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Top military body to discuss long-range missile purchase

SSİK meeting is next week! hope Erdogan can join the meeting so they can take decisions on many issues! from f 35 to T-LORAMIDS and many other things! its gonna be a historical one :lol: hopefully ! and possibilities are mind blowing!

guess for a long time we all have been waiting for this December SSIK meeting!
Can these missiles shoot down Intercontinental ballistic missiles?
%99 we ll go for Patriot Advanced Capability III (PAC-3) since the PAC-3 Missile has been selected as the primary interceptor for the multi-national Medium Extended Air Defense System which is a part of this Active Layer Theatre Ballistic Missile Defense thing!

But sure (PK) is another issue! I dont think anyone can know the exact figure!
I'll expect some knowhow transfer along with the deal like we've been receiving with some of the other projects. I don't know if the US would be willing to pass on some long range missile tech to Turkey though...

I wish we could do some experimental investment into the S-300 and HQ-9 though.
guess s-300 had a chance once!

its a direct procurement!

Mike Boots, Turkey Patriot program manager at Raytheon said $2 billion of the project would be done by Turkish companies locally, Aselsan and Roketsan already have agreements worth a few hundred million dollars for the sale of Patriot components to United Arab Emirates and Kuwait( and I guess its clear sign about who already won the tender )

Raytheon's latest offer was something like this

US Raytheon announces missile project worth nearly $4 bln for Turkey - Hurriyet Daily News
TURKEY - PATRIOT Advanced Capability-3 Guided Missiles

WASHINGTON, September 9, 2009 – Today the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Turkey of 13 PATRIOT Fire Units, 72 PATRIOT Advanced Capability (PAC-3) missiles, four PAC-3 Lot Validation Missiles, 197 MIM-104E PATRIOT Guidance Enhanced Missiles-T (GEM-T), four MIM-104E GEM-T Lot Validation Missiles, five PATRIOT Digital Missiles, five Anti-Tactical Missiles and other related support and equipment. The estimated cost is $7.8 billion.

In addition, the potential sale includes eight AN/USQ-140(V)(2)(c) (RT-1785) or AN/USQ-
140(V)(11)(c) Multifunctional Information Distribution Systems/Low Volume Terminals
(MIDS/LVT-2), 13 AN/MPQ-65 Radar Sets, four Tactical Command Systems, 13 Battery
Command Posts, six Communication Relay Groups, 13 Engagement Control Stations, 48 M902
Launching Stations, 52 Antenna Mast Groups, 13 Electronic Power Plant III (EPP), 100 THALES
9310C Very High Frequency (VHF) Voice Radios, 150 THALES 9310C VHF Data Radios,
containers, battery and battalion maintenance equipment, prime movers, generators, electrical
power units, personnel training and training equipment, trailers, communication equipment, tool
and test sets, spare and repair parts, publications and technical documentation, U.S. Government
and contractor technical, engineering, and logistics support services, and other related elements of
logistics support.

Turkey is a partner of the United States in ensuring peace and stability in the region. It is vital to
the U.S. national interest to assist our North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Ally in
developing and maintaining a strong and ready self-defense capability that will contribute to an
acceptable military balance in the area. This proposed sale is consistent with those objectives.
Turkey will use the PAC-3 missiles to improve its missile defense capability, strengthen its
homeland defense, and deter regional threats. Turkey has not previously purchased PAC-3
missiles, but will be able to absorb and effectively utilize these missiles.

The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the

The principal contractors will be Raytheon Corporation in Andover, Mass., and Lockheed-Martin
in Dallas, TX. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential
It is expected that we will be acquired 4+4 battery but 7.8 billions$ for 13 battery too high, probably officials think to send half of bill to NATO.
It is expected that we will be acquired 4+4 battery but 7.8 billions$ for 13 battery too high, probably officials think to send half of bill to NATO.

But the news you posted are from 2009, and I think a lot has happened since then, so I guess you can't rely on those news. We need fresh input on latest development.
Saithan your absolutely right. Hopefully the procurement timeline for T-LORAMIDS will become clear ASAP.

I think its imperative that we acquire long range SAM capability. We've been lacking in air defence for a long time. And before I hear the 'But our air force is more then capable of providing air defence' argument I want to point out that having two layers of air coverage is always better then having one.

My two cents :)
But the news you posted are from 2009, and I think a lot has happened since then, so I guess you can't rely on those news. We need fresh input on latest development.

this one is more fresh

Top Turkish military to discuss long-range missile purchase

Russian S-300 and S-400 missiles, Chinese HQ-9 and US Patriot missiles are all competing in Turkey's national missile defense system project.

Turkey's top military council will discuss next week plans to acquire long-range missiles as Ankara seeks to improve national missile defense capacities, a news report said on Wednesday.

The Supreme Military Council (YAŞ), set to convene next week, will discuss the issue, with a final decision expected to be made by the Defense Industry Executive Committee (SSİK) by end of the month, daily Akşam reported.

Turkey agreed to host an X-band radar system at a military base in the eastern town of Kürecik as part of a NATO-backed missile shield designed to protect NATO's European members from growing threats of ballistic missiles.

NATO mentions no country as a source of threat, in line with Turkey's demands to that effect, but the missile system is widely known to be designed against Iran.

Russia, cautious over the NATO missile shield, has also threatened to deploy missiles to target the missile defense system in Europe if Washington fails to assuage Moscow's concerns about its plans.

Turkey has dismissed concerns from Russia, saying that it only hosts a radar system and not missiles and that the radar is for defensive purposes.

On Wednesday, Defense Minister İsmet Yılmaz insisted that deployment of a US radar in Turkey was for defensive purposes. "It becomes for offensive purposes if you install missiles.

What we are going to deploy in Turkey is a radar system," Yılmaz told reporters. "This is a defense system and is not against any country."

Turkey has long planned to develop its own national missile defense system and world's major producers are competing to win the go-ahead from Ankara to produce the long-range missiles.

Under the NATO's missile defense system is set to improve Turkey's national missile defense capabilities although it does not invalidate the need for a national defense system.

Russian S-300 and S-400 missiles, Chinese HQ-9 and US Patriot missiles are all competing in Turkey's national missile defense system project.

Akşam said the Turkish policy makers tend towards Raytheon and Lockheed Martin's Patriots, given that it will be compatible with the NATO system.

If the purchase goes ahead as planned, Turkey will acquire 13 missile batteries and 72 missiles, Akşam said.


07 December 2011 Wednesday

Top Turkish military to discuss long-range missile purchase | Politics | World Bulletin
I guess Turkey is capable enough to develop their own missile defence system instead of purchasing from outside otherwise it can produce a security concern for the country in near future ......:smokin:
I guess Turkey is capable enough to develop their own missile defence system instead of purchasing from outside otherwise it can produce a security concern for the country in near future ......:smokin:

Bro I'm sorry but it's not possible today. We've focused to develop short and medium range AA missiles. Our capabilities are only enough for them not a long range system. Insallah after these systems...
"Russian S-300 and S-400 missiles"

This is not correct. They didn't suggest S400 missiles.They suggest S300pmu2 us.
Bro I'm sorry but it's not possible today. We has focused to develop short and medium range AA missiles. Our capabilities are only enough for them not a long range system. Insallah after these systems...

Short and Medium range AA and VL SAM systems... :) As Akinci said, Long range is a different story.

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