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Trade between the US and China is drying up. That could be bad news for American consumers

You get a cut today but tomorrow you get cut. Because shipping semi finished goods from China to Mexico and then reexporting to the US isn’t sustainable for any business.
Imagine you are a mexican businessmen - you make great profit simply buying the chinese good , re labeling it and selling in america. Will you trade this option by investing in your own country, dealing with labor/infrastructure issues and resulting pollution and competition for natural resources ? china enormously sacrificed itself - its own labor, resources and infrastructure - for the better of the world. I dont understand why that is seen so negatively.
Please be gentle, he isn’t very bright but he is entertaining,

yah he's one of the most autistic weirdos on here.

Imagine this being your calling in life, he threw a hissy fit and left other fora as enough people rallied against this special guy's antics.....but I guess he persists as pesky entertainment here.
Chinese CCP involves lots of the Chinese traditional elements in it, not communist parties everywhere is the same, you do know this, don't you?

Invoking blessings is a thousands of years old deep seated tradtion in China. You really know nothing about China at all.

The good thing about Chinese people, they put what God told them to do to be practiced in their everyday life.

Laba festival is just a religious symbol.

But the real thing is to be applied in everyday life.

Chinese people do it more than any other people, that is why they are blessed more.

This is true! As it has been told in the prophecy about Chinese people.

Satan can claim himself to be God. But when you see his actions like always angry, hateful, unhappy, cheating, murdering, involved in unhealthy sexual activity, bragging, etc... you know Satan is not God.

A poor carpenter, claims himself to be nobody. But when you see his deed like always calm, always doing the good thing, help others unconditionally, very wise, very humble, etc... You know this person is not an ordinary person.

A lot of lightworkers like a poor carpenter above.
I think it is very reasonable for companies not to risk putting all their eggs in one basket. What if Covid was still raging in China..is the rest of the world supposed to sit around and wait for consumer goods? What if there was some upheaval and the Chinese government closed its ports?

This idea of costs only comes to the forefront when there is no problem. When there is one I think costs are not the primary concern. You can see that with N95 mask/PPE shortage around the world during covid. Worrying about costs took a backrow seat compared to availability.
Shut it. It was never about the Covid. It's geopolitics and maintaining America's hegemony.

Yes, but how about if the production goes to zero due to reasons beyond the company's control? Don't you think diversification of production sources would be a smart move?

That is better than having zero product.

You aren't seeing the big picture.

I think you have a short memory and don't remember this wakeup call that happened when everybody found out the hard way of what happens when you over rely on one source because they can make products the cheapest.

Shortage of PPE, medical workers hindering COVID-19 fight, says Terawan

Why was there this shortage? It was because of an over-reliance on one country to make cheap goods...and when that country shutdown everybody was sh*t-out-of-luck.

..and when the vaccines came out was Indonesia on the top of the list to get an allotment? Nope! You had to wait.

How the Global Vaccine Divide Is Fueling Indonesia’s Coronavirus Catastrophe

Why would you knowingly want to put yourself in a situation like that? Diversification of production is the best way. That is what we are trying to do.


But Covid is an emergency situation.

Countries who produce PPE and hazmat suit are not just China.

But since there's a sudden high demand in a very short time, no factory is able to produce multiple times higher in just a single night in any country.

The same with vaccine production, why not to be launch globally in the same day that enough for 8 billion of people whatever it's Sinovac or Pfizer.

Countries who produce PPE and hazmat suit is not just China, but when there's emergency situation the one who can fulfill it in the fastest way is probably just China. That's why everyone is putting hope on China, not even their own countries.
In reality many officials go to temples to pray for their promotion, CCP in China is just a name, I don't believe in communism I always think its a form of utopia. I personally believe China should leave communism for the Chinese tradtional form of goverance which China actually largely already is. keeping the name of communism is just for the legitimacy to rule. this is only my personal opinion though, I know many Chinese posters here still support true communism.

Many morons here say CCP pays me to post here, but actually I m one of the very few Chinese posters consistently and openly disagree with communism for all these years here.

I also disagree with communism.

But there's something we can learn from communism.

Most important is the system that is working, whatever it's a mix of everything or partially or something we have never seen before.

But it's working extremely well.
You get a cut today but tomorrow you get cut. Because shipping semi finished goods from China to Mexico and then reexporting to the US isn’t sustainable for any business.

It's not sustainable in a long time.

But no business is sustainable for a long time.

Shipping semi-finished goods, or using components from other companies, etc are very practical today.

One finished product on the market today, can came from multiple processes and multiple components. Each process and each component are done by different companies, through more than just one hand.

You just need to be smart to play with it and be rich.

The one who wants to produce a finished good by himself, from raw material to finished product will never finish their product, let alone win the economic competition.

A smartphone like Xiaomi, beside China, there are USA, Japan, South Korea, Germany, France, UK, Indonesia, Brazil, India, etc inside it. Xiaomi just needs to put the best, the most efficient, the most effective, etc into their product and win the economic competition.

One country doesn't want their product to be used by other country the production will stop. Just like the case of Huawei, when USA doesn't want their component to be used in Huawei products.

China is just lucky enough to have 1.4 billion of people. They have enough resources to produce everything in their country.

A small country like Singapore trying to replicate what China do, basically it's suicidal from them.

Even a bigger country than Singapore like North Korea, isolating itself from the world, and you see what happened to it.

Mexico can try to be the next North Korea and everyone will laugh to it.

Being friendly to everyone is the key here. But politicians always look for the enemy, always look for trouble, and basically, they bring trouble to themselves.

But Covid is an emergency situation.

Countries who produce PPE and hazmat suit are not just China.
So do you think those PPE producing countries put Indonesia near the top of the list when it came to fulfilling emergency orders.

This is what happened to Apple for having all their eggs in one basket
due to impacts stemming from the coronavirus that has shuttered large parts of China, and is reverberating through the global economy.

What if a China/Taiwan war breaks out and China suspends exports due to shipping safety concerns?
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Imagine you are a mexican businessmen - you make great profit simply buying the chinese good , re labeling it and selling in america.
imagine that Mexican business man realizes that he can make even more money by manufacturing locally. No shipping cost, no import tariffs and cheaper labor, no forex losses. China, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea all started that way but forward integrated up the value chain.
So do you think those PPE producing countries put Indonesia near the top of the list when it came to fulfilling emergency orders.

This is what happened to Apple for having all their eggs in one basket

What if a China/Taiwan war breaks out and China suspends exports due to shipping safety concerns?

Of course not.

I just want to say to increase production multiple times because of emergency situation is not a simple task for all countries.

Because you need raw materials, machines, workers, etc, too many things can't be done instantly.

During Covid, all countries' production was being disturbed.

If there is a war between China and Taiwan, USA will involve.

If USA is attacking China soil to destroy all military facilities, China will do the same to USA.

Isn't both USA and China will stop their production and shipment over safety concern?

In the peaceful world we are enjoying today, war is stupid.

Why should provoke a war? Why don't we promote peace and friendship?
Mexico have their own issues
But so does US and every other country, and that hasn't stopped Mexico from still growing and expanding its economic and political power globally, "cartels" = generalization - Mexico is NOT just about cartels, i know US TV loves to only show that part of Mexico but dont believe it.
and the Cartels and their interests
yea yea, and US has gangs and crime and drug addiction, please dont generalize people.
would spread more into the US.
cuz US has been playing its diplomatic hands badly, giving mid level power countries the upper hand or more leverage in their relationship with with US.
imagine that Mexican business man realizes that he can make even more money by manufacturing locally. No shipping cost, no import tariffs and cheaper labor, no forex losses. China, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea all started that way but forward integrated up the value chain.

If they wanted that - they could have done it by now. its nothing to do with "realization".
We don't care about Mexicans resell made in China products to US and get a cut, a win win for both China and Mexico.

what a ignorant comment

Taiwan, South Korea and Japan have been doing it alot longer than China

and they dont make these kind of retarded comments

but doing with business with them ensures quality
If they wanted that - they could have done it by now. its nothing to do with "realization".
Of course, US businesses leveraged Chinese state subsidies for export to improve their bottom line. This combined with state funding, favorable exchange rate, cheap labor, cheap electricity and loose environment / worker protection laws made China unbeatable. But those days are long gone. Consumer sentiment for ‘Made in China’ is at an all time low, businesses are wary of destabilizing policies such as ‘zero Covid’, trade tariffs and most of all ‘engineered backlash’ such as experienced by HM, BMW and Nike. Western entrepreneurs want to limit their China exposure.

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