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Torturing Democracy of USA!!!


Apr 2, 2008
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Torturing Democracy
The 90-minute film, from Emmy and DuPont awarding-winning producer Sherry Jones, relies on the documentary record to connect the dots in an investigation of interrogations of prisoners in U.S. custody that became “at a minimum, cruel and inhuman treatment and, at worst, torture,” in the words of the former general counsel of the United States Navy.

Up to date with the latest revelations, Torturing Democracy details how the government set aside the rule of law in its pursuit of harsh interrogations of suspected terrorists. It features in-depth interviews with numerous senior military and government officials.

Former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage describes - for the first time on-camera - being waterboarded during military training before he was sent to Vietnam. When producer Jones asked Mr. Armitage if he considered waterboarding to be torture, he answered, “Absolutely. No question.” He added: “There is no question in my mind - there’s no question in any reasonable human being, that this is torture. I’m ashamed that we’re even having this discussion.”

Torturing Democracy can be viewed in ten parts below:

Torturing Democracy documentary-Pt 1 of 10

Torturing Democracy documentary-Pt 2 of 10

Torturing Democracy documentary-Pt 3 of 10

Torturing Democracy documentary-Pt 4 of 10

Torturing Democracy documentary-Pt 5 of 10
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Remaining 5 parts on Torturing Democracy can be viewed below:

Torturing Democracy documentary-Pt 6 of 10

Torturing Democracy documentary-Pt 7 of 10

Torturing Democracy documentary-Pt 8 of 10

Torturing Democracy documentary-Pt 9 of 10

Torturing Democracy documentary-Pt 10 of 10
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Fighting Terrorism Fairly and Effectively
November 16, 2008

Recommendations for President-Elect Barack Obama
Over the past seven years, the US government’s consistent disregard for human rights in fighting terrorism has diminished America’s moral authority, set a negative example for other governments, and undermined the goal of reducing anti-American militancy around the world. The use of torture, unlawful rendition, secret prisons, unfair trials, and long-term, arbitrary detention without charge has been both morally wrong and counterproductive.

Upon taking office, President Barack Obama should promptly and decisively reject the abusive practices of the past administration and embrace an effective counterterrorism policy grounded in respect for human rights. By making a high-profile, public commitment to a new course, and by taking bold steps toward reform, he can signal to the nation and to the world that his administration understands that US counterterrorism policy should be consistent with the country's basic values and with international law.

Human Rights Watch calls upon President Obama to take the following actions:

  1. Close the military detention facility at Guantanamo Bay.
  2. Abolish the military commissions and prosecute terrorist suspects in federal court.
  3. Reject preventive detention (detention without trial) as an alternative to prosecuting terrorist suspects.
  4. Reject the "global war on terror" as the basis for detaining terrorist suspects.
  5. Issue an executive order to implement the ban on torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.
  6. End the CIA detention program.
  7. Prohibit renditions to torture.
  8. Account for past abuses.
  9. Provide redress for abuse.
  10. Repudiate presidential directives and Justice Department memos that permit torture and other abuses.
  11. Protect innocent victims of persecution abroad from being defined as terrorists.
US: Obama Should Repudiate Bush Counterterrorism Practices
November 16, 2008

The United States urgently needs President-elect Obama to live up to his commitment to right the wrongs of the last seven years, and to regain the moral high ground in the fight against terrorism- Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch.

11-Step Plan Would Combat Terror and Respect Fundamental Rights
Washington, DC – Upon taking office, President-elect Barack Obama should decisively repudiate the abusive counterterrorism practices of the past seven years and adopt fair and effective policy reforms, Human Rights Watch said in a briefing paper released today.

The Human Rights Watch paper, “Fighting Terrorism Fairly and Effectively: Recommendations for President-elect Barack Obama,” outlines 11 steps that Obama should take to reform US counterterrorism practices. Closing the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, requiring the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to abide by the humane interrogation rules that apply to the military, and putting an end to renditions to torture are chief among them.

“For far too long, the United States has undermined its ability to fight terror by adopting short-sighted policies that allowed torture and indefinite detention without charge,” said Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch. “The United States urgently needs President-elect Obama to live up to his commitment to right the wrongs of the last seven years, and to regain the moral high ground in the fight against terrorism.”

The 28-page briefing paper urges Obama to prosecute Guantanamo detainees suspected of terrorism in federal civilian courts and to release or transfer the others. To start this process, he should designate a high-level interagency task force to review the detainees’ files and decide who should be brought to trial and who should be released.

Human Rights Watch also called on the incoming administration to admit into the United States some of the Guantanamo detainees who have already been slated for release but cannot be returned home because of concern that they would be subject to torture, and to step up negotiations with US allies around the world to find solutions for the others.

The new president should reject calls to create a preventive detention system in the United States as a way to “solve” the Guantanamo problem. Such a system would have the same major defects as the Guantanamo system, as detainees would be held without charge and without a meaningful chance to contest the evidence against them. Preventive detention would be based on assumptions about future behavior that are impossible to rebut.

Human Rights Watch cautioned that any attempt to create a preventive detention system in the United States would almost certainly embroil the administration in controversy over detainee policy and undercut gains made by closing Guantanamo.

Within the first days or weeks of taking office, Obama should take a number of additional steps to signal a major shift in US counterterrorism policy, Human Rights Watch said. Among his first acts, he should issue an executive order requiring the CIA to follow the humane interrogation rules adopted by the US military, announce an end to the CIA secret detention program, and sign the Convention against Enforced Disappearances.

Human Rights Watch also called on Obama to work with Congress to create a non-partisan investigatory body (a truth commission) with subpoena power to investigate abuses related to US counterterrorism policies and practices. This commission should specifically address who should be held accountable for these abuses and how such accountability can be achieved. It should also make recommendations regarding what steps should be taken to ensure that these abuses do not happen again.

“The United States must examine and account for the abuses of the past seven years in the fight against terrorism to understand what went wrong, and ensure that this ugly chapter in American history is never repeated,” Roth said.
Post-Guantánamo: A New Detention Law?


The detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. A spirited debate is under way concerning the aftermath of its closing.

As a presidential candidate, Senator Barack Obama sketched the broad outlines of a plan to close the detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba: try detainees in American courts and reject the Bush administration’s military commission system.

Now, as Mr. Obama moves closer to assuming responsibility for Guantánamo, his pledge to close the detention center is bringing to the fore thorny questions under consideration by his advisers. They include where Guantánamo’s detainees could be held in this country, how many might be sent home and a matter that people with ties to the Obama transition team say is worrying them most: What if some detainees are acquitted or cannot be prosecuted at all?

That concern is at the center of a debate among national security, human rights and legal experts that has intensified since the election. Even some liberals are arguing that to deal realistically with terrorism, the new administration should seek Congressional authority for preventive detention of terrorism suspects deemed too dangerous to release even if they cannot be successfully prosecuted.

“You can’t be a purist and say there’s never any circumstance in which a democratic society can preventively detain someone,” said one civil liberties lawyer, David D. Cole, a Georgetown law professor who has been a critic of the Bush administration.

Although the nation has long had limited legal procedures for detaining dangerous people who have not been convicted of a crime, the issue has become particularly controversial in the context of Guantánamo, where some detainees have been held for almost seven years without being charged.

Whether the Obama administration should push for a preventive detention law has inspired “a very hot and serious debate,” said Ken Gude, a national security scholar at the liberal Center for American Progress, adding, “I’ve had conversations with progressives who think it is a good idea and conservatives who think it’s a terrible idea.”

The president-elect’s transition office would not comment on whether that idea was even under discussion. But human rights groups have been mounting arguments to counter pressure that they say is building on Mr. Obama to show toughness, perhaps by echoing the Bush administration’s insistence that some detainees may need to be held indefinitely.

The international law of warfare provides authority for governments to hold captured enemy fighters until the completion of a conflict. Tens of thousands of German and Italian prisoners of war were held inside the United States during World War II.

But particularly inasmuch as the Bush administration invoked that authority as a basis for its much-criticized detention policies, a move by Mr. Obama to seek explicit authorization for indefinite detention without trial would be seen by some of his supporters as a betrayal.

Opponents of a preventive detention law say that continuing to treat captives as detainees instead of defendants in court would support terrorists’ self-image as warriors rather than criminals. And though the Guantánamo center might be closed, they say, the new law would effectively import Guantánamo and its image into the United States.

“Not only do you not need a system of preventive detention, but it would perpetuate the problem of Guantánamo and put us right back in the same dead end we are in now,” said Elisa Massimino, executive director of Human Rights First.

On the other hand, some proponents of such a law say it would clarify questions left murky by the Bush administration’s years of legal battles over Guantánamo. Benjamin Wittes, a fellow at the Brookings Institution, argued in a book published in June that Americans needed to cross a “psychological Rubicon” and accept the idea that preventive detention was a necessary tool for fighting terrorism.

“I’m afraid of people getting released in the name of human rights and doing terrible things,” Mr. Wittes said in an interview.

He said debates over Guantánamo had created a mythology that American law permitted detention only upon conviction of a crime. Locking up mentally ill people who are deemed dangerous, he noted, is an accepted American legal practice.

At the heart of the debate about whether a preventive detention law is necessary is uncertainty about the risks of criminal trials. Some lawyers warn that given the nature of evidence against some Guantánamo detainees, prosecutors may not be able to convict them.

“We have lots of information that is reliable, that tells us someone is a threat and that cannot be proved in court,” said Andrew C. McCarthy, a former federal terrorism prosecutor who is now director of the Center for Law and Counterterrorism.

Putting detainees on trial in American courts could be difficult in part because suspects captured in war do not receive protections, like warnings against self-incrimination, that are standard police practice. And much evidence against the detainees is classified; intelligence officials say it cannot be disclosed.

Further, some interrogation practices, including the simulated-drowning technique of waterboarding, might leave crucial government evidence unacceptable to American judges.

Jack L. Goldsmith, a former Justice Department official in the Bush administration who has written a book critical of some of the administration’s legal strategies, is among those calling for a preventive detention law.

Professor Goldsmith, who teaches at Harvard Law School, said in an interview that he believed the administration had correctly asserted a right to detain the men held at Guantánamo. But, he said, Congressional approval would “ensure that we can legitimate holding people for a long term.”

In the absence of such a law, any plan to move even some of the remaining 250 Guantánamo prisoners to the United States would require a careful analysis of the authority to hold the detainees, several of whom have said they would relish an opportunity to kill Americans.

In the end, the Obama administration may conclude that it is simply not feasible to seek a new preventive detention measure. Doing so could portray the new administration as following in the footsteps of President Bush, surely an unlikely goal as Mr. Obama sorts through his options.
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