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Trump may mount pressure to limit Pak nuclear programme

What's the benefit on choosing one corrupt government on after another every 5 years. That's like punching yourself in the face.
You have the vote so you decide. I note that only last month the outgoing U.N. development official talked about the different attitude between the I.K.-run K.P. government and the rest of the country.
You have the vote so you decide. I note that only last month the outgoing U.N. development official talked about the different attitude between the I.K.-run K.P. government and the rest of the country.

Except all parties are corrupt and IK is finished. IK isn't that much of a saviour. If he had any sense these 5 years he'd be focusing 100% on KPK. Who else is there? Answer: the army.
Except all parties are corrupt and IK is finished. Who else is there? Answer: the army.
What, the elected representatives of the people are corrupt but you expect that self-selected armed forces drawn from the same populace not to be? And why would you expect men raised and trained in the art of war could also be competent at peaceful politics and complex economic development? Why, since Pakistan has tried this several times, do you think it could succeed today when if failed previously?
Trump doesn't know his asss from his vagina how's he gonna stop Pakistan's nuclear program? shiit he might mistake India for Pakistan and launch an attack against Indian nuclear program, this d!ckhead can't read maps.
IK isn't that much of a saviour.
The problem with I.K. is that there's only one of him instead of him plus ten competitors jostling for power in democratic fashion. One drop of new blood in the mix isn't enough. Why don't you step forward and start a political party?
And in a democracy the people choose the government. True, Pakistani democracy is limited, but it is there. Do you plan to assert yourself or not?

Links to the numbers, please.
Chairman NAB said "Pakistani nation suffers a loss of Rs 8000 billion every year, which means a corruption of Rs 22 billion a day."

The budget documents laid in the National Assembly put the defense budget figure at Rs781bn.
What, the elected representatives of the people are corrupt but you expect that self-selected armed forces drawn from the same populace not to be? And why would you expect men raised and trained in the art of war could also be competent at peaceful politics and complex economic development? Why, since Pakistan has tried this several times, do you think it could succeed today when if failed previously?

Look at history. Every time the military took over: growth, jobs, order and overall a better Pakistan.
Chairman NAB said "Pakistani nation suffers a loss of Rs 8000 billion every year, which means a corruption of Rs 22 billion a day."
Thanks, but I'd like to see the calculations of his numbers.

Look at history. Every time the military took over: growth, jobs, order and overall a better Pakistan.
Then why didn't Pakistanis want to keep the military in power rather than take to the streets to kick them out?
Thanks, but I'd like to see the calculations of his numbers.

Then why didn't Pakistanis want to keep the military in power rather than take to the streets to kick them out?

Because of the political divide and of course like I mentioned, joining America.
Thanks, but I'd like to see the calculations of his numbers.
Sure. But this fact is known to general public and outside world but even then they just have one point agenda, Nuclear and nuclear. We should not lie to our-self they don't want a Pakistan with nuclear capability .Eating grass and let become a nuclear nation this was the motto. US or anybody else need to understand this psyche.
Pakistan need to stop taking orders from Western Countries and grow a spine. The only reason Nawaz and Zardari support foreign agenda is becaudr forign countries and their agencies support them and keep them in power.

Pakistan needs a complete makeover, new system, new constitution, new judicial system that can't be compromise, new political system where parties are run as an institute and not by an individual and not hijackded by an individal, family or ethnic group.. Each political party must have proper structure with a party presidentential terms so no one can claim it.

as far as election in USA, Trumps has major issues to work on from the 1st day, there are many domestic and forign issues. Democrates have destroyed american economy by borrowing money and sending American jobs to overseas. Trump will have to fix that by rebuilding american by creating jobs and not allow industries relocate to other countreis.

Trump is 100% better for Pakistan than Obama/Hillary, however, he will not have a major foreign policy shift from Obama/Hillary. He might make few changes but nothhing major, americans are not interested in resolving Palestinian and Kashmir issue. He will continue support for Isreal and India and american interest in Europe, ME and Asia, He will put pressure on Russian and China,but there will be no war with Russia or China in coming years.
I'm happy that Trump is president because he will openly show us evilness so eyes should be opened of world I see a 3 ww in his tensure more us allies leave us
There is only going to be negativity coming from Trump Government towards Pakistan. Nothing good.
No doubt trump has some hard corner for muslims. But then more than Pakistan it will be saudi arabia which will feel the heat. Trump wants their oil and money that's all.
You guys dream of annexing Baluchistan even in your jokes. Why not try it while you can because once CPEC is operational, you would only dream of doing so.

Send in more Kulbhushans and see what happens :D
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