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Tosha Khana Record about Maryam Nawaz, PMLN and PDM

Everybody bought gifts from Toshaknana. The law says you can buy them at discounted price. Not sure why PMLN is using this as a propaganda tool and now dug themselves a grave. Cheap and immature politics.

However I believe they should be sold at a public auction so money can be raised to buy gifts for foreign leaders. I am sure Pakistan must also give gifts or do we only receive them?. Would love to see what gifts we give to foreign leaders. Aam ki perti I hope not.
I think it may be thinking along the lines of throwing as much mud as they can and see if anything sticks.
I think it may be thinking along the lines of throwing as much mud as they can and see if anything sticks.

In the western world if you work for a company ie phone company, you get phone contracts at a discounted price, buy for family at a discounted price, even get free shares or company car which you can buy later on at a cheap price and then sell it at market value. Pakistan issue is our laws are never updated, our system is stuck in the old times, political, parliamentary system etc needs major reforms.

Political leaders as usual creating propaganda because they know the public is unaware. If only the public was smart, honest, educated, intelligent then the leaders would automatically make major reforms because they will know the public will run away from them and their political careers will be finished. Imagine Pakistani public absolutely hates corruption in police stations and they have zero tolerance for it. The political leadership will take action or they would be in deep trouble and new young leaders will use this to oust the old guards.
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Everyone retains these perishable items.


Dr. Alvi retained mobile power bank, Key-chain, USB etc.

View attachment 920013

Sorry to burst your bubble, your lies has been busted by the publication of the Toshakhana record, if you care to go through, your Godfather league took gifts of expensive luxury cars, which he didn't pay single penny of tax.
Honey, Herbal tea, Jam, power bank, diary, pen, mug, cap etc seem like personal items given to the President and other leaders mentioned in other reports. They must have used them so I don't see any issue in retaining them. Who would buy airpods used by the president or PM lol

Bro, it was his own money. Not public money that he stole. He could have deposited in his account or to borrow the phrase, spent it on "bunch of hookers and cocaine." It's not public money. It it were you would be 100% right. Matter of fact, did he advertise the fact the he constructed a public road from own money, when he could have used public funds? No, that only came out after PDM raised the issue.

Ofc, he is far from perfect. No one is. There are 101 legit criticisms to be had. This is not one of those.
The appraisal was higher than that 1268 watches everyone else got. He paid 50% on them while everyone else paid 15% or less mostly. Now could the price have been higher, entirely possible. But was everything legal, and more transparent than literally everyone else's, yes.

This time, I get to say that. You said this to me in the Tim Hortons thread, I think :lol:
All good, just tell me who did the right thing, IK or Gill?

Gotta admit, I have new found respect for Dr. Shahbaz Gill. Man didn't take anything and whatever was sent to him, he refused. Which is opposite of his leader IK who took/sold watches and built a road towards his own house. And instead of promoting man like Dr. Gill, he took a Lota like Pervez Elahi and made him President of PTI within 2 weeks without any intra party elections.

its not all, pdf have around 400 pages of gifts listed and some say private gifts are separate from this and this is only from 2002 and before 2002 is not declared yet
Also not declared are the gifts received/retained by Judiciary/Military. That's another story altogether.

You'd be a better human being if they did
Allah protect all from "your" type of better human.
Imran Khan increased the discounted rate at which one can buy Toshakhana gifts to 50%.

How much was it earlier?

Because I see, some gifts bought at 10%, 20% of the original price. Some even free.

In some cases non elected representatives have been buying eg journalists, anchors etc.

I am sure most of them did not even file it in their tax returns.

Seems this case has come back to bite the PDMers in their a$$.

By the way where is the heavy gold necklace Bajwa got from a Middle Eastern country?
what is ssg? commandos? how did they got gifts?
Every single one of these SOBS have been looting our country, and this is just the tip of the iceburg, I can't even begin to imagine how deep this rot goes but it explains why they will do anything in their power to retain their privilaged position.

Pakistanis need to do everything in their power to get rid of all these generals, PDMS, Mullahs and etc, the longer they have the power, the weaker our country will get.
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Imran Khan increased the discounted rate at which one can buy Toshakhana gifts to 50%.

How much was it earlier?

Because I see, some gifts bought at 10%, 20% of the original price. Some even free.

In some cases non elected representatives have been buying eg journalists, anchors etc.

I am sure most of them did not even file it in their tax returns.

Seems this case has come back to bite the PDMers in their a$$.

By the way where is the heavy gold necklace Bajwa got from a Middle Eastern country?

He not only increased the percentage but also increased the limit of free gifts i.e. from 15000 to 30000.
During Musharraf's time only 15% was paid to retain gifts and Geelani increased it to 20%, Imran Khan increased it to 50% but he has hardly bought any gifts since the limit was raised.

The rule to calculate the price to be paid is also interesting:

Let an item is assessed at Rs.40,000 so you will have to pay Rs.5000 which is 50% of Rs. 10,000 (Assessed value - Exempted Value)
He not only increased the percentage but also increased the limit of free gifts i.e. from 15000 to 30000.
During Musharraf's time only 15% was paid to retain gifts and Geelani increased it to 20%, Imran Khan increased it to 50% but he has hardly bought any gifts since the limit was raised.

The rule to calculate the price to be paid is also interesting:

Let an item is assessed at Rs.40,000 so you will have to pay Rs.5000 which is 50% of Rs. 10,000 (Assessed value - Exempted Value)
whats the story with pineapples?
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