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Total revenue of Chinese majon companies equal 1.89 times of India GDP.

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For the last time :argh:

Forecast for India

open the link and read slowly and check the date. It is



14/7/2011 = 14/7/2011???

The date is invaild, Do u know the reason?


Global rating agency Fitch has further lowered its growth forecast for India in 2011 to 7.7 per cent from 8.3 per cent. “The growth has clearly hit a soft patch as GDP grew only 7.8 per cent in the first quarter of 2011, down from 8.4 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2009-10 and 8.9 per cent in the third quarter,” Fitch Ratings said in its report.

Business Briefs
Well, so what? Some indian members like to brag themselves.

What can you achieve by doing the same? Just insult each other and brag themselves over and over again???

What a waste of bandwidth.

When I first came here, I have thinked like you, promote friendship and communication, but the idea had changed slowly, you see negative reports about China all over the forum, 100% from out India's friends.
And Chinese on the forum , never post the negative news about India, even make a compare will be criticized, that is the difference.
Why I post this ,all because see this post:
And this post only remind our India friends, perhaps the future belongs to India, but today belongs to the United States and Europe, tomorrow belongs to the United States、Europe and China, the day after tomorrow?who knows?
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