To be honest, the way this protesters( or anarchists as you call them) were leniently treated by security services shows again just how blacks are descriminated and regarded by the system which is exactly what led to BLM protests and it will keep being this way for a longggggg time. I can now understand why some of this Black protesters are so angry and frustrated by such double standards. If I was one of them I can't imagine how me myself i will feel for my race to be treated with such double standards publicly.
Imagine for one minute that it was BLM protesters who dared to do even half of what this Trump supporters did by storming the Capitol Hill building. Believe me most of them would have been killed by security forces and mass arrests and sentencing would have followed. I'm sorry to say this but even though I know that US security system did descriminate against them but to see how this guys were treated shocked even me.
The US needs deep reforms of it's justice and police system to be honest. Something is very wrong here.
Activists who participated in Black lives matter The marches in Washington last year were watched with astonishment this week as hundreds of pro-Trump rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol with apparently…