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Top 10 reasons why india made the right choice by selecting rafale as winner


Jun 26, 2010
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Top 10 reasons why India made the right choice by selecting rafale as winner?

1.India got an operational ready platform which has tested & proven capabilities while EF 2000 typhoon was like a post dated cheque for India in which many
capabilities are going to be installed in remote future & also many system is going to be funded by
Indiaif it inducts it like

*Captor E AESA radar in 2015.
*Operational AIr to ground launch capability of Air Launched Cruise Missiles around 2016
*Thrust vectoring nozzles

so who knows in future if there is any time warlike situation may erupt due to increasingly volatile & hostile neighborhood of india unlike that before ,so it always better to have an operational ready platform.

2. India already has/going to have 2 air superiority fighters like Super SU 30mki & FGFA so it's better to have a fighter with good /proven air to ground capabilities & rafale is the best candidate for it.
Also in Air to Air warfare Rafale thanks to it's 5th gen SPECTRA EW suite, has the unique ability of
Passive detection of aerial targets from greater distance than it's own aesa radar when it's target are in active mode (i.e radar turn on) & also it can cue it's air to air missile towards it's target with
the help of SPECTRA only without turning on it's own AESA radar for stealth reason .

3.India could now get all technological help from french for LCA mark2 / future fighters like AMCA in key departments

* KAVERI engine development with Scenema
* 5th gen Avionics/ EW suite (spectra) co development with THALES
* Meteor missile development with MBDA & it could be used in development of Ramjet powered
ASTRA A-A missile
* AESA Radar development

4.India can now have the ability to arm twist France to veto /stop all
potential arms sales to PAKISTAN at least similar platforms which they are selling to

5.EF2000 typhoon is a joint venture between 4 European countries out of which 2 are marred by economic crisis so it could be risky to invest in such joint venture project when u always have a risk of collapsing,
well Rafale is a single country project whom India has good relationship & has already
operated it's mirage fighters & satisfied with it.

6.India now have a much more deeper strategic relationship with France like Russians,it can now
utilize it's relationship to get access in french Islands in the gulf region UAE & in African region like Djibouti to patrol the maritime area & protection of it's SHIPS & tankers from
pirates by basing it's naval ships in those islands .Also India now would have the
support & backing of another important powerful ally in future conflicts .

7.India could get secretly the technology of ASMP missile for INDIA's own Long
range Cruise missile programs through french as french cannot sell this weapon.
It could be a effective cruise missile like that of Brahmos but not co developed like it .

8.Rafale's excellent features which gives clear advantage compare to EF 2000 typhoon
i) Much advanced & sophisticated Avionics likes that RECCO NG reconnaise pod & ECM suites likes that of 5th GEN spectra System
ii) Much better Air to air missile likes that MICA /meteor MISSILE even could be armed with foreign weapons
iii) 14 weapons hard points & more weapons payload carrying capacity
iv) Tested & proven multi role fighter
v) More maneuverability thanks to it's close coupled canards
vi) Operational ready AESA radar

9.India is going to get all F3 standard of RAFALE well India can also develop it further with French to F4 standard
which can have increased stealth features like
* Enclosed weapons pods
* more advanced avionics & EW warfare suite
* Less infra red signature emitting a nine ton thrust version of the M88 engine.

10.French are more transparent & friendlier in transfer of all critical
technology & they don't attach any strings of condition while selling weapons & also they wont put sanctions in future unlike the EF 2000 partners countries which are more pro US .

So all in all India really made a wise decision of selecting Rafale as the winner of the 128 MMRCA jet contract & is a truly a complete & tested multirole fighter which fulfills India's all criteria & needs
Well on your 8th point of comparison between the Rafale and Eurofighter, the latter is superior in terms of maneuverability and was actually ranked on the top by the IAF amidst the technical evaluation they carried out, followed by Rafale.

But as you say, Rafale makes much more sense.
.....if it is too costly..then it's non-sense..
F-35 will give more 'advantages' over 'France'...in all spheres...
The nations that have already placed their orders for the F35 are seeking means to cut their ordered number, primarily due to cost overruns and you think it'd be wise for us to buy it?

Plus, it'll be a nightmare getting the Americans to transfer the technology, and US jets come with a tantrum, you know, physical inspection of jets whenever they want, etc etc. Makes no sense really.
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