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Tosha Khana Record about Maryam Nawaz, PMLN and PDM

نہ میرا پاکستان ہے نہ تیرا پاکستان ہے

یہ اس کا پاکستان ہے رائیونڈ میں جس کا مکان ہے

I am arab shiekh lot of money habibi

Don’t deflect

You clearly are here on an agenda if you’re not Pakistani and can’t even speak Urdu.

Are you PTI paid social team?
They should but do they? Why the list has no army men names is what I am saying which means they probably don't

Because probably they travel separately. Different protocol officers, separate routines, separate khata.
یہ جو لسٹ شائع کی گئی ہے یہ بہت ہی مہارت سے ایڈیٹ کر کے کی گئی ہے ۔ یہ بالکل بھی اصل لسٹ نہیں نا ہی یہ 50٪ ہے اصل لسٹ کی ۔ نازے کا ویسے کوئی فیوچر نہیں شوبازے کی سیاست بھی مرنے والی ہے ۔ اصل لسٹ میں مریم نے تباہی پھیری ہوئی ہے کنیزوں کے ساتھ مل کر ۔

Don’t deflect

You clearly are here on an agenda if you’re not Pakistani and can’t even speak Urdu.

Are you PTI paid social team?
I speak punjabi but cant speak urdu. Unfortunately urdu is licensed langauage to patwaris

My paternal grandmother could read or write urdu because she spoke gujri my maternal grand mother couldnt read or write urdu because she spoke pushto. I cant urdu because i am "nalaiq"

Kinda agree i am not pakistani just like all those balochs, sindhis and pushtoons arent pakistani because they cant speak urdu as none cares if they are abduxted or killed but how come MQM got label of being anti pakistani they could speak urdu
No i am paid by maryum nawaz and i am diehard patwari
I thought everyone knew it

یہ جو لسٹ شائع کی گئی ہے یہ بہت ہی مہارت سے ایڈیٹ کر کے کی گئی ہے ۔ یہ بالکل بھی اصل لسٹ نہیں نا ہی یہ 50٪ ہے اصل لسٹ کی ۔ نازے کا ویسے کوئی فیوچر نہیں شوبازے کی سیاست بھی مرنے والی ہے ۔ اصل لسٹ میں مریم نے تباہی پھیری ہوئی ہے کنیزوں کے ساتھ مل کر ۔

Obviously its not real.
اگر اصلی ہوتا تو اس میں کسی فوجی کا نام بھی تو ہوتا
. .
I speak punjabi but cant speak urdu. Unfortunately urdu is licensed langauage to patwaris

My paternal grandmother could read or write urdu because she spoke gujri my maternal grand mother couldnt read or write urdu because she spoke pushto. I cant urdu because i am "nalaiq"

Kinda agree i am not pakistani just like all those balochs, sindhis and pushtoons arent pakistani because they cant speak urdu as none cares if they are abduxted or killed but how come MQM got label of being anti pakistani they could speak urdu
No i am paid by maryum nawaz and i am diehard patwari
I thought everyone knew it

Obviously its not real.
اگر اصلی ہوتا تو اس میں کسی فوجی کا نام بھی تو ہوتا
فوجیوں کے بہت نام ہیں لیکن اپر رینک اور مریم کو فلٹر کر دیا گیا ہے ۔ خدا کی قدرت ایک پائن ایپل رہ گیا
Thank you. I know it must have been hard for you saying that because of your Job security.
Its unfair to blame maryum aurgzeeb as her mom took watches because she was very پرہیزگار and needed it for iftari timing
Screenshot_20230312_223607_Friendly T.jpg
عمران خان نے ایک گھڑی توشہ خانہ سے لی اسکو بیچ کر سڑک بنوائی

ان سب نے 1268 گھڑیاں لیں اور نا جانے کیا ہوا ان گھڑیوں کے ساتھ
Distraction Shosha

This Trove of Data is released, because it gives people chance to talk.
The TV channels will shift focus from the death of the Disabled political work and loosen up

The purpose of the Shosha is in last 30-35 days divert attention of people from election.

  • People should focus on Security of Ballot
  • People should focus on people in charge of protecting ballot their character.
  • People should focus on security around the polling station.
  • People should demand video surveillance around polling station.
  • International Observers to Observe the elections document findings.
  • Ensure the People standing have sufficient protection on Day of Election

>Ensure you are registered correctly to vote.
>Ensure you know where your voting station is in case they divide family vote across different part of city

These finding in Release of Tosha Khana has no real purpose as no one will be persecuted.
The money taken from Tosha Khanna by PML or PPP wont come back
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Especially why is so bad to his kids. Unlike Nawaz sharif khaqan abassi and khawaja asif who bought watches for their kids(bubloo and maryum) he didn't ..this is bad..if a person doesn't care about his kids how would he care about Pakistan!?
Exactly thats the point ... People were travelling on mud road they can continue travel ...

He should have given it to his son ...

He is real thief u know ...
. . . .
فوجیوں کے بہت نام ہیں لیکن اپر رینک اور مریم کو فلٹر کر دیا گیا ہے ۔ خدا کی قدرت ایک پائن ایپل رہ گیا
Keun ghari nhi le maryam na ?
this is where you are wrong , who will decide its wrong or right. Its law and its within law

There are lots of thing that should not be happening but still happening.

Imran khan didnt create this law and if he paid 50% and with that amount made road what is wrong. if imran khan havent bought it, it would be auction anyway and someone else would have bought it.

Pmln and maryam didnt have any corruption case against imran khan nor narrative so they created this fake one and due to patwari nafsiyati mentality and media support and bughz imrani people started believing it and now its hard to digest the truth for them that it was indeed fake case against imran khan

Now case is in court and once imran khan get clean chit maryam will say ladla of court.

Pakistan doesnt need enemy becauase country has ppp ans pmln

The people aren't crazy. Let the elections come. Maryam and her papa will be decimated. The vigo boys cannot protect their assets. Even if they delay the elections.
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