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Troops get supplies despite Pak's border closure: Pentagon

wait for 20-30 days more,
Even if they get supplies from Russia then they will have to pay 5-10 times higher and supplies will be cut in winter.They will have to invest billions to make the road workable year round and it will take years

Why don't they simply pay to Pakistan 10% less than what they pay to Russia?
It will be a win win situation for both!
You know......in this case..."I told you so" just wouldn't cut it.


How long has it been since the closure? Let this run a few more weeks and you will see who will be eating their words. We already know that Pakistani closure won't stop all flow. However whatever Pakistan stops will have a telling impact in the coming weeks and months (if this persists).

Obviously US/iSAF are free to pursue other options. With the size of the US/ISAF footprint in Afghanistan, there are bound to be supplies in place for short term contingencies and this is helping.

At the end of the day not having these supplies run through Pakistan is probably the best thing for ISAF/NATO in any case.
pentagon is bluffing .. where are these supplies coming in from ?!?
is it through the NDN ?? just look whats going on in Russia and we know who is stoking the protesters in Russia , despite that Russia will give these criminals a free pass ?! not happening and not gonna happen any time soon.

If they are re-supplying by air , their bill just tripled or even quadrupled
pentagon is bluffing .. where are these supplies coming in from ?!?
is it through the NDN ?? just look whats going on in Russia and we know who is stoking the protesters in Russia , despite that Russia will give these criminals a free pass ?! not happening and not gonna happen any time soon.

If they are re-supplying by air , their bill just tripled or even quadrupled

Yeah thats what I was trying to imply but our beloved Mr. Jaipur got all hyped up....
Incase you people don't know here is the latest new, $500B sanctioned increase in non military budget (as they call it) by congress for military as per Today's new might as well be a backup plan for US forces in afghanistan for airlifts an astounding increase, where-as american people are facing terrible economic situation, the only winner here is Pentagon. Clearly the increase is only for the back-up due to the closure of supplies by Pakistan that is running into 13-14th day.
Since, you are such smart A@@, Prove to me with a good link that this sentence is true!!!!!!!! You great Hot Shot!!!!!!!

What is your age,kid? You act like mmmmm a teenager probably? Are you one? Secondly, you came here all in yourself and got embarrassed. Frankly,you struck me as a simpleton.

Coming to the topic : Probably you little Indian (or wanna be American) don't know that Al-Qaeda has (over)achieved EVERY 'written' target of theirs. Al Qaeda wanted to hurt USA economically and wanted to make US engage itself in an unwinnable asymmetric war, where the supreme advantage of American firepower is taken out from the equation.

After ten years of war

1- The war on terror will cost $ 4-5 trillion to American economy.
2- US is facing the LARGEST debt in human history. Their debt and total GDP is almost the same now !!!! . This situation can prove fatal for US dollar in the long term :azn:
3- Image of US is badly hurt all over the world and specially due to Iraq invasion.
4- US had to pull his forces out of Iraq, giving Iran an open field pretty much (Strategic disaster ? )
5- US is STILL fighting in Afghanistan with NO signs of end in sight.

---> Al Qaeda started this war by spending 250,000 atmost and this war,after ten years of fighting, is proving to be a total disaster for the US.

Just see the condition in 2001 . . . . US was considered as the "leader" of the world. US economy was soaring. China was no way near in the picture. US had a way,way better image in the world. (Then Al Qaeda invaded US)

After 10 years of war :

Do I need to repeat myself again? :lol:

Oh wait ! This was supposed to be " New American century" ? Oh damn you AlQaeda !!! You just ruined this dream in the very start of this century :azn:
keep these supply lines closed and tell the world wot if over as far as for pakistan

u.s and nato get ur supplies from anywhere u can just leave us alone

Pakistanies keep on the pressure on pak army and govt.

Troops get supplies despite Pak's border closure: Pentagon

Updated 3 hours ago

WASHINGTON: US and NATO forces in Afghanistan would get the supplies they needed to perform their operations despite closure of Pakistan's border with Afghanistan, Pentagon officials said.

During a press conference here, Pentagon Press Secretary George Little and Navy Capt. John Kirby hoped that Pakistan would reopen the border between the countries and return its troops to the border coordination centers.

The war effort in Afghanistan continued unabated by the closures, Little said. "We're well-aware of the closures and potential impacts," he said. "To date, there's been no significant impact to our ability to provide for the war effort. That being said, we do believe that these are important supply routes, and we hope that in the near future they can be reopened." Troops get supplies despite Paks border closure: Pentagon

This garbage Information is for the consumption of the NOT SO SMART People.

The truth is US keeps a reserve supply of Fuel for Three months in Afghanistan.

So in three months UNITED STATES will be on it's knees begging Pakistan to resume the supply line.

This time Pakistan should not relent and close the borders for good.

Let us see how they run the fuel supplies through Russia with tankers that will burn 10 times the fuel they are transporting.

Show some SPINE, Pakistan....
Navy SEAL Sniper
Hence we did the right thing and were on the right track / path as far as retaliation or voicing our anger is concerned.

I would greatly think about this because as I have read thru the thread, you are depending that Americans have no other alternatives besides Pakistan for it's benefits in Afganistan. Anyways the discussion was this believe that Pakistan is on the right track, financial retaliation is what counts now., Where all your financial indicators or no way close to that statement, and this strategy taken is based on emotions only not financially.........

Regarding the name calling that happens because an answer is not given straight......

wait for 20-30 days more,
Even if they get supplies from Russia then they will have to pay 5-10 times higher

Aren't the Americans paying 5-10 times higher anyways already, first they pay for supplies, then they pay for airbases used, then they pay for all the other etc used in Pakistan, and lastly to top it off, they give an unconditional loans to Pakistan (which mind you was used for military purpose). So, from looking at this what really seems beneficial!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No drone strike since Nov 17, it isn't business as usual for sure. Who cares about American losses? We wish them well, just stay out of Pakistan. Use teleporters for all we care.
The general insisted that those who were burning Nato fuel trucks in Pakistan were doing little harm to the US. “When they torch fuel, it is not our fuel they are torching. We do not pay for fuel until it gets to us.”

US needs to tackle Pakistan
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