fred Trump was born in New York).

Instinctively, one knows that to confront a compulsive liar with their own delusions is an extremely dangerous thing. The few times I have known those who told wild lies, what started out as amusing or baffling at some point became deeply sinister, not least because a childish refusal to admit error triggers in those being lied to an equally childish desire for revenge. Contained in the hope of the Trump tax returns is the conviction that finally, in black and white, he will be forced to confront reality.

This seems to me the biggest delusion of all. It is right and proper to be furious when his former fixer/attorney Michael Cohen tells Congress that he believes Trump undervalued his assets to cheat on his tax return, and to rage after reading the New York Times investigation into what might be described, mildly, as accounting irregularities in Trump’s empire. But to expect the man himself to give us closure by conceding an inch? He’s never going to deliver. There will be no closure. Political anger is righteous and useful, but it’s a pitiful waste of time and emotion for us to expect remorse to be expressed by a man who apparently has no conscience at all.

• Emma Brockes is a Guardian columnist

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His supporters don't care whether he lies or not as long as he caters to their interests and insecurities.
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To Hide One Lie, A Thousand Lies Are Needed...haven't you seen how much embarrassment India had to face because of Modi Ji's lies.
It depends on luck. 90% cases most can easily escape, just one unlucky day and here you are, as happened to modi team.
It depends on luck. 90% cases most can easily escape, just one unlucky day and here you are, as happened to modi team.
well my friend, trump is a leader of a superpower country, he is not some random person who can get away with lies.

If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything” Mark Twain
well my friend, trump is a leader of a superpower country, he is not some random person who can get away with lies.

If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything” Mark Twain
So what you are saying, trump should accept they created taliban & Osama bin ladin. How much this truth will hurt American interest.
Same here, Pakistan should not accept that we created Mujahideen, it is not right time, it will hurt country interest.
During soveit afghan war, what we did it was in interest of Pakistan. Right know it is not. Hence avoiding speaking truth. Every country does this.
So what you are saying, trump should accept they created taliban & Osama bin ladin. How much this truth will hurt American interest.
Same here, Pakistan should not accept that we created Mujahideen, it is not right time, it will hurt country interest.
During soveit afghan war, what we did it was in interest of Pakistan. Right know it is not. Hence avoiding speaking truth. Every country does this.
the world already know who created taliban and osama was their friend at one point, same with Pakistan, the world already knows everything.
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