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Top 10 Trolls in Internet History

lol...i dont post that message for my fellow indians here..and talk about your country..not indians...newcomers... :lol: :lol:

You have been here a full month before I have. You must be quite the expert. :rolleyes:

guess I failed in my attepmt...no worries...I know I am not good in trolling and never had that thought process but looking at the better prospects in PDF, I am trying my bit to become a well recognized troll... ;-)

So kindly make your leave then. Good day to you. :wave:
Top 10 trolls in Internet History which just so happens to have an Indian on the list. Definitively a part of the topic.

That is something Indians should be proud of. At least one Indian made it to the list while no other non-Indian Asians made it to the list ! Go India Go !
I present this "troll award" to all the trolls on :pdf:! :yahoo:


You may create a trolling certificate for yourself on the website listed below. I have already created a standard certificate for all of you.


:P :rofl:
a lot of members from a troll nation is trolling in a trolling thread started by a supertroll on troll topic dated back 2009 only for trolling with members from another country.....

how trolling is it?????

:hang2: :hang2: :hang2:

Ahh you cant bring yourself to admit it you Indians troll just say Indian troll now that did not hurt did it?
sure..but in 2009..i already posted what will be in 2012..thats also in topic..kid..grow up..you are trying hard..but you'll need a lot of effort to prove yourself..

If I am such a kid then what kind of adult would waste their time to argue with me. That would be quite childish wouldn't you say? *Face palm*
Top 10 Trolls in Internet History
Top 10 Trolls in Internet History - Internet | ThinkDigit News

10: Willy on Wheels

9. Jai Maharaj

Jai Maharaj is one of those people who go around Internet groups imparting knowledge and wisdom. Jai Maharaj is someone who has taken his own interpretation of Hinduism to heart, and intent on propagating the tenets to everyone on the internet. Every Usenet group that ever existed has witnessed some sort of Jai Maharaj-related activity, but he haunted the groups relating to culture, astrology and vegetarianism the most. Jai Maharaj had a large repository of vegetarianism, the Hindu caste system, and astrology related articles, and copy pasted sections of them repeatedly, contriving them to fit any discussion that was going on. All the effort was mostly an early variant of spamming, to advertise for an online astrology related store by the name of mantra.com. Jai Maharaj is often cited as the number 1 reason why people stopped using the discussion boards on Usenet.

8. RBX

7. The Team Roomba Griefers

6. Jason Fortuny

5. David Thorne

4. Something Aweful and Adam Goldstein

3. Goatse/ hello.jpg

2. Bloodninja

1. Anonymous

OMG....You are so desperate....
lol...you need substance in a trolling thread???thats trolling.. :lol:

and what are you doing here???increasing post count???stupid.. :lol:

and you should post on your country members who got top marks..

You dim or something how can he increase his post count by posting in members club??
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