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Top Ten Muslim Militaries



New Recruit

Nov 2, 2005
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Ok guys, as ahsan told me to open a new thread if I wanted to and I wanted so I opened a new thread. So post now, only the muslim militaries!!!!
Thanks Hawk,

Well i would not just like to post the list but i would also like to go over each country i will post.

1) Turkey: This rank is simply based on the conventional warfare weapons, and military equipments, not just that they also have good economy, and the only Muslim country which can produce advance fighters at its home. The Turkey has full support from U.S and is one of the allies, not just that it is also included in North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which is its biggest achievements. The country has rivalry with Greece, which once was a super power. Due to competition between both countries Turkey keeps itself updated, and its economy allows it to.

2) Pakistan: Only muslim nation armed with nuclear warheads, capability of firing nuclear weapons upto 2500KM. It is one of the leading major ally of United States. The future looks bright, the armed forces are weak in some of the areas like in navy and air force, but future requirements have been made to settle this issue. Same like Turkey, Pakistan has rivaly with India almost 4 times a bigger nation than Pakistan itself. Pakistan has 7th largest army in the world, in the recent change Pakistan has dropped its military numbers a little bit, but it will not effect its army power. Pakistan trains most of the arabs countries, thus it speaks it self to be on the 2nd in the list.

3) Iran: The nation is troubled by Foriegn countries due to Isreali problems but that led the nation to develop things indeginiously although its technological level is not upto date as it needs to be, but still a good effort. The country is capable of making indeginious submarines, aircrafts, frigates, as well as missiles. There is a rumour that Iran might as well take the position of being the nuclear armed country, but other countries are giving it some problems.

4) UAE: Although country doesn't have the quantative army, because the country is mostly a peacful industrialized country, rich with oil, and its economy. The country has a very good modern airforce, which is supported by Pakistan Air force. UAE has enough money to get high quality american goodies if it wants to, but since it doesn't really have any enemy it keeps itself away from it.

7) Egypt: I dont have enough information regarding this country, but the country is very similar to Pakistan's position. It is supported by United States and is going on the moderate level thus its future looks bright just like Pakistan's, the nation have ordered many new weapons such as harpoons, tanks, missiles, etc from U.S to make future adjustments.

6) Saudi Arabia: The country is rich by its oil, most of the big countries are depended on it. The country is supported by U.S for its security, though they country's armed forces are not that strong, it has proved during Iraqi attack on Saudia which led Saudis to ask help of United States.

That all i can give you guys. Thats again only my opinion, if you see any mistakes please point out.

Ahsan F
1) Pakistan- Well their the only Muslim country that it known to have nuclear weapons. Very mobile infantry with over 1500 APCs and more coming in. And the armor! Wow! The Al-Khalid, Al-Zarrar, and T-80UD, the Type-85 is going to be thw rost tank in the inventory by 2010. Turkey lacks the kind of armor Pakistan has. But Pakistan has a lack of artillery, not many MRLs, but hopefully new Paladins will be coming in. The Air Force is trained very well, probably the best pilots in the world. But the fighters they have currently are aging and new fighters need to coem in fast. Hopefully the F-16s will be coming in before 2010, and the JF-17 is a nice plane. The Navy is OK, not the best, not the worst, but average. 9 Frigates most of them of old design, but have been upgraded recently so they are still effective. Plus the Agosta 90Bs and 70s are very advanced and can wreak havoc!

2) Turkey- The Opolot will be inducted soon, which is probably the second best tank they have produced behind the T-84(Which is in the Pakistani inventory). Also, artillery system from South Korea are coming soon! South Korea produces really good artillery pieces. They have base for mobile infantry, M-113s, the basics. The Air Force is going through a major upgrade. F-16s, F-5s and F-4s are currently being upgraded and the F-35 will be in service after 2010. The Navy is very effective! 16 Frigates, mainly Oliver Perry Class, and 6 Type-209s!

3) Egypt- I think the 1973 Arab-Israeli War showed that Egypt could be an effective fighting force, but they went out of the range of the curtain and got their @$$es beat. Now they have the M-1A1 which is produced locally. And the M-113 which are in big numbers. The only problem I see is that they don't have too many indigenous designs. The Air Force is highly advanced, they have over 200 F-16s! And some Mirages to go with that number along with upgraded MiG-21s! The Navy, well it's not too great, but who cares, like they need a big one!

4) Iran- They supposedly have nuclear weapons. But besides that they have a pretty good force. Their T-72s have been upgraded by the Russians and the new Zulfiqar MBT could pose a threat. But still older technology brings their rank back. The Air Force is not too much of an effective force now a days. Not many F-14s are in the air, maybe about 20, and the F-4s and F-5s aren't too effective. They have the older versions of MiG-29s and some Mirages. The Navy... well they don't needa a big one, so who cares?

5)The rest of them.
The country has rivalry with Greece, which once was a super power

Greece was once super power, when. I think you're mixing up. Itz the turks were superpower like Mughals, or persia, turks were called Ottomans and their state used to be called ottoman kingdom.
Originally posted by Hawk@Nov 17 2005, 03:27 PM
Greece was once super power, when. I think you're mixing up. Itz the turks were superpower like Mughals, or persia, turks were called Ottomans and their state used to be called ottoman kingdom.
[post=3046]Quoted post[/post]​

Both nations were powerful in their time. Once it was Greece before the Roman's time, remember the Trojan War? After many years than the Ottomon Emprie arose...

The fighting of Greece and Turkey is of long ago and it is still continues..
which one have more powerfull military now? turkey or greece?
Hey turkey is a muslim country

for now turkey and greece are fighting over cyprus half of it is controlled by greece and half by turkey it is just like kashmir
Originally posted by Hawk@Nov 17 2005, 08:27 PM
Greece was once super power, when. I think you're mixing up. Itz the turks were superpower like Mughals, or persia, turks were called Ottomans and their state used to be called ottoman kingdom.
[post=3046]Quoted post[/post]​
they killed some 250,000 allieds in WW1 in a few months.

the allies still remember the time with red puppies...yes thats what they are!!!

that was the last major battle of the khalifatul usmania


this story is missing out on some KEY facts. the gallipoli campeign was doomed from day one..there was no water, no food....the allies had NOTHING.....they gained mere inches per week and Ottomans put up a wall of bullets and blood to stop them and it worked.

but then after giving the allies a bloody nose. the house of Sauds betrayed the khalifat hence the Kalma by siding with the allies and causing confusion chaos and gorrilla warefare in the arab peninsula for this the house of Sauds was offered the Arab peninsula, this was their great greed...thus the Khalifatul Usmania (Ottoman Empire) fell by betrayel and greed.

the end result was the allies gave only half of the peninsula to the sauds and shared the other half...(Iraq was british syria french...etc etc etc... and devided the land into many small states.

this one is a better read
didnot turkey fought its last battle of ww1 at constantinople inorder to free it which they won>>?????????
Originally posted by VisionHawk@Nov 20 2005, 03:26 PM
didnot turkey fought its last battle of ww1 at constantinople inorder to free it which they won>>?????????
[post=3269]Quoted post[/post]​
Constantinople is now known as Istanbul.

it was conquered by Khalif Mehmet II in 1453.

in WWI the Allies wanted to get their ships with their big guns into the sea of marmara and park out side the ottoman capital istanbull. they wanted to threaten to shell the ottoman capital hence forcing the khalif to surender and allow the allies a safe passage to the black sea where they could supply their ally russia.

but in order to get into the sea of marmara the allies had to get through the dardanelle straight which was HEAVILY mined and also protected with rather large guns in forts on the gallipoli paninsula... the allies underestimated the ottomans preperation and made a run for it through the dardanelles but on the first day several british battle ships (i think 4) where sunk due to the mines in the dardanelle straight and the guns on the gallipoli peninsula...it was then established that the allies should take the gallipoli paninsula first and take out the gun guardeing the dardanelles thus allowing safe passage to the british navy. this operation failed miserably and caused 250,000 allies to die and 300,000 ottomans to die.
at the end of it churchill who was incharge of the navy in WWI managed to lay the blame on someone else but still had to retire from his post of naval commander never the less he remained in the war council and after a 2 decades in the second world war became the PM lol....

this is the allied war plan....
<div class='bbimg'></div>

btw did you know the same greek kingdom which claims to be the worlds oldest country only gained freedom from the ottoman empire in 1829??
it was ww1 not ww2 turkey didnot take part in 2 right?

by the way guys turkey won at constantinople(istanbul) in ww1 and it is still part of theirs and because of which turkey also have the acess to europe
Ok here are my ratings

1)Pakistan , Turkey
3)Saudi arabia (they have got quite a lot of modern stuff though pak army and us army are performing the task of defending them in army fields)
4)Indonesia , Uae
5)Iran ,syria ( they can also be on the 3 or 4th rank)
7) jordan
Originally posted by VisionHawk@Nov 22 2005, 03:38 PM
it was ww1 not ww2 turkey didnot take part in 2 right?
by the way guys turkey won at constantinople(istanbul)  in ww1 and it is still part of theirs and because of which turkey  also have the  acess to europe
[post=3455]Quoted post[/post]​
constantinople is a dead name only used by christian fanatics who want to restore the byzantine empire

the actual battle was at gallipoli and is regarded as the gallipoli victory. the allies never even got near the ottomans key port city.
1. Pakistan- because of nuclear weapons

2. Turkey - An airforce on par with Israel, ground forces better than Pakistan and the strongest Navy in the Muslim world. It&#39;s very close to Pakistan and would be ahead but for the Nukes.

3. Egypt- Due to the large economic aid that U.S. gives to egypt, it has been able to build an Airforce much better than Pakistan&#39;s and only second to Turkey in the muslim world. It has Ground forces which is equal to Pakistans due to large number of Abrahams and M-60&#39;s. Second best Navy in the Muslim World.

4. Iran- Very large and capable Chemical weapons program and potential nuclear power. Very large and capable ground forces which is similar in capability to Pakistan and Egypt. Quickly improving navy with Russian submarines and missiles. Is behind Egypt becasue of inferior airforce but wont stay that way forever. Similar Airforce to Pakistan.

5. Saudi Arabia - No aid from U.S. and purchases weapons at inflated price because of strategic alliance with U.S. After Sept. 11 that seems to be slowly changing. Better Airforce than Pakistan and Iran, behind Iran because worse Land forces than Egypt and Iran and Pakistan. Very capable Navy, better than Pakistan&#39;s and similar to Iran&#39;s.

After Saudi Arabia, no significant miltiary power as of yet. But watch out for Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh.
Egypts and Turkeys army is no where near Pakistans. Egypt only has 400-500 M1 Abrams and 200 M-60s and a bunch of old tanks while Turkey only has old M-48,M-60. Compare this to Pakistan By 2006 Pakistan will have 600+ Al-Khalids, 600+ Al-Zarrars, 600 T-80-T84, and around 2000+ APC&#39;S. Egypts Navy is nowhere near the Second Best in the Muslim world Iran and Bangladesh have a better navy. You also left out Missiles, Pakistan has the Best Missiles in the muslim world no one comes half as near to Pakistans missile capabilies in the Muslim world.
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