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Trump may have been unclear, but Sweden experiencing a migrant crime wave


Jul 3, 2012
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Police investigator Peter Springare isn’t likely to be among those mocking President Trump for his remarks about refugees in Sweden.

Trump’s comments during a Florida campaign rally on Saturday – which some took as a misstatement about a supposed terror attack – dovetail with what Springare has been seeing during a typical week in Orebro, Sweden. Five rapes, three assaults, a pair of extortions, blackmail, an attempted murder, violence against police and a robbery made up Springare’s caseload for a five-day period earlier this month, according to a Feb. 3 Facebook post he wrote. The suspects were all from Muslim-majority countries – Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia and Turkey – save for one Swedish man nabbed in a drug-related case.

“Mohammed, Mahmod, Ali, again and again,” Springare wrote of those arrested.

Springare, who is now being investigated for possible hate crime incitement based on his post, managed to elucidate what Trump only hinted at during a Florida campaign speech – somewhat opaquely.

“You look at what’s happening last night in Sweden,” Trump said. “Sweden. Who would believe this? Sweden. They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible.”

Many analysts took issue with Trump’s “last night” framing, and immediately compared the line to recent misstatements by Trump spokespeople, such as counselor Kellyanne Conway’s infamous “Bowling Green Massacre” blunder.

But Trump explained on Twitter late Sunday that he was only referring to a Fox News segment that aired on Friday night’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” dealing with the Swedish refugee crime.

“It seems like we may be missing the point of the story, which is there has been a massive social cost associated with the refugee policies and the immigration policies of Western Europe,” Carlson said on “Fox & Friends” on Monday morning.

He added: “Fifty years of immigration policy is coming to flower in Europe. We’re not paying any attention. We’re not drawing any of the obvious lessons from it. It's not working. That's the real point here. ”

Last month, the police chief for the southern Swedish city of Malmo issued a desperate plea for help curtailing a plague of attempted murders, beatings and rapes. About 32 percent of Malmo’s occupants are migrants. In the Rosengard district, 80 percent are migrants, many without jobs.

“We cannot do it on our own,” Chief Stefan Sinteus wrote in an open letter about the “upward spiral of violence.”

And Sinteus is not merely dealing with typical crimes that any modern city would witness.

Malmo had 52 hand grenade attacks in 2016 alone, a jump from 48 attacks in 2015, according to figures provided by the Swedish Police Authority.

Nationwide, the terror threat level is at “elevated” and police believe at least 300 Swedish nationals have travelled to Syria and Iraq for jihadi training. On Feb. 11, a Swedish man and a Danish man were arrested in Turkey, suspected of plotting to carry out attacks in Europe. Tofik Saleh, a 38-year-old Swedish citizen of Iraqi origin, had been training with ISIS since 2014, officials said.

On the same day Springare posted his screed, a Swedish court turned over to Belgium evidence – seized in Malmo – in connection with the 2016 Brussels terror attacks, prosecutors said.

Sweden has taken in 650,000 asylum-seekers during the past 15 years – including 163,000 in 2015 alone, The Spectator reported. Of those refugees, 35,000 were unaccompanied children – or at least claimed to be. The children – mostly males from Afghanistan and Somalia – are only identified as minors by the age the applicant gives. The only time an applicant-provided age is rejected is if it’s “obviously” untrue, though there’s no clear definition of “obviously.” The Spectator interviewed asylum-seekers who admitted to lying about their age to improve their chances of avoiding deportation.

Carlson warned this mass influx of migrants, many of whom are uneducated and jobless, has begun to alter the face – and crime rates – of countries such as Sweden.

“[The integration policy] hasn’t worked very well, at all,” Carlson said. “And it’s in the process of totally changing these ancient cultures into something different and much more volatile and much more threatening, so what are the lessons we should draw from this? That’s the conversation we should have.”

CIA should stop following British demands blindly and putting its own people's life at risk. History has shown that weather its Iraq or else where US has following British govt claims of WMDs and taking bad name on its self while British hiding behind US.
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Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Sweden: 5 thugs jailed for murder most foul.

(Stockholm) Five men have been convicted of murders in the Hallongbergen suburb of Stockholm, where in early 2017 a man was killed then a couple subsequently murdered after one of them provided a witness account regarding the first incident.

Last January a man working inside a garage in the Sundbyberg suburb of Stockholm was attacked by 5 thugs, despite been shot he managed to make it into his car and drive off towards the nearest hospital, unfortunately for him, the gang gave chase and murdered him on route by ramming his car off the road and then shooting him dead. The attack outside the garage was witnessed by a 39 year old man who informed the police. So in order to clear up that angle the gang followed the man home 6 weeks later after he had walked his dog and broke into his house. He managed to call the police naming his attackers as Fouad Saleh, and Mikael Chamoun but before the police could arrive, he was shot dead and his wife stabbed to death. The police arrived just minutes too late and arrested Saleh, Chamoun and a 17-year-old. On their clothing they found blood from the 39-year-old and his wife.

Fouad Saleh on been lead away from court today

Today in court Fouad Sahle received a life sentence, Mikael Chamoun received a 14 year sentence, Amir Iabbari Dakesreceived a 12 year sentence. Munir Nooraldin received a 10 year sentence, and the 17 year old murderer got a slap on the wrist in the form of a 3 year sentence.
...The police arrived just minutes too late and arrested Saleh, Chamoun and a 17-year-old. On their clothing they found blood from the 39-year-old and his wife.

...When the boys were arrested, they showed absolutely no remorse or understanding of what had happened, explains the source in the police to Nyheter Idag.

- They were very stoned when they were brought in. They sat and laughed and were really stoned. It turns one's stomach when you know they are out on the streets again in a maximum of two years.

According to Aftonbladet's sources, the perpetrators are good friends of two people who are detained for the murder where the now murdered father should have been a witness. The four culprits police have arrested, are linked to the same area in northern Stockholm -
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