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Transparency International: Pakistan's 'Corruption Perception' worsened in 2020


Jan 21, 2015
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Sohail Muzaffar, Chairman TI Pakistan has said in CPI 2020, Pakistan’s score has lowered to 31/100 from 32/100 in 2019 and rank to 124/180 from 120/180 in 2019.

Pakistan's position has worsened in the latest corruption index released by Transparency International on Thursday.

Transparency International, the leading civil society organisation working to end corruption worldwide, release its annual Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) for 2020. The report showed a grim picture of persistent corruption is undermining health care systems and contributing to democratic backsliding amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sohail Muzaffar, Chairman TI Pakistan has said in CPI 2020, Pakistan’s score has lowered to 31/100 from 32/100 in 2019 and rank to 124/180 from 120/180 in 2019.

“This is despite the extraordinary efforts of NAB who claims to have recovered Rs 363 billion in the last two years, and Public Accounts Committee claims to have recovered Rs. 300 billion in the last two years,” said Muzaffar in a statement.

Sohail Muzaffar, Chairman TI Pakistan also said that Pakistan has scored less than last year in two sources: Rule of Law Index and Varieties of Democracy (VDem) due to which Pakistan score in CPI 2020 has reduced by 1. The questions asked by WJP Rule of Law Index and Varieties of Democracy are about the corruption of government officials viz. legislatures, executives, judiciary, police and military.


He said that the government has to improve its performance in these four sectors.

Meanwhile, countries that perform well on the index invest more in health care, are better able to provide universal health coverage and are less likely to violate democratic norms and institutions or the rule of law.


“The past year has tested governments like no other in memory, and those with higher levels of corruption have been less able to meet the challenge. But even those at the top of the CPI must urgently address their role in perpetuating corruption at home and abroad,” said Delia Ferreira Rubio, Chair of Transparency International.

The 2020 edition of the CPI ranks 180 countries and territories by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, drawing on 13 expert assessments and surveys of business executives. It uses a scale of zero (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean).

Denmark and New Zealand top the index, with 88 points. Syria, Somalia and South Sudan come last, with 14, 12 and 12 points, respectively.

Since 2012, the earliest point of comparison in the current CPI methodology, 26 countries significantly improved their CPI scores, including Ecuador (39), Greece (50), Guyana (41), Myanmar (28) and South Korea (61).

Twenty-two countries significantly decreased their scores, including Bosnia & Herzegovina (35), Guatemala (25), Lebanon (25), Malawi (30), Malta (53) and Poland (56).

Nearly half of countries have been stagnant on the index for almost a decade, indicating stalled government efforts to tackle the root causes of corruption. More than two-thirds score below 50.

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A party which did thousands of unending political gathering spending billions of dollars with an aim to establish ''new pakistan'', this is completely unforgiveable.

Pakistan desperately needs a change but PTI has just done fraud with pakistanis who have such desperate needs tbh.

I vividly remember that when musharraf came, things started to change for the better, municipal system improved dramatically, the change which PTI seem to have brought can be called nothing but old wine in a new bottle.

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"Perception of Corruption". Usually they asks "experts" to rank corruption in institutions. Check out methodology.
It is very simple how it works. Everything used to be hidden under the carpet, as soon as you remove the carpet and people see what is happening and that the culprits are not punished the perception goes up. If anyone asks me, my answer will be the same.
Take a snapshot of how the general picture looks at this moment in time. Everyday there is hearing of a corruption case, bail pleas. On the media everyday there are headlines regarding corruption cases. As more corruption gets exposed the more the index will slide. If there were no inquiries, cases and media news index will improve.
It is very simple how it works. Everything used to be hidden under the carpet, as soon as you remove the carpet and people see what is happening and that the culprits are not punished the perception goes up. If anyone asks me, my answer will be the same.
Take a snapshot of how the general picture looks at this moment in time. Everyday there is hearing of a corruption case, bail pleas. On the media everyday there are headlines regarding corruption cases. As more corruption gets exposed the more the index will slide. If there were no inquiries, cases and media news index will improve.
Corruption has gone up as has lawlessness and crime. This is what happens when a fraud and his cult are let loose. The PTI narrative of lies is pretty much over but effects will be very long lasting and difficult to overcome.
Corruption has gone up as has lawlessness and crime. This is what happens when a fraud and his cult are let loose. The PTI narrative of lies is pretty much over but effects will be very long lasting and difficult to overcome.

Haha, the only one lying right now is the opposition. Don't worry the index will go up further when Broadsheet inquiry is published. I will give you an example, khokar brothers land grabbing got exposed, now the whole country knows how much land grabbing is endemic, so the index goes up. Same is the case with money laundering. The more trials open the more people get to know how much corruption there is and index further goes up. You close every inquiry and give the feel good perception the index goes down. This is a perception index.
Haha, the only one lying right now is the opposition. Don't worry the index will go up further when Broadsheet inquiry is published. I will give you an example, khokar brothers land grabbing got exposed, now the whole country knows how much land grabbing is endemic, so the index goes up. Same is the case with money laundering. The more trials open the more people get to know how much corruption there is and index further goes up. You close every inquiry and give the feel good perception the index goes down. This is a perception index.
It was always a perception index

Even when the spaz was in opposition, who lied about everything and now firmly in power the bunch of jokers are dismantling the country.

This does not mean that everyone else is or was whitter than white, but as the English saying says, throwing the baby out with the bath water.

Clearly IK is Lucifer's friend and only in Pakistan can that individual be Sadiq and Amin, certified by a corrupt judge.

Most people of Pakistani origin including me have a few good traits and many bad traits. So our Generals, Judiciary, Journalist and Politicians will also have them, as well as the general public.

IK knowing that the public are gullible and as a nation have no ability of introspection sold a very receptive audience a lie with a sprinkling of truths in a very cunning way.

The people will suffer until they admit their part in this fraud.
From the article:

Sohail Muzaffar, Chairman TI Pakistan also said that Pakistan has scored less than last year in two sources: Rule of Law Index and Varieties of Democracy (VDem) due to which Pakistan score in CPI 2020 has reduced by 1. The questions asked by WJP Rule of Law Index and Varieties of Democracy are about the corruption of government officials viz. legislatures,

So not really due to what we would typically call corruption.

But, its greatly dissapointing that there wasn't improvement in other indexes or overall score.
It's says Corruption Perception index?? When you have corrupt judges letting crooks go on bail like Godfather, Nani tweetni who makes a comedy circus out of herself telling endless lies and Khokar brothers getting a stay order on land grabbing, Perception of corruption is bound to go up not a rocket science.
It was always a perception index

Even when the spaz was in opposition, who lied about everything and now firmly in power the bunch of jokers are dismantling the country.

This does not mean that everyone else is or was whitter than white, but as the English saying says, throwing the baby out with the bath water.

Clearly IK is Lucifer's friend and only in Pakistan can that individual be Sadiq and Amin, certified by a corrupt judge.

Most people of Pakistani origin including me have a few good traits and many bad traits. So our Generals, Judiciary, Journalist and Politicians will also have them, as well as the general public.

IK knowing that the public are gullible and as a nation have no ability of introspection sold a very receptive audience a lie with a sprinkling of truths in a very cunning way.

The people will suffer until they admit their part in this fraud.

Bro no need for such lengthy posts. Finally people are waking up to the reality of a corrupt dynastic family imposed on us by Gen Zia (The biggest fraud that cost us a generation). There are only 2 types of people who still support them, 1st are the ones who have not evolved beyond the slavery traits from british era and crave for someone to hold their chains. 2nd are the ones who have benefitted in the corruption food chain.
Bro no need for such lengthy posts. Finally people are waking up to the reality of a corrupt dynastic family imposed on us by Gen Zia (The biggest fraud that cost us a generation). There are only 2 types of people who still support them, 1st are the ones who have not evolved beyond the slavery traits from british era and crave for someone to hold their chains. 2nd are the ones who have benefitted in the corruption food chain.
It's not just corrupt dynastic families, it's every one. And I don't think we have any more corruption than in India, Bangladesh or even China. We have power hungry Generals who are not patriotic and are self serving
How would Pakistan economy in Imran Khan era compare to Gen Pervez Musharraf.


  • Pakistan's_Economy _19992000_20072008.An_objective_Appraisal.pdf
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