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Trump administration bombed mosque then “targeted people as they were running away".

DO you NOT agree that "war on terror" is just a nice euphemism for War ON Islam?

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Jan 2, 2012
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Trump administration bombed mosque then “targeted people as they were running away”

Bilal Abdul Kareem reported hours ago for On The Ground News from Jena in northern Syria revealing the harrowing, calculated attack on a mosque by the US.

In a recorded, unedited video he shows the world that the attack which the US has claimed responsibility for targeted a mosque “at a time where people were expected to be there.” He reports that they hit the main exit “so that nobody could escape,” and when people did run away through a different exit, they bombed the areas with shrapnel where people were running away. He reported that there were “pools of blood” in the road—which is clearly in the middle of a wide, open space without any buildings surrounding it.

The bombing was reported by US state media and other platforms,[1] although denying that a mosque was even hit, instead calling it some kind of attack against an “al-Qaida” meeting. On The Ground News (OGN) have been reporting since the strike, saying that those targeted were in fact worshippers gathering for their regular Tablighi Jamat gathering on Thursday. As soon as the real news came out of the targeting of worshippers, advocacy groups including CAGE stated that it constituted a war crime.[2] Today’s news reporting that it was not just a stray missile causing “collateral damage” but a calculated, targeted strike composed of three separate bombs following the worshippers as they fled into nearby fields, only amplifies this accusation.

OGN has reported that its Twitter account has been blocked due to its reporting of the US bombing, whilst its Facebook account appears still to be active.[3]

Complete on the Site Walk Thru of US massacre of 56 Muslims in Syria :

56 people died in the Al Jina massacre that took place Thursday evening just after sunset prayers. It was a confirmed US airstrike that the US Central Command (CENTCOM) acknowledged. However, their aknowledgement was not what most expected.

Pentagon spokesperson Navy Capt. Jeff Davis told reporters that his government struck a “partially constructed community hall” that was being used by Al Qaida fighters. US officials confirmed that at least four Hellfire missiles struck their targets and they dropped a 500 pound guided bomb minutes after the initial strikes.

Upon analysis it is clear that the building that was hit was a part of the mosque. It was all one building. The mosque was left standing but it was affected by the airstrikes. In addition to that almost 10 people, according to local accounts, were killed outside of the mosque who were standing in the street and were not a part of any meeting taking place inside the mosque. When I arrived to cover the tragedy, the main street still had pools of blood from the victims.

Three observations need to be discussed:

1. If the US indeed did meticulously carry out this strike and was careful not to hit the mosque then why were they not equally as careful to avoid the civilians simply walking in the street? It was just after sunset prayers so it is natural that people would be lingering and milling about outside of the mosque. Saying that they were careful not to hit the mosque but not careful regarding people walking around in the street is strange to say the least.

2. According to local people this was not an Al Qaida gathering, but was a Tabligh gathering wherein local preachers gather to discuss sending out those who walk the streets calling people to Islam and advising the people. Locals say that this is a weekly gathering, every Thursday night, that has been taking place for more than 4 years in that same location.

3. From the clear images there is no doubt or dispute that the masjid was hit. A mosque is not only a prayer area. People gather at mosques for meetings, weddings, celebrations, classes, and many other functions. Is it reasonable that someone would say: “I only bombed your kitchen but I didn’t bomb your house”? Would this explanation be accepted by anyone had Islamic forces launched a similar attack on a church on American soil?

The Trump administration, which has not yet seen it’s 50th day, has been caught in numerous scandals. Most recently President Trump clearly stated that former President Obama tapped his phones during last year’s stunning campaign. Then after several investigations that revealed these claims have absolutely no basis by US intelligence services, Trump still remains defiant while not sharing any proof to substantiate his claims.

Using that as a backdrop, can this administration be trusted? The denial of clear evidence that the US disregarded civilian casualties is clear. I find that I ask myself what if there was no video footage? What would the US administration have said? What if westerners had only the word of the US administration and the counter-story of Islamic fighters? Who would most westerners have believed by default?

These are all questions that need to be answered in the days ahead if there is to be true accountability for the massacre of 56 people.

US accused of war crimes after bombing Tabligh gathering in mosque



US accused of war crimes after bombing Tabligh gathering in mosque

Posted by: Editor in News Genres, News Views, User Generated 3 days ago 0

The air strike by United States aircraft which destroyed a mosque in northern Syria, killing at least 56 civilians and injuring at least 100 more, constitutes a war crime.

According to reports, it was thought that Syria or Russia was originally responsible, but later the United States admitted it had hit the area where the mosque in al-Jina was located. The mosque, they said, was across the road from a location “assessed to be a meeting place for al-Qaeda”.

No evidence has been provided by the CENTCOM to back up these claims, and no information has been provided as to the identities of the individuals who were killed, suggesting that the United States does not even know the names of the dead.

Ibrahim Mohamoud, spokesperson for CAGE, said:

“The United States government is expanding its ‘War on Terror’ in Syria through the use of airstrikes and drones, alongside Russia, Iran and the regime’s militias.”

“The ease in which individuals are executed en masse, with very little argument from world leaders, or from the broader international community, has become all too normal in the region.”

Regardless of whom the target was, such strikes only reinforce the idea that the US military action is furthering the same agenda as Bashar al Assad against the Syrian people.”

I love the double-negative and the ambiguous choices in your "poll".
Tell us something we already Don't know or expect from US ?
Assad must be rejoicing. He has Trump,Putin, Xi, sissy, Daesh and the Iranian Shiites supporting his terrorism against the Syrian people. Nobody in our lifetime could achieve this much! All the devils except the the House of Saud are in the club. So what if the House of Saud is not in it, their minion sissy is filling the gap for the House of Saud.
Hmm... US drones penetrating deep into North-Western Syria....very very interesting. Seems the US is testing their deep strike capabilities in hostile territory.
Mashallah, big league !

please keep in mind that President Donald Trump ran on, amongst other things, the promise to stop funding these scumbag sallafi so called rebels in Syria.

watch 9:45 onward for his vision on Syria specifically.. "I love the fact that Russia is hitting Islamic State... they should continue to hit Islamic State.."

presenter: "Russia is hitting the groups we're backing"

President Trump: "why are we backing them ? we don't even know who those people are... I speak to generals, we're giving billions of dollars of equipment to people we don't know.. they're probably worse than Assad"

1000% correct ! they are worse than Assad.

the news isn't fully out yet, because President Trump said he doesn't want to let the jihadis know their plan but he's already collaborating with Putin's air force and military.. remember, mere hours into him taking oath as commander in chief of the United States' military, there was a report by Russian sources that they're teaming up and killing jihadists but it was quickly denied by the US military.

hehe, too late, they let the cat out the bag and it's not going back.

Trump and Putin are already brutally exterminating the jihadi scum, isis/fsa/hts?/jfas/al qaeda/boko haram.. call em what you will but they're all going to be wiped out now.

why do you think there was no joint press conference when that saudi brince recently visited Washington a few days back ? :)

President Trump probably told him to his face that the saudis' dogs aka rebels are going to be wiped out, and if they make broblem, inshallah, they will be wiped out too.

good job, President Trump, this man is such a champion of humanity, a real infidel hero !


long live POTUS 45 !
And the Americans wonder how terrorists are created. This is one way to do it.

The american people, yes. The American government, NO. The US government knows very well how terrorists are created since they create them. They want to keep the Muslim world unstable by bombing & terrorism and creating a false image of Islam fitting the proverbial orientalist construct, suits their ideological agenda as well. They have been in a secular crusade against the Muslim world since the last 300 years. Muslim countries that can stand on their own gets bogged by internal conflict, fifth column NGOs/liberals/secularists and economic aggression.

I love the double-negative and the ambiguous choices in your "poll".

I made sure people of all ideological inclinations can vote satisfactorily.

Tell us something we already Don't know or expect from US ?

That's another sad phenomenon brother. We have become accustomed to all the blood shed in Muslim countries. Slaughter of Muslims have become the new normal after 9/11 and western War on Islam.
Christians and Jews believe all people descend from Issac. Muslims believe all people descend from Ishmael. Muhammad made Islam like that to be enemy of Judeo Christians. And this is the result.

Your uninformed bro.
Why are you blaming Trump? Do you think this anti-Muslim culture in the army/US politics formulated overnight? Do you really believe Trump has any power in Washington? Do you know what his role is currently? To absorb a heap of allegations of collusion with Russia and not be able to implement any of his policies. He has proposed cutting foreign aid, already the Congress rejected it. He has no influence on the Pentagon or anything else for that matter. Trump is not in control. I'm tired of having to explain this over and over again to Muslims. You guys are really naive, really think this is issue of Clinton vs. Trump. Go figure out yourselves who has influence over these Congress members and Pentagon,etc.... It's not ordinary voters, it's not Trump. Hint, it's people who have serious interest to regulate the Middle East for a certain reason. And these people also are behind immigration policies of the West, which Trump is trying to change, but again was rejected by Federal courts.

Nothing Trump wanted is going to work, not even the wall probably. He is not in control period. The people in control use naive people like you OP, pretend they sympathize with you from Trump, then go trash you in their media that they also control, and incite you against Trump supporters, and incite blacks against whites, and incite Middle easterners and ordinary Americans with these actions they are taking.

So you naive people need to understand this will never end unless you focus on the source and take measures against it. The source is the problem. Instead, you are showing sympathy to the source, like dumb Muslim Americans who are having co-events with the source, against 'bigotry'. Yet this source is wrecking your people over and over again like snakes that they are and you morons keep falling for it. Americans are not obsessed with the Middle East. The source is. But, the source has brainwashed them with anti-Islam hate, that they can't think of anything else and think they have obligation to keep fighting there. The source can undue the brainwashing, but it is not in their interest. So stop supporting their interests, stupids.

Then of course Muslims themselves are in a greedy and inhumane and Godless quest for control over each other resources. And they both want to lead or claim Islam for nationalist intent. If this Iran-Saudi/Sunni-Shia thing doesn't come to an end, you can never take it up with the source. The problem is it has gone too deep. There is no way out, except when everyone is suffering equally, that they finally feel there is nothing to lose in contributing to one another. So it's still a long way.

This incidents are going to continue for decades. All you have to do is listen and acknowledge the truth. Which in itself is very hard. Nobody in the world is acknowledging the truth. That's what brings them power. For Muslims, your values are different, you need to acknowledge the truth to be powerful.
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