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Tripura VHP warns Bangladesh over attack on Hindus, submits memo

Our 6 Million trained personnel with take out 60 million of them before laying their arms down. If they are willing to pay the price, let them fight. They nuke BD, radiation affects Indian WB, Assam and other parts of NE. They are powerless against us. BD is a heaven for guerilla warfare. Indian Punjabis will find out what Pak Punjabis already know.
As an emotional racist and nationalist your speech is really good.. but that's it. It has not an iota of sense or truth in it.

WTF is wrong with these people? It's been too long Hindus haven't seen a Ghaznavi or Taimur, they desperately need one.
Do you know from which side did they come?
I hope Bangladeshis are smarter than that, attacking Hindu minority wont serve any purpose. They will not behave in the same manner as RSS inspired Bhartis.
Hasina needs to control jamaat cadre or else India will do it for them and it'll not be nice
Hasina needs to control jamaat cadre or else India will do it for them and it'll not be nice
No, Hasina should encourage Jamaat to take over western Assam and give India a good lesson. India's *** and face must be kicked. It is a bastard country that bullies us from time to time. A good slapping is what can keep you straight.
@Mage is bang on the button.

And there is a reason the Hindu deep state did not annex fledgling Bangladesh in 1971 post hostilities and the surrender of Pakistani forces.

You guys have missed what India has been doing in the past 5 years with ex-Hindu/Dharmic nation states of SE Asia.

No wall on earth (including Trump's imaginary one) can withstand hordes of humanity fleeing for their lives. The kind that we see and have seen in the subcontinent in our bloody history.

Not unless there are forces on the other side determined to kill. Machine gun nests. Land mined buffer zones extending for kilometres. Electrified moats and canals.

Is Bangladesh ready for that?

Ask bong bro @Joe Shearer ...

Cheers, Doc
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