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Toxic Capsules: China Drug Industry Tainted By Unsafe Chemicals

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Dec 14, 2010
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HONG KONG, June 18 (Reuters) - Hou Zhihui breaks open a cold-medicine capsule, pours the powder on to a piece of steamed dough and folds it together. He passes the miniature bun to a colleague who pops it in her mouth.

That is his response to the discovery of 77 million capsules made of industrial gel containing chromium, a carcinogenic heavy metal, the latest in a series of safety problems blighting China's healthcare industry, including the widespread manufacture of fake drugs.

The government has repeatedly promised to tighten regulatory systems after safety scandals involving fish, drugs, toys, toothpaste, children's clothes, tyres, drugs and milk fortified with melamine, used in the manufacture of tabletops. But little has been done apart from a few, highly publicised arrests.

"I read about the capsule problem ... the next morning, a colleague of mine had a cold, so I thought of a way for her to take the medicine," Hou said.

China announced in May that 254 pharmaceutical suppliers, or 12.7 percent of the total, were producing tainted capsules. At least 10 are listed or linked to China-listed firms, according to the official Chinese media. Of 11,561 batches of drugs tested, 5.8 percent contained excessive levels of chromium.

Instead of using gelatine derived from animal parts, they used cheap industrial gelatine from leather scraps treated with chromium that tans and softens animal hide.

The problem is pervasive because of the pressure to produce low-cost drugs and still make a profit, and the popularity of traditional Chinese medicine, which is often made into powders and packed into capsules.

Authorities swooped in on 236 capsule makers, ordered 42 of them to stop production, closed 84 production lines, revoked the licences of seven companies and referred 13 to the police.


As China revamps its healthcare system to make it more affordable to its 1.3 billion population, bureaucrats have gone all out to lower drug prices in large drug tenders that give winners a captive market spanning several provinces.

Toxic capsules have also been uncovered in Hong Kong, where drugmakers source 90 percent of their capsules from China.

"The current tendering system of the essential drug list has three major problems: first, essential drug tendering in provinces has become a political competition to depress prices among local governments, which results in constant decreases in prices of some essential drugs," the Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry Association said in a report.

"The unreasonably low winning prices directly challenge the safely bottom lines of the essential drugs, put Chinese people's health in severe jeopardy and affect normal production and supply of these essential drugs."

Analysts say the cutting of corners won't go away overnight.

"It will continue to haunt the market as long as enterprises have to make a profit," said Gideon Lo, analyst at Nomura Equity Research in Hong Kong.

"Consolidation must happen and is already happening. It will be good if we can see the number of pharmaceutical makers coming down to 1,000 (from over 6,000) in the next five years."

As for breaking open capsules and taking their contents separately, experts say that is dangerous, assuming the toxic capsules work, as they should, on a timer.

"The formulation of some drugs is prepared for sustained release, meaning the drug is prepared in a way to release the drug slowly," said William Chui, president of the Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Hong Kong.

"If you break the capsule, you destroy the mechanism of sustained release. The drug will immediately be released and you risk increasing the drug level in your blood and developing side effects."

Toxic Capsules: China Drug Industry Tainted By Unsafe Chemicals

Stay away from Chinese manufactured medicines fellas. :tdown:
Stay away from Chinese manufactured medicines fellas. :tdown:

LOL. :rofl:

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) reckons that 75% of the world's total supply of fake drugs can be traced to India. The World Health Organization (WHO) pegs the figure at 35%.

Between 10 and 30% of all pharmaceuticals in developing countries are counterfeit, according to the 2006 WHO figures cited in the OECD report, which estimates that India is the biggest culprit in the spurious drugs market though other countries such as Egypt (7%) and China (6%) contribute to this.

Fake drugs a bitter pill for India - Asia Times

75% vs. 6%... hmm. :azn:
Stay away from Chinese manufactured medicines fellas. :tdown:

Stay away that you have to swallow and in manufactured in China.. Melamine, mercury, lead, zinc, chromium and god know what $hit can be found in them..

There is difference between fake(unlicensed generic) drugs and unsafe tainted spurious drugs.

Put your nationalist ego aside for once and think about all the people who are at the risk from cancer causing Chromium tainted capsules. 77 Million is no small number!

BookMark champ is as usual posting old data, here's the latest -

On May 18, the AmCham Shanghai Healthcare Committee was pleased to host a half day roundtable in Shanghai in association with the U.S. Commerce Department’s Office of Health and Consumer Goods on counterfeit medicines and tainted active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in China.

Speakers included Jeffrey Gren, Director of the Office of Health and Consumer Goods, several industry experts and international officials, including Ms. Jeannie Salo, Director of Global Anti-Counterfeiting, International Government Affairs at Eli Lilly and Chair of the PhRMA Anti-counterfeiting Task Force, Mr. JunGuo Hao, Regional Director - Asia Pacific, Global Security Team of Pfizer, and Ms. Lim Chin Chin, Director, Singapore Health Science Authority.

Counterfeiting, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), is a US$200 billion global industry. The counterfeiting of APIs is a potentially deadly industry, and according to Gren “China is ground zero for this problem.”

American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai
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Even vaccines are commonly faked in china -->

Eight people were sentenced to jail terms Friday for selling fake rabies vaccines that contributed to the death of a five-year old boy in southwest China, a local court said Monday.

The court said the eight sold more than 530 doses of fake rabies vaccines between August and December last year. The fake vaccines were mostly water.

The eight criminals paid a total of 160,000 yuan (nearly 24,000 U.S. dollars) in compensation to the boy's family.

Further investigation found that 1,656 people in Guangxi had received the fake rabies vaccinations.

8 jailed for selling fake rabies vaccines - China.org.cn

Then suspended drugs because it contained poison..

China Suspends Sales Of 13 Drugs Over Excessive Chromium
china still has long way to catch up to india, which is the king in this area. :D


Further information: Pharmaceutical industry in China

The State Food and Drug Administration is not responsible for regulating pharmaceutical ingredients manufactured and exported by chemical companies. This regulatory lack, which has resulted in considerable international news coverage unfavorable to China, has been known for a decade, but failure of Chinese regulatory agencies to cooperate has prevented improvement.[6] On May 6, 2005, the Chinese press agency Xinhua reported that the World Health Organization had established Rapid Alert System, the world's first web-based system for tracking the activities of drug counterfeiters, in light of the increasing severity of the problem of counterfeit drugs.


According to a report released by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 75% of fake drugs supplied world over have some origins in India, followed by 7% from Egypt and 6% from China.[7][7[/B]]

Counterfeit medications - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
LOL. :rofl:

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) reckons that 75% of the world's total supply of fake drugs can be traced to India. The World Health Organization (WHO) pegs the figure at 35%.

Between 10 and 30% of all pharmaceuticals in developing countries are counterfeit, according to the 2006 WHO figures cited in the OECD report, which estimates that India is the biggest culprit in the spurious drugs market though other countries such as Egypt (7%) and China (6%) contribute to this.

Fake drugs a bitter pill for India - Asia Times

75% vs. 6%... hmm. :azn:

Made in India, faked in China - Views - livemint.com
Illegal Chinese manufacturers are faking drugs, endangering patients’ lives, and undermining legitimate brands, especially those from India. Bian Zhenjia, deputy commissioner of the Chinese State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA), told a news conference last year that reports claiming the country was a major exporter of fake drugs were unfair. “I don’t agree with what the foreign media has been saying. The Chinese government has always paid great attention to cracking down on fake drugs.”

But new data from the drug samplings that my research team has undertaken show that China is largely responsible for the fakes attributed to India. The sample sizes are small but indicative of a larger problem, a signal that New Delhi has every right to pressure Beijing to act on rogue manufacturers within its borders.

Indian companies provide vast amounts of generic drugs to mid-income and developing nations. By some estimates, 80% of HIV drugs for the developing world come from India, and probably half the antimalarials and antibiotics too.

Counterfeiters copy popular brands even when they’re not the most expensive, since the market accepts a familiar product more easily and without suspicion. This means many fakes may be sold before they are detected. And since Indian generics dominate many therapeutic categories of these markets, it is not surprising that they are the ones faked.

My research team collected drugs from 22 cities in 20 countries over the past four years. Of these, 911 antimalarial and antibiotic products were, according to their packaging, made in India. They were procured from 14 countries, mainly in Africa, but also in Thailand and India. Of those products, 79 (or 8.7%), failed basic quality control tests and hence were unfit for their intended use. Of these 79 products, we were able to establish that 37 were counterfeits. More products may have been counterfeit, but without responses from the manufacturers or regulatory agencies, it was not always possible to be sure. Of the 37 counterfeits identified, 22 were definitely faked in China and delivered straight to African nations from China. Hence, from our small sample, over half (59%) of the fake Indian drugs were actually made in China.

Dr Paul Orhii, head of Nigeria’s anti-counterfeit drug agency NAFDAC, helped us track where some of the alleged “Indian” fakes had come from. He told us of the astonishing Chinese criminal counterfeiting drug networks his investigators had unearthed. The networks are run from China and employ Nigerians and people of other nationalities. They have successfully infiltrated the entire supply and distribution chains—from producer to patient—across continents. Orhii said they either bribed employees of customs departments, or, in numerous instances, had their own personnel apply and get jobs in places ranging from Nigerian and Chinese customs to two Middle East airlines, which then unwittingly transported the fakes from China to Nigeria.

Each compliant official had responsibility at key parts of the distribution system, starting with manufacturing in the Chinese Shenzhen free-trade zone until they arrived in Lagos, Nigeria’s largest city. Remarkably, legitimate or unbribed officials had very little chance to spot the fakes being transported. In one instance, the drug traded by a gang was a fake of an Indian antimalarial drug called Lonart DS. The proper drug is made by Bliss Gvs Pharma Ltd, of Mumbai. The fake didn’t contain any of the correct active ingredients and had it been distributed, might have left untreated thousands of malaria-stricken children. Fortunately, this shipment was caught through routine surveillance work.

But this was not the only example in 2010 where a Chinese-made fake was passed off as an Indian generic in Nigeria, said Orhii. His department has clamped down on those selling fakes from China and now it inspects factories exporting drugs to Nigeria. As a result, Beijing has sentenced six Chinese nationals to death over their part in selling fake antimalarials. The sentence is yet to be carried out.

In 2009, our Nigerian colleague Thompson Ayodele came across another fake of an Indian drug, this time an antibiotic. Later, we found out that it, too, had been made in China.

But Chinese gangs do not discriminate whose drugs to fake. Indeed, every major drug company and every country has probably had drugs faked by the Chinese. They’ll fake anything popular. Take Artesunat, the brand of a Vietnamese antimalarial, made by the Ho Chi Minh-based Mekophar Chemical Pharmaceutical. Ongoing research shows that fake Artesunat was found in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, and also in Thailand—all the handiwork of Chinese counterfeiters.

India has a problem with counterfeit and substandard drugs. Many are made by Indians for India’s market. But it may be less India’s fault than we thought. In addition to the examples discussed above, in our ongoing research, we have even come across Chinese fakes in India that sported “Made in India” labels.

Obviously, Beijing needs to improve oversight of drug production within its borders, but India must also act. Through the World Health Organization, it must push for strengthening of public health laws against trading fake drugs. It is in India’s interest, and of patients globally, to do so.

Roger Bate is the Legatum fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.


Chinese busted ....USing Made in India Label to sell ur fake drugs And Posting Made in India Drug are fake....................another CCP brainwashed Retard :P


China told to pull up cos selling fake ‘made-in-India’ drugs in Nigeria

According to a report released by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 75% of fake drugs supplied world over have some origins in India, followed by 7% from Egypt and 6% from China.[7][7[/B]]

Counterfeit medications - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

still is the king :D

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) reckons that 75% of the world's total supply of fake drugs can be traced to India. The World Health Organization (WHO) pegs the figure at 35%.

Between 10 and 30% of all pharmaceuticals in developing countries are counterfeit, according to the 2006 WHO figures cited in the OECD report, which estimates that India is the biggest culprit in the spurious drugs market though other countries such as Egypt (7%) and China (6%) contribute to this.

Fake drugs a bitter pill for India - Asia Times

still is the king :D


The latest on the counterfeits is here -->

On May 18, the AmCham Shanghai Healthcare Committee was pleased to host a half day roundtable in Shanghai in association with the U.S. Commerce Department’s Office of Health and Consumer Goods on counterfeit medicines and tainted active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in China.

Speakers included Jeffrey Gren, Director of the Office of Health and Consumer Goods, several industry experts and international officials, including Ms. Jeannie Salo, Director of Global Anti-Counterfeiting, International Government Affairs at Eli Lilly and Chair of the PhRMA Anti-counterfeiting Task Force, Mr. JunGuo Hao, Regional Director - Asia Pacific, Global Security Team of Pfizer, and Ms. Lim Chin Chin, Director, Singapore Health Science Authority.

Counterfeiting, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), is a US$200 billion global industry. The counterfeiting of APIs is a potentially deadly industry, and according to Gren “China is ground zero for this problem.”

American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai
btw what is so much to discuss in this thread??....isnt china known for this???....every 2 months we have an article of china stealing tech or in technical terms "reverse engineering" stuff??
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