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Trump is leading us toward danger with Iran

undercover JIX

Dec 6, 2008
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Trump is leading us toward danger with Iran
By Letters to the Editor
July 5 at 4:23 PM


President Trump in the Oval Office of the White House on Monday. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)

The weakness in Trump’s showdown with Iran,” outlined clearly the debacle that is President Trump’s approach to Iran and his confrontational leadership. He has at every stage acted irresponsibly, starting with withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear pact and extending to his latest silly sanctions and provocations, not least his dangerous and idiotic threat of “obliteration” of Iran without any U.S. troops on the ground. This means massive bombing, which means possibly millions of deaths of innocent civilians and can only indicate that Mr. Trump is, as some presidential candidates have said, the most dangerous man on the planet.

Mr. Ignatius noted that Mr. Trump’s answer, in place of strategic and rational thinking, was to “harass the European allies that the United States needs to contain Iranian behavior.” Also missing is the wise employment of smart diplomacy that works to encourage Iran and others to find safer ground, as then-President Barack Obama and then-Secretary of State John F. Kerry did in obtaining the initial accord halting Iran’s nuclear weapons efforts.

In the Cold War, presidents initiated intensive dialogue with the Soviet Union, leading to arms control and other agreements that kept the lid on senseless disasters and confrontations. Mr. Trump’s only aim seems to be to create dangerous chaos and antagonism. All Mr. Trump has achieved is moving Iran toward nuclear capabilities. We remain with Mr. Trump always at high risk.

Harry C. Blaney III, Washington

The writer, a retired Foreign Service officer, is a senior fellow at the Center for International Policy.

Iran may be getting nukes, sooner than later. And that worries Washington. This confrontation could not have happened at a better time for Iran. If Iran loses a conflict with the Washington regime, it will be Iran's own fault for not getting nukes during this window of time of Washington scared as hell of Iran's power and military. This situation will flip to Iran being scared of Washington in the coming years, if weapons developments do happen. That is why now is a window of time to develop nukes so Washington will continue to be scared as heck of Iran.

trump's zionist clownery could save Iran.
I am actually supportive if Trumps moves against Iran. From a Pakistani perspective and for regional peace... Iran has been a force of destruction and covert terror.

I have nothing against the Iranian people but the regime had to go
I am actually supportive if Trumps moves against Iran. From a Pakistani perspective and for regional peace... Iran has been a force of destruction and covert terror.

I have nothing against the Iranian people but the regime had to go
another view point......America never restored peace anywhere in the world, where ever it entered destroyed everything...so how this time it could be different.

who is lesser evil? Iran or USA.
I am actually supportive if Trumps moves against Iran. From a Pakistani perspective and for regional peace... Iran has been a force of destruction and covert terror.

I have nothing against the Iranian people but the regime had to go
Yeh , for your Israel Clutch? -"Iran has been a force of destruction and covert terror"
Yeh , for your Israel Clutch? -"Iran has been a force of destruction and covert terror"

Im okay with israel over iran. Israel still has a lot if legitimate reasons for being a strong security state surrounded my failed terror dictatorial nations around it.
I am actually supportive if Trumps moves against Iran. From a Pakistani perspective and for regional peace... Iran has been a force of destruction and covert terror.

I have nothing against the Iranian people but the regime had to go
Thread isnt to bash Iran :)

Please stick to the topic :)
Thread isnt to bash Iran :)

Please stick to the topic :)

It is a counterpoint to the fact that Trump's direction is correct regarding iran. If an alternative opinion regarding the thread title is called off topic then sure.

But I think Trumps policy of iran containment, iran isolation, and possibly iran military action are beneficial to regional peace.
It is a counterpoint to the fact that Trump's direction is correct regarding iran. If an alternative opinion regarding the thread title is called off topic then sure.

But I think Trumps policy of iran containment, iran isolation, and possibly iran military action are beneficial to regional peace.
I am not saying alternative is not allowed, bashing is not :D

coz then it provokes the other to reply in same manner and in long run results in thread being trolled and derailing
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