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Trains made by Indonesian state firm to serve commuters in Philippines


Mar 28, 2013
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Trains made by Indonesian state firm to serve commuters in Philippines
  • News Desk
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Thu, December 19, 2019 / 12:58 pm
New diesel multiple unit trains made by Indonesian manufacturer Inka for Philippine National Railways will serve commuters in Makati city, Metro Manila. (Philippine Information Agency/Department of Transportation)
A Philippine state railway company has launched two trains made by Indonesian state-owned train manufacturer Industri Kereta Api (Inka) to serve customers in Makati city, the financial hub of metropolitan Manila.

The two trains – with three cars each – are diesel multiple units powered by on-board diesel engines, according to tempo.co. Each train has the capacity to carry 750 passengers for 18 to 20 trips per day on assigned routes.

The trains are expected to serve 13,500 passengers daily, increasing the daily capacity of Philippine National Railways (PNR) trains to 73,500 from its initial 60,000 daily passengers.

PNR general manager Junn B. Magno said the trains came earlier than the expected arrival period in February 2020.

The two trains were part of a sales deal made by PNR and Inka last year. The deal was for PNR to buy 37 train cars and three locomotives from Inka. The remaining train cars and locomotives are scheduled to be shipped in 2020.

When all shipments are completed, PNR would serve 140,000 passengers a day, double its daily limit.

The Philippines’ transportation minister and co-chairman of PNR, Arthur Planta Tugade, applauded PNR's efforts in increasing the quality of railway operations and services.

The number of operating stations had increased significantly to 37 today from only 14 stations at the start of his term in 2016, Tugade added. (mfp)


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