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Top Pentagon official: 'The Chinese are advancing their military capabilities at a remarkable clip'


Nov 4, 2011
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Top Pentagon official: 'The Chinese are advancing their military capabilities at a remarkable clip'
By Richard Wood • Senior Journalist
1:05pm Oct 11, 2021

A top Pentagon official has given a stark warning about China's military build-up and the threat it poses to Australia, and US bases in the Pacific.

The US Government has "real reasons for concern" over China's expanding size and range of its military capabilities in the region, deputy defence secretary Kathleen Hicks said.
But Ms Hicks stressed the US and its allies in the Pacific were aiming to reduce tensions and were not embarking on an arms race.

Beijing's growing military threat presents major challenges for Australia as well as to the US territories of Guam and Hawaii.

Ms Hicks expressed her concerns during a US Centre for Strategic and International Studies online forum last week.

She said China's President Xi Jinping's rhetoric is making "clear their intentions" to be a global military power.

"The Chinese are advancing their capabilities at a remarkable clip. Those capabilities include, of course, undersea capabilities," Ms Hicks said.

"But even beyond what they're doing in the undersea, it's a very clear pattern of expanding out the geographic capability, the range of their capability to deny other interested parties, whether that's around Japan, whether that's around, in the case of the United States, Guam or even Hawaii.

"And if you're Australia, it includes, of course, spanning out now, getting closer to Australia, the ability to threaten their interests."

But Ms Hicks stressed the US and its allies in the Pacific were aiming to reduce tensions and were not embarking on an arms race.

"Our goal is not to have any conflict, armed conflict, with China. It is to reduce tension and demonstrate a credible deterrent so they are not tempted with this rhetoric and this capability to overreach," she said.

Ms Hicks' comments came after Australia joined the US and UK in the new AUKUS defence pact. Under the agreement, Australia will acquire nuclear-powered submarines in response to the changing security environment of the Indo-Pacific.

Earlier this year, a Sydney think tank warned Australia's geographic isolation - which has been a major strategic advantage for decades - would not be a future deterrent for the Asian superpower in the event of an Indo-Pacific power play.

The Lowy Institute report said China's missile arsenal and its long-range bomber force are the most concerning elements of the country's recent arms build-up.

But if the same official said something perceived as negative, some of the same Circle jerkers here would say something different.
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Its quite obvious China is advancing so rapidly.. Wonder what will happen in next 10 ~ 20 years if US proxies & Terrorist fail to deliver...
Its quite obvious China is advancing so rapidly.. Wonder what will happen in next 10 ~ 20 years if US proxies & Terrorist fail to deliver...

Japan is converting two of its largest heli-carriers into aircraft carriers with -35's on them. The Us will have 3 CBG's in SCS at all times, 2 more close by. The Brits will have 1, Vietnam will get advance weapons as well as Taiwan. A force of estimated 300-350 -35's will be around SCS / Chinese oceans at all times. That's a hell of a 5th gen stealth fighter force to counter and win from in a conflict. Not going into much depth.
And yet its the US with the biggest defense spending and biggest spender on R&D for weapons. These white ppl are the biggest hypocrites and liars.
Japan is converting two of its largest heli-carriers into aircraft carriers with -35's on them. The Us will have 3 CBG's in SCS at all times, 2 more close by. The Brits will have 1, Vietnam will get advance weapons as well as Taiwan. A force of estimated 300-350 -35's will be around SCS / Chinese oceans at all times. That's a hell of a 5th gen stealth fighter force to counter and win from in a conflict. Not going into much depth.

All your regional proxies & terrorist become irrelevant when China becomes the biggest economy in the universe and targets amreeka directly.. See how amreekan behavior changes.
China need to concentrate on 3 things:

1. Expand the nuclear arsenal to 2,000+ warheads and nuclear triad delivery capabilities.

2. Accelerate the de-dollarisation process in China’s international transactions.

3. Develop EUV lithography machine to break the semiconductor technology blockage.
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But if the same official said something perceived as negative, some of the same Circle jerkers here would say something different.

The Chinese here eat these articles up, yet when the top Gen. of the US Armed Forces, Gen Milley, states the US has complete overmatch over China they only laugh.

The PDF Chinese are hypocrites and frauds.
The Chinese here eat these articles up, yet when the top Gen. of the US Armed Forces, Gen Milley, states the US has complete overmatch over China they only laugh.

The PDF Chinese are hypocrites and frauds.
I always wonder why US generals call their Chinese counterpart in private without noticing US president, what are they afraid of?
Japan is converting two of its largest heli-carriers into aircraft carriers with -35's on them. The Us will have 3 CBG's in SCS at all times, 2 more close by. The Brits will have 1, Vietnam will get advance weapons as well as Taiwan. A force of estimated 300-350 -35's will be around SCS / Chinese oceans at all times. That's a hell of a 5th gen stealth fighter force to counter and win from in a conflict. Not going into much depth.

India will join this CBG as well. Pakistan should start working on 2 CBG as well.
China need to concentrate on 3 things:

1. Expand the nuclear arsenal to 2,000+ warheads and nuclear triad delivery capabilities.

2. Accelerate the de-dollarisation process in China’s international transactions.

3. Develop EUV lithography machine to break the semiconductor technology blockage.
You hit the nail right on the head, 1 & 2 is within Chinas reach 3 will take few years but China can do it.
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