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Towards the achievement of factory for drones in Bizerte by $ 12 million

Tunisian Marine Corps

Apr 16, 2012
Reaction score
received recently Mr. Reza Elahwal governor of Bizerte to the private office of Mr. Azzouz Bachoc It is an investor and an international expert world class inventor Which expresses the personal desire and the desire of global partners in building factory a specialist in the manufacture of unmanned aircraft worth an initial investment in the range of $ 12 million and Qualified to benefit from investment grant from the U.S. administration in the range of 10 million U.S. dollars as the value of Fine Investment able to reach 30 million U.S. dollars in the second phase as revealed by this investor confident of his project and his success from Bizerte, Tunisia in general , .. He said that although his project is disabled from 14 years ago and despite the pursuit of many Gulf countries to polarize him but he insist with his global partners like Dr. Pascual Marquez and Alctor Angelo Malleniu and Dr Valentin Banav and Dr Hisham Sanusi,Accomplished in our country, specifically Bizerte on an area ranging between 4,000 and 5,000 meters such as the Utica area , Mr. Azzouz added that this factory as well as addenda development and its ability operational high-value high technological anticipated it would bring a lot to our country on the security level and other gains that countless and the market is currently available in many countries of the world such as Pakistan, Iraq and Egypt, and private companies in the U.S.To promote the company's product drone which bears the name of "Jebel Assa" and could be promoted within 6 years wholesale equivalent investments of $ 352.5 million,

Reference Tunisia is the first Arab country to the industry and the development of unmanned aircraft was her first experience in 1996, and Tunisia is designing, development and manufacturing of unmanned aircraft locally via

Tunisia Aero Technologies Industries S.A.

Arabic source
@al-Hasani ; @Hazzy997 ; @BLACKEAGLE
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Reference Tunisia is the first Arab country to the industry and the development of unmanned aircraft was her first experience in 1996

Wheres that from
Mr. Azzouz Bachoc him self he is the owner of the company
this is the 1st it was target
Well done brothers and sisters. I have a weak point for Tunisia and Tunisians. Personal experience.
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