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Top Ten Carrier Fighters 2015

I totally express my serious reservations for giving 5th rank for J15 over Harier 2 and Su33 .This is laughable.

According to the Sina Military Network, that has (weirdly) criticized the Flying Shark calling it a “flopping fish”, the recent tests with heavy weapons have limited the attack range of the J-15 to a distance of 120 kilometers from the carrier: whilst it is said to be capable to carry 12 tons of weapons, when the aircraft is fully loaded with fuel, it can’t carry more than 2 tons of missiles and munitions, meaning that only two YJ-83K anti-ship missiles and two PL-8 air-to-air missiles could be carried (in an anti-ship configuration).

People’s Liberation Army Navy’s next generation carriers will have electromagnetic catapults that will safely launch heavy J-15s. The problem is the ski-jump ramp of the current, only PLA Navy aircraft carrier, that makes take off of aircraft exceeding 26 tons of total weight extremely difficult unless you have a more powerful aircraft, as the Mig-29K.

And And F35 even thou still at trainer stage you gave it 10th place ? And you give 5th place to J15 ?

The J-15's limited payload isn't a quality of the aircraft, but rather one of the carrier on which it serves. The MiG-29K and su-33 will suffer the same limitations just so long as they operate from a vessel with a ski ramp.

J15 won't be in s service in large numbers . Rather it could be an training platform . J20 and J35 will have under development for carrier operation since the range and play load carrying capabilities are very restricted as for as J15 is concerned .

There is nothing to suggest that the J-15 will be procured in limited numbers. All major navies of the world will continue to operate 4++ generation fighters as the mainstay aircraft well into the 21st century, and there's no reason why the J-15 would be exempt from this practice.

The aircraft will also be undergoing continual upgrades, including the installation of an AESA radar and strengthened landing gear.

Couldn't find a quality article to post?

The J-15 might be a good carrier based aircraft but the Russian Su-33 is still slightly ahead in terms of avionics and radar as stated in the Russian Military forums

If the Su-33 had one iota of the aforementioned upgrades, then the Chinese wouldn't have bothered to develop the J-15, would they?

The Su-33 is on the verge of being replaced by the Russian navy itself, while the J-15 has been upgraded with all the new subsystems seen on the J-11B and J-16, including soon an AESA radar.
If the Su-33 had one iota of the aforementioned upgrades, then the Chinese wouldn't have bothered to develop the J-15, would they?

The Su-33 is on the verge of being replaced by the Russian navy itself, while the J-15 has been upgraded with all the new subsystems seen on the J-11B and J-16, including soon an AESA radar.
Look mate,i have only quoted what i read in the Russian defense forums,but then again i might be wrong in the assessment.Personally i feel that PLA(N) has made a mistake by opting for a heavy class fighter like J-15 on a STOBAR carrier as the STOBAR configuration will severely hamper it's payload capacity in case of a long range mission.I think that the PLA(N) should have opted for a medium category aircraft like the Mig-29K which can be utilized to it's full potential in case of a STOBAR carrier.Heavy class aircraft like the Su-33 or the J-15 are fit to be used on a CATOBAR fitted A/C where they will have the advantage of carrying their entire payload.
Look mate,i have only quoted what i read in the Russian defense forums,but then again i might be wrong in the assessment.Personally i feel that PLA(N) has made a mistake by opting for a heavy class fighter like J-15 on a STOBAR carrier as the STOBAR configuration will severely hamper it's payload capacity in case of a long range mission.I think that the PLA(N) should have opted for a medium category aircraft like the Mig-29K which can be utilized to it's full potential in case of a STOBAR carrier.Heavy class aircraft like the Su-33 or the J-15 are fit to be used on a CATOBAR fitted A/C where they will have the advantage of carrying their entire payload.

Of all the people in the world, why do you think those who frequent online forums have the most up-to-date and authoritative information regarding one of the closely-guarded systems in the world?

The decision to go with the J-15 wasn't taken in light of the PLAN's current carrier fleet, but rather of one that the Chinese will have in the future. The plane was meant to be the main striking force of future PLAN vessels that will be substiantially heavier and powerful than what they have now, (i.e. the J-15 was designed to serve aboard ships that are will allow it to reach its full potential). A smaller jet will not offer the same range, and thus tactical versatility, as does the Flanker-derived J-15. Sure, the jet might not be the best for the PLAN's current carrier, but the J-15 wasn't meant to in the first place.
Interestingly SU 33s Wings are smaller after folding than that of of Super Hornet.
J15 won't be in s service in large numbers . Rather it could be an training platform . J20 and J35 will have under development for carrier operation since the range and play load carrying capabilities are very restricted as for as J15 is concerned .

Whats J 35?

It is a pity this beast with vertical take-off has not gone into production because of the disintegration of the USSR. It would be in the top ten.
View attachment 220737 View attachment 220738 View attachment 220739

It was interesting platform.

Bad that it never made it into Soviet/ Russian Navy.
Listed by who ... An Indian FANBOY, on a BLOGSPOT .. let alone any credible aviation website.
Just to satisfy their ego that Indian navy possess top notch fighter and centuries old Sea Harrier, which is miraculously included in the list too, along with the AV-8 Harrier.

Let me tell you guys one thing,
Rafale cannot lead the list at all as far as their is Hornet in it. Hornet is far more superior than Rafale in many aspects. Any sane aviationist would never chose Rafale as No.1 over Hornet as a Multirole Naval fighter, today.
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The J-15's limited payload isn't a quality of the aircraft, but rather one of the carrier on which it serves. The MiG-29K and su-33 will suffer the same limitations just so long as they operate from a vessel with a ski ramp.

There is nothing to suggest that the J-15 will be procured in limited numbers. All major navies of the world will continue to operate 4++ generation fighters as the mainstay aircraft well into the 21st century, and there's no reason why the J-15 would be exempt from this practice.

The aircraft will also be undergoing continual upgrades, including the installation of an AESA radar and strengthened landing gear.

Couldn't find a quality article to post?

If the Su-33 had one iota of the aforementioned upgrades, then the Chinese wouldn't have bothered to develop the J-15, would they?

The Su-33 is on the verge of being replaced by the Russian navy itself, while the J-15 has been upgraded with all the new subsystems seen on the J-11B and J-16, including soon an AESA radar.

Dude (a) Don't even compare Mig29K /Su33 with J15 .Especially Su33 with J15 . Because J15 is a ripoff with less play load capacity than Su33 , less range that it could only afford to carryout 130/150 km radius . Have you ever seen J15 taking off with its own full load config? There has been lots of speculation over it'd capabilities even from state run Chinese media . And Mig 29K are far ahead in this field which is Carrier operation . Please do some research before supporting paper specs .
(b) Its not about quality if the article but content with it .

(C) Russian sukois carrier variant are shelved not because of its capacity .Even thou Su33 had to shed some play load due to limits of SKI jump its fairly capable unlike J15 which is highly inferior to Su33 . Why Russians shelved Su33 over mig 29K ? Its because of cost effectiveness .Since India has already orderd in good numbers for its two modern carriers and improvements made to it as per Indian Navy requirements are very much better than any thing Russians and Indians could have .This is why Russians opted for MIGs over Sukois . So please don't mislead with paper specifications and get real with what J15 has achieved . Installing AESA don't make any difference as range , payload is seriously crippled

Whats J 35?

It was interesting platform.

Bad that it never made it into Soviet/ Russian Navy.
J31 ...

Mikoyan MiG-29K

Shenyang J-15
Top speed

2,200 km/h
2,551 km/h
Shenyang Aircraft Corporation
2,000 km
3,500 km
12 m
15 m
17 m
22 m
18,550 kg
17,500 kgkg

These are paper specs. But in reality J15 has range of 150/200 km radius with full payload . Mig29K charms for IN will medium size only .

General characteristics

  • Crew: One / Two (KUB)
  • Length: 17.3 m (57.76 ft)
  • Wingspan: 11.99 m (39.34 ft)
  • Height: 4.40 m (14.44 ft)
  • Wing area: 43 m² (462 ft²)
  • Loaded weight: 18,550 kg (40,900 lb)
  • Max. takeoff weight: 24,500 kg (54,000 lb)
  • Powerplant: 2 × Klimov RD-33MK afterburning turbofans, 9,000 kgf (88.3kN, 19,800 lbf) each


  • 1 x 30 mm GSh-30-1 cannon with 150 rounds
  • 13[62] hardpoints (5 wet) including the ones on multi-lock bomb carriers for up to 5,500 kg (12,125 lb) of weapons and fuel tanks, including
Air-to-air missiles
Eight air-to-air missiles — a mix ofinfrared homing, semi-active radar homing (SARH) and Active radar homing.

Air-to-surface missiles
Anti-radiation missiles
Anti-ship missiles

Mig29K pilots will eat J15 or fulcrum F18 SH for their dinner :p:

Interestingly SU 33s Wings are smaller after folding than that of of Super Hornet.

Su33 is a great N-Jet but Russia has to invest lots of money to reopen IRS supply line . Why to do so when Mig29 K supply line is running at full stream. No wonder if IAF go ahead with anther batch of MigUPG and Mig29K for shore defense role
Dude (a) Don't even compare Mig29K /Su33 with J15 .Especially Su33 with J15 . Because J15 is a ripoff with less play load capacity than Su33 , less range that it could only afford to carryout 130/150 km radius .

So, the reason why the Chinese spent years developing the J-15 (as opposed to directly manufacturing the Su-33 itself) was to have a jet with less capability? By that token the Su-35 should be inferior to the baseline Su-27 since the former was a development of the latter.

Have you ever seen J15 taking off with its own full load config? There has been lots of speculation over it'd capabilities even from state run Chinese media . And Mig 29K are far ahead in this field which is Carrier operation . Please do some research before supporting paper specs .

Any aircraft that takes off from a ski ramp will face the same limitations, not just the J-15. The J-15 happens to have a far greater MTOW than the MiG-29K, giving it an edge over the latter in this field.

(b) Its not about quality if the article but content with it .

I don't get what you mean by this sentence; could you elaborate?

(C) Russian sukois carrier variant are shelved not because of its capacity .Even thou Su33 had to shed some play load due to limits of SKI jump its fairly capable unlike J15 which is highly inferior to Su33 .

Then on what basis do you claim that the Su-33 is "superior" when you stated merely a sentence ago that both jets will suffer from reduced payloads?

Why Russians shelved Su33 over mig 29K ? Its because of cost effectiveness .Since India has already orderd in good numbers for its two modern carriers and improvements made to it as per Indian Navy requirements are very much better than any thing Russians and Indians could have .This is why Russians opted for MIGs over Sukois . So please don't mislead with paper specifications and get real with what J15 has achieved .

The Russians chose the MiG-29K over the Su-33 primarily because the former had greater multirole capability, something which the Chinese later added to the J-15; the Su-33 hasn't been significantly upgraded for years while the MiG-29K has.

Installing AESA don't make any difference as range , payload is seriously crippled

Uh, yes it does. AESA allows far greater tracking, engaging, and ECCM capabilities than traditional PD radars. The J-15 also features other upgrades including but not limited to a completely new avionics suite, increased use of composites, upgraded WS-10A engines, application of RAM, MAWS, upgraded cockpit, and more. The near-future upgrades of the jets with AESA will bring it up to par with the F/A-18E/F and J-11D.

These are paper specs. But in reality J15 has range of 150/200 km radius with full payload .

Do you have any calculations to support that claim?
Uh, yes it does. AESA allows far greater tracking, engaging, and ECCM capabilities than traditional PD radars. The J-15 also features other upgrades including but not limited to a completely new avionics suite, increased use of composites, upgraded WS-10A engines, application of RAM, MAWS, upgraded cockpit, and more. The near-future upgrades of the jets with AESA will bring it up to par with the F/A-18E/F and J-11D.
He means that if range and payload are limited due to other factors, improved sensors will not help the missions.
He means that if range and payload are limited due to other factors, improved sensors will not help the missions.

I understand his point, but that limitation isn't exclusive for one specific jet.
Let me tell you guys one thing,
Rafale cannot lead the list at all as far as their is Hornet in it. Hornet is far more superior than Rafale in many aspects. Any sane aviationist would never chose Rafale as No.1 over Hornet as a Multirole Naval fighter, today.

Then you'd better watch out, there are many, many insane aviationists roaming free …
From Garuda I guess Penguin? Nice 4 types shot save for the gray skies!

Good evening, Tay.

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