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Transvestite pulls the Hijab of a Muslim Lady

Da fuq is that Creature in Blue ? ? Can anyone translate the Arabic ?
She is a minority herself and possibly vulnerable and she is getting abusive against other minorities. Looks crazy...
Da fuq is that Creature in Blue ? ? Can anyone translate the Arabic ?

Guy in Blue : "Take off the Hijab"
Cameraman: Describing the scene like " He want to take off her hijab, that Animal and then repeat later on."
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How many times I have to tell you these advocates of ((neo-liberlalism)) and ((multiculturalism_)) are not our allies to gullible Western Muslims
Gay Pride culture has overshot it's goals, and is out of control, at the moment.
I see it myself, i live nearby an area that has an annual gay pride parade weekend, and it's annoying as hell these days.

I long argued for years you give these LGBTQZ folks a arm they want a leg the nonsense does not stop
Gay Pride culture has overshot it's goals, and is out of control, at the moment.
I see it myself, i live nearby an area that has an annual gay pride parade weekend, and it's annoying as hell these days.

The LGBTQ+++++ is now too much powerful , if anyone just mere disagree with them them and their supporters will destroy you over Social media .
I have been thinking this for almost 20 years....i.e. immediately post 9/11.

Strange bedfellows have been made.

Still there is no clear solution.

Post 9/11 Muslims in the west and America became pawns of the neo liberals I dont like using the term left wing because real left wingers which are becoming rare in western politics are pragmatic and in general pro working clas values so no LGBTQZ crap what happen was the neo liberal capitalists mostly backed (()) used Muslims as pawns and I long warned the retarded uncles about this not suprised young Muslims in America no longer are hostile to LGBTQZ crap now
Post 9/11 Muslims in the west and America became pawns of the neo liberals I dont like using the term left wing because real left wingers which are becoming rare in western politics are pragmatic and in general pro working clas values so no LGBTQZ crap what happen was the neo liberal capitalists mostly backed (()) used Muslims as pawns and I long warned the retarded uncles about this not suprised young Muslims in America no longer are hostile to LGBTQZ crap now


Complex issue.

Not sure what the proper pathway forward is for Muslims given the circumstances.

Also, it would be nice to discuss these things in person if/when I'm in the NYC area.
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