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Tricolour, anthem — India’s Muslims on why they’re using national symbols in protests Many Twitter u

Indian Muslims are outraged and protesting not simply because of CAA although it is the latest in a range of moves within India where the Indian Muslim community has been maligned, sidelined or outrightly attacked

It's the dawning realisation that Jinnah was right that has effected Indian Muslims so much
From Kashmir where a complete lockdown for half a year to try and suppress Kashmiri hatred of India to laws like CAA which will protect illegal Hindus from NRC whilst Muslims are targeted onto the near constant verbal and physical attacks from Hindutva

Indian Muslims are starting on the path, first to try and protect their rights in the hope that India hasn't gone through the looking glass or eventually to the battle for partition and azaadi
Kashmir is a whole other situation.

The CAA, NRC & NPR are not targeting Indian muslim citizens in any way.

The CAA merely fast tracks the process for others and omits muslims, the process for acquiring citizenship for legit muslim refugees from BD, PAK and AF, however, remains the same. Not very different from how it is for Goan Christians and the Portuguese passport/citizenship thing.

Bangla illegal alien muslims are not the same as legit muslim refugees seeking asylum. Those guys are economic migrants, and they've migrated in an unlawful manner.

I have no objection to Uniform Civil Code as long as the rest of the bureaucracy is Socialist ( as is promised by the Preamble to the Constitution ).

So first should come converting the country into a Socialist one, and the rest will fall in place.
I have no objection to Uniform Civil Code as long as the rest of the bureaucracy is Socialist ( as is promised by the Preamble to the Constitution ).

So first should come converting the country into a Socialist one, and the rest will fall in place.
:lol: 42nd amendment ke fan ho.. not a surprise :P

We're still a democracy, Socialist banana hai toh make the socialist message popular among the masses. Kal ko desh ne aapke comrades ko vote de ke samarthan dia, toh socialist ban jayenge proper, kya tension ? ;)
The Indian anthem is so damn awful anyway as an actual melody. No offence, just an honest opinion.

The lyrics basically list some states and rivers (no mention that I can see of Kashmir or the Indus funnily enough - gangus welcome to correct me if I'm wrong).

And what's with the psy-ops title? Thou art the ruler of the minds of all people???? Chillingly ironic.
They do mention Sind tho, and that needs to Change.
They get away with Punjab since they are occupying 1/3 of it.
But not an inch of Sind is occupied by India so they need to change their anthem.
Musically it isn't very good at all, the Indian national anthem.. I'll give you that. Probably crafted in haste, very simplistic, a 12 year old with a bit of training would do better coming up with a melody.
An islamic state commenting about right and wrong is as always hilarious
We're still a democracy, Socialist banana hai toh make the socialist message popular among the masses. Kal ko desh ne aapke comrades ko vote de ke samarthan dia, toh socialist ban jayenge proper, kya tension ? ;)

Well, Socialism and Democracy need not be two opposing things. Look at Libya before 2011. It had Direct Democracy Socialism.

In India, the Aam Aadmi Party and the Swaraj Abhiyan movements propagate the "Swaraj" theory which essentially is Direct Democracy : Mohalla Committees and all.

Please read the Green Book to know how Direct Democracy worked in Libya.
An islamic state commenting about right and wrong is as always hilarious
Pakistan isn't an Islamic state....neither do we profess like Hindustan literally does to being the ruler of the minds of people, an art form which we humbly defer to your nation's unique expertise.

Many things you have been brainwashed into thinking we are, we actually aren't.

Just the other day, one of your countrymen thought I might get in trouble for wishing folks a merry Christmas or indulging in its general festivities. Indian teachings on Pakistan and the Pakistani way of life have got to be one of mankind's greatest works of fiction ever - comedy fiction specifically.

Did you find any terrorists at Balakot btw? What about the terrorist infrastructure you shell on the ceasefire line? Any evidence for the claims persistently made by your armed forces? BAT operatives, downed f-16s, terrorists living and sleeping perpetually on the border itself, just waiting to be targeted by India....The list is never-ending.

We live in an information age. All conflicts around the world are conducted with accurate, detailed, immediately available information to confirm the otherwise wild claims of any government or military. Pictures from locals, spies or satellites should be able to verify some of the tall claims India makes routinely. Never happens though. It should bother Indians that there is little to no evidence to back their nation's wild claims time after time after time. You seem to choose to follow blindly the propaganda in some RSS generic guidebook on Pakistan, Muslims and Mughals, somehow integrated into school curricula and popular national discourse, without any recourse for revision or debate.

Neutral observers - even your own allies like Christine Fair - now regularly shoot down Indian claims, but Indians continue to make such claims. It's bewildering in the face of evidence and reasoned neutral testimony to the contrary, but then again, this is what India does - sticks its fingers in its ears and throws a tantrum when nobody believes their story. Pakistani "islamic state", cross border terrorism, spy pigeons, f16 downing - all laughable narratives that stem from the same wretched frustrations of your policy makers and all narratives that belong in the dustbin of history. One day you'll have the guts to question the fat grease eating turds who run your country. That day will come in our lifetimes.
It's what Jinnah said

"Indian Muslims who refused the idea of Pakistan, will spend the rest of their lives trying to prove loyalty to India"

Muslims of India did not choose India. They were left to fend for themselves by Jinnah and his followers.

What choice do Indian Muslims have, the harder choice is uniting their 250 million Muslim population and demanding either equality and rights or azaadi
At the moment they hope the Indian state has not become corrupted and will protect them from the hindutva

Pakistanis and Bangladeshis hates Muslims of India but will come here and shed crocodile tears for them.

The clear choice for the Muslims of India is to embrace Christianity as Pakistan, the supposed harbinger and torch bearer of Islam, has failed them and thrown them under the bus.

The choice could not be any clearer today.

Muslims of India should embrace Christianity.

Christianity & the West will save them as Islam & Pakistan have failed them.
Muslims of India did not choose India. They were left to fend for themselves by Jinnah and his followers.

Pakistanis and Bangladeshis hates Muslims of India but will come here and shed crocodile tears for them.

The clear choice for the Muslims of India is to embrace Christianity as Pakistan, the supposed harbinger and torch bearer of Islam, has failed them and thrown them under the bus.

The choice could not be any clearer today.

Muslims of India should embrace Christianity.

Christianity & the West will save them as Islam & Pakistan have failed them.
Christians - you guys will really miss indian Muslims the most when they're finally gone. Be ready to turn that other cheek.
Christians - you guys will really miss indian Muslims the most when they're finally gone. Be ready to turn that other cheek.

No. We will become stronger by converting Muslims to Christianity.

Christianity is the way to go in India. Islam has no future in India, Thanks to Jinnah and Pakistan.
Pakistanis and Bangladeshis hates Muslims of India but will come here and shed crocodile tears for them.

The clear choice for the Muslims of India is to embrace Christianity as Pakistan, the supposed harbinger and torch bearer of Islam, has failed them and thrown them under the bus.

The choice could not be any clearer today.

Muslims of India should embrace Christianity.

Christianity & the West will save them as Islam & Pakistan have failed them

Look no one gives a fcuk about Christianity

I'm in the UK and people are shedding Christianity like dog sheds hair

Indian Muslims are 250 million and they need to stand up for themselves

Then who stopped anti BJp people to take up this issue and protest where ever our nationalism is challenged by any one??

if some section of people can come to street for protesting against any killing of military commander that has no way any relation with us, then can not these same people create nationwide protest against these BJP goons who insulted national flag???
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