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Total Fertility Rate Maps of South Asia: An Ongoing Conversation

Aug 19, 2017
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At First I would quote the latest data that I could get hold of:

The most recent survey for Pakistan is the DHS 2010-2012 Survey, which shows TFR at 3.8 per woman.

The most recent survey for India is NHFS-4 from 2015-2016, which shows TFR at 2.2 per woman.

Those are the only measured numbers. All others are projections based on population growth models.

There will be discrepancies between the various maps, but they paint by-and-large a sufficient contiental picture

My own comments and obeservations are at the end of the map series


Another version of the first map floating around



2011 results of India:


The Latest and Most accurate picture of India


Anyways regarding India I would like to say is that

High inflation in the 90s and 2000s killed the big family in Indian middle class
High inflation in the 2010s is slowly but surely killing the big family in the Indian lower classes

With all the talks of family planning, prevalence of oppressive patriarchy there seems to be a serious blindspot in modern health literature vis-a-vis the subcontient:

The extremely heavy maternal instinct of the average South Asian woman

During my life to this point I have come across enough people groups to draw an observation :

1) White fundamentalist Christian women ala Mormons tend to have the highest maternal instinct among all..The possibility of being limited to just one or two children would definitely make them revolt..These women feel "empty" and sad if they are not nursing or carrying a child..average family size 4-5

2) They would be followed by Arab/Kurdish/Turkish women, who tend to celebrate every pregnancy with much enthusiasm and gusto

3) Closely followed by South Asian women who are more about doting and adoring the children that are already there, rather than anticipating or celebrating any future pregnancy/birth

4) All other types of women tend to be a bit more "Meh" about their maternal ability, with the possible exception of Latino women (have not had much personal interactions with them....I write everything from personal account)

PS: Off topic: All the "Only Childs" in the house please raise your hands! :P
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Kinda surprised about sri lanka having a higher fertility rate than Bangladesh and some Indian states considering Sri lanka is dealing with an ageing population nowadays.
Very interesting.

First of all, I find it really hard to believe that KPK has fertility rate of only 2.0 . It's some kinda mistake I suppose :lol:

Second, our most populous provinces have 3.9 and 3.8 which really is a matter of concern.

Third, obviously lack of family.

All in all, a lot of work to do(or may be lack of) :P

Thanks for sharing.
Last time family planning waa introduced, in the '60s by Ayub Khan, I believe, it was shot down by religious leaders. Have to say, religious leaders have tried to shot down all the great visionaries of history.
Very interesting.

First of all, I find it really hard to believe that KPK has fertility rate of only 2.0 . It's some kinda mistake I suppose :lol:

Second, our most populous provinces have 3.9 and 3.8 which really is a matter of concern.

Third, obviously lack of family.

All in all, a lot of work to do(or may be lack of) :P

Thanks for sharing.

That's a mistake that has been corrected by the last map which shows KPK carrying 3.9

One must admit that it's not all the fault of men..

Most South Asian women feel strangely empowered in being a mother

Even very progressive feminist girls of my age 10 years back said that they won't ever sacrifice their own childbearing capability and just go for adoption..these are 20 yr old girls I am talking about
That's a mistake that has been corrected by the last map which shows KPK carrying 3.9

One must admit that it's not all the fault of men..

Most South Asian women feel strangely empowered in being a mother

Even very progressive feminist girls of my age 10 years back said that they won't ever sacrifice their own childbearing capability and just go for adoption..these are 20 yr old girls I am talking about
asian women in general are like this. having a kid is more important than their career.
So it's a good thing or bad thing?? Having high TFR?
asian women in general are like this. having a kid is more important than their career.

Umm East Asian women and even Iranian women tend to be a bit more sterile..Women who celebrate romance more tend to be less maternal..Women who tend to be more motherly and caring tend to be less romantic
I have doubts on KPK data !!!!!!!!!!!! And 3.8 is not that high for Pakistan .. With time it will come down , many families having 2 or 3 children now so in 20+ years this will come down to less then 3 .. Happy to see it under 4 ……
Umm East Asian women and even Iranian women tend to be a bit more sterile..Women who celebrate romance more tend to be less maternal..Women who tend to be more motherly and caring tend to be less romantic
crap.. my girlfriend falls into the latter category then so it's her fault not mine that she doesnt feel my magic
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