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Trump regime changes us policy on iran,from maximum to enormous


May 24, 2018
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Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic Of
Some very big news on the political front my friends,in a complete turnaround the chump regime has publicly changed its iran policy,iran is no longer being subjected to maximum pressure,but instead to mearly only enormous pressure.As yet we do not now what brought about this very public climb down from the chump regime.
Question:What is bigger than a maximum pressure?
Answer: Two maximum pressures!
Seriously is it just me or I'm living under the rock because I'm not hearing calls for limiting Iranian ballistic missile program. I know there was a demand to limit nuclear program and then missiles and now I'm not hearing much of it.
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I think Iran is going to return to the negotiating table very soon giving the current state of their economy/society
I think Iran is going to return to the negotiating table very soon giving the current state of their economy/society

Saudis are paying hefty amount to US for keeping sanction on Iran also Israeil is happy with their situation. As a matter of fact Iran itself is happy with its situation as well. Basically every one has reason to blame someone so all is good here.
Leave NPT, expel IAEA

and you will be in a better negotiating position
Saudis are paying hefty amount to US for keeping sanction on Iran also Israeil is happy with their situation. As a matter of fact Iran itself is happy with its situation as well. Basically every one has reason to blame someone so all is good here.
There is no way Iran is happy with Trump's economic sanctions and what happened to Soleimani ... Iran's strategic position is the worst it's been since the end of the Iran-Iraq War. They'll buckle sooner than later ... remember the Iranians are not nearly as faithful or brainwashed to their regime like the North Koreans.
There is no way Iran is happy with Trump's economic sanctions and what happened to Soleimani ... Iran's strategic position is the worst it's been since the end of the Iran-Iraq War. They'll buckle sooner than later ... remember the Iranians are not nearly as faithful or brainwashed to their regime like the North Koreans.

Threat of an impending doom helps Irani Mullahs control people of Iran.
There is no way Iran is happy with Trump's economic sanctions and what happened to Soleimani ... Iran's strategic position is the worst it's been since the end of the Iran-Iraq War. They'll buckle sooner than later ... remember the Iranians are not nearly as faithful or brainwashed to their regime like the North Koreans.
I lived in Iran during the shah and worked in the defence sector (very small and primitive sector)..many highly educated Iranians who were streaming into Iran from every corner of the world would end up using their talents in easy quick money making schemes..why,..because this was lowest impedance route to being successful. The result was Iran would always BUY things from outside (lowest impedance route!). Life was great but no real industry ..no national pride on any thing (except locally manufactured shoes "Melli shoes" I recall).
US sanctions have been a blessing for Iran..for the first time Iranian talent found a real need and the response since then is that a country that bought everything from outside is now making everything inside...Thank you "US of A".
There is no way Iran is happy with Trump's economic sanctions and what happened to Soleimani ... Iran's strategic position is the worst it's been since the end of the Iran-Iraq War. They'll buckle sooner than later ... remember the Iranians are not nearly as faithful or brainwashed to their regime like the North Koreans.
Iran was in weaker position during Ahmadinejad...
Leave NPT, expel IAEA

and you will be in a better negotiating position
I think that is increasingly the clear threat that is being made to the western regimes,tho whether this will be enough to get them to alter their behavior seems rather doubtful sadly.In real terms there is little the eurovassal regimes can do except to watch events unfold helplessly as they have neither the political will nor even the political or economic sovereignty necessary to influence anything anymore.Ultimately they`re probably silently praying that trump will be a one term chump and that there will be a small political window to try and salvage things,however even if this does happen rouhanis successor regime will almost certainly be extremely hardline and will have no reason whatsoever to continue supporting any of his deals or policies,quite the opposite in fact.
The great irony here is that not even 2 decades after the bush jr regimes catastrophic mishandling of relations with the dprk we see yet another republican regime led by a moron with no political skill or ability almost gleefully repeating the mistakes[to put it mildly] of its predecessors.
You know,sometimes I really get the feeling that the west really does want a nuclear armed iran pointing missiles at it,either that or its that old definition of insanity at work ie doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different outcome.:tsk:

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