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Trench along Pak-Afghan border enrages Kabul

Good news, the whole border should be mined heavily, Pakistan's interest should come first.
Keep the BARBARIANS out. Trench it, Mine it, Put barbed wires and walls to keep these low life out of Pakistan. And while we are at it we should toss these Afghan free loaders out of Pakistan and sent back to the HELL HOLE they came from.
ehm ehm, you did the same thing in East Pakistan too you know
Well, it was the West Pakistan who started it, they wanted to completely erase Bangla from our history even though we agreed to have Urdu as first language as long as Bangla as second.
Well, it was the West Pakistan who started it, they wanted to completely erase Bangla from our history even though we agreed to have Urdu as first language as long as Bangla as second.
didnt Urdu and Bangla both become national languages, while English remained the official language?
Trench along Pak-Afghan border enrages Kabul

The trench runs along part of the 2,640-kilometer Durand Line, named for British diplomat Mortimer Durand, who drew the now internationally recognised border in an agreement with Afghan ruler Abdur Raham Khan in 1893.

But the modern Afghan government has never accepted the border, and neither have the mainly tribal communities that straddle it.

They are accustomed to moving back and forth freely and in some cases own land on both sides.

The trench is being built in Pakistan's Balochistan province, where Baloch rebels have been battling Islamabad demanding greater autonomy and a larger share of the region's oil, gas, copper and gold.

It's an eye-sore of construction, a massive furrow 10 feet wide and 8 feet deep that already snakes 180 kilometers across the desert landscape.

Pakistan's Frontier Corps said in a recent statement that the trench would “not only help in effectively controlling the movement of drug and arms and ammunition smugglers, but also will help in stopping the intrusion of terrorists and illegal immigrants.”

Pakistan fears that arms could make their way to any number of insurgent groups, including the Taliban.

But Kabul sees the trench as the latest move in a new incarnation of the colonial-era Great Game, in which Pakistan hopes to destabilise its neighbor to extend its regional influence.

It already considers Pakistan as the source of the Taliban insurgency it has been battling with US and Nato support for the past 13 years.

“The people here have never accepted the Pakistan-Afghanistan border in the first place,” said Gen Abdul Raziq, the police chief of Afghanistan's Kandahar province, which borders Balochistan.

“Pakistan is not doing anything to stop terrorism. If they want to stop it, they should stop producing it,” said Raziq, who has long had a reputation for ruthlessness in battling the Taliban. “This trench is simply to draw a border with Afghanistan and claim our land as their own,” he said.

Pakistan insists it is committed to fighting extremist groups and points to a massive offensive it launched in the tribal region of North Waziristan along the Afghan border over the summer.

Read: All-out military operation launched in North Waziristan

But analysts have long said Islamabad differentiates between the Pakistani Taliban, with which it is at war, and the Afghan Taliban, which it quietly tolerates and views as a means of preserving its influence in Kabul.

In that context, the trench is not seen by Afghans as a counterterrorism measure, but as an affront. “This can never be acceptable for the Afghans,” said former Afghan Tribal and Border Affairs Minister Akram Akhbelwak, who was removed from his post this week while President Ashraf Ghani finalises his new Cabinet.

“The trench and the tribal border are completely illegal. Such actions on the border are creating problems among the tribes and will never be a solution to the problems between the two countries,” he said.

Afghanistan's Ghani signed security agreements with Washington and Nato immediately after taking office in September, permitting an enduring international military presence after the combat mission formally ends on Dec 31.

Also read: Afghanistan, US sign long-awaited security pact

The insurgents have meanwhile stepped up their war against his government with a series of high-profile attacks in Kabul.

Along the border, construction is proceeding, to the anger of local residents. “My land is my only asset from my forefathers, now some of it is on the other side and I'm powerless to do anything about it,” said tribal elder Muhammad Ghaffar, who like many people living along the trench took the freedom of movement across the Durand Line for granted.

Raziq said that when work began, some local people made their anger clear and there was some exchange of fire across the line. “But then we got orders from Kabul not to engage with Pakistani forces, so we backed off,” he said.

For polio worker Abdullah Jaanan, the implications of the barrier are potentially devastating, as Pakistan is experiencing a resurgence of the disease and his area of responsibility traverses the trench.

Jaanan said that eradication of the disease, which remains endemic only in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria, is taken seriously by Afghans.

“But how can I go and visit those homes on the other side of trench?” he said.


A excavator on wheels? Is it common in Pakistan? Curious..
It should be mined and booby trapped by 21st century tech.

yes, they room around in my city quite often.
Hmmm... interesting.... I never saw one till date... won't they get stuck during excavations? I worked inside excavator plant, so was seeing a lot of them, new saw such a configuration.. are they made locally?
Hmmm... interesting.... I never saw one till date... won't they get stuck during excavations? I worked inside excavator plant, so was seeing a lot of them, new saw such a configuration.. are they made locally?

Border areas are very rugged and it is possible to mine it, as very less population live close to border which stretch from Baluchistan to KPK.
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