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Top 10 Incredibly Advanced Jet Fighters

Any list that starts with "Top 10..." should automatically be discredited.
:Dcontroversial to say but seem true to me

Btw how come J20 and j30 are not in least
Being operational is no excuse here (f35), at least j20 which is only months away from induction
Can't agree with the list. F-22 should be on top. How you can add Su-35 in that list as its not operational yet? You can replace it with with su -30 mki in this list . Refale should be on top 5 as it's a combat proven jet.
I believe they developed silent eagle also don't know inducted or not since they have Raptors and F-35, may be in near future they offer to other counties, will be a very good choice for PAF.
Boeing's Stealthy F-15 "Silent Eagle" May Fly After All
Israel shows a sudden interest in the "Silent Eagle"

In 2009, Boeing had an idea. Instead of developing an entirely new fighter for a market already dominated by the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, it would update an already existing fighter with the latest in technology. Even better, it would be low observable—a step below stealthy planes such the F-35 and F-22 Raptor.

The result: the Silent Eagle. Based on the F-15E Strike Eagle, Silent Eagle would be an affordable alternative to the F-35. It would be an attractive option to countries such as Japan, Israel and South Korea, countries that already had F-15s and wanted a long-range, multi-role, stealthy fighter.
Earlier this year Iran and the West came to an agreement on limiting Iran's nuclear program. Under the terms of the agreement Iran agreed to dismantle most of its nuclear program in return for a lifting of economic sanctions. Israel, which has an, uh, contentious relationship with Iran, is now pushing for a list of weapons it wants as insurance in case the deal fails.

The standout on the list? A squadron of Silent Eagles.

The original F-15 Eagle was originally designed purely as an air-superiority fighter. The slogan during the F-15's development was "Not A Pound for Air-to-Ground," and it worked; until the development of the F-22 Raptor, the F-15 was the best dogfighter in the world. But the Eagle's large, beefy frame, two seater capability, and powerful engines made a multi-role version of the F-15 an attractive prospect, and the F-15E "Strike Eagle" was born.

Silent Eagle is a Strike Eagle given the stealth treatment. The aircraft has a Radar Cross Section Reduction Package, which includes radar-absorbent materials, form-fitting fuel tanks, and vertical stabilizers at a radar-reducing 15 degree cant.
Silent Eagle even has a pair of internal weapons bays built into the fuselage to hide Sidewinder and AMRAAM air-to-air missiles, JDAM satellite guided bombs, andSmall Diameter Bombs. The lack of missiles and drop tanks hanging off the wings and fuselage improves the aircraft's radar-cross section.

Silent Eagle also features plenty of non-stealth upgrades including a powerful
Active Electronically Scanned Array radar, an infrared search and track capability for air-to-ground and air-to-air combat, and an updated electronic warfare suite. Boeing touts Silent Eagle's greater situational awareness, faster jamming, and accurate threat location.

Israel wants Silent Eagles because the jets are capable of striking targets at longer ranges than the F-35 and still incorporate a measure of stealth. For Isreal, the Silent Eagle is essentially insurance for if the worst happens and the Iran deal does fall through— if Israel eventually has to launch air strikes, a Silent Eagle-type platform will be essential for dealing with Iran's air defenses.
If the U.S. government does accede to Israel's request, this could spark new interest in the Silent Eagle. South Korea could select Silent Eagle if its efforts to build its first fighter, KF-X, fall through. Japan is under increased pressure from China. Even Canada, which has vowed to scrap its F-35 purchase, could show interest.

And so, after years of being left for dead, suddenly there's a pretty good chance the Silent Eagle will fly back out from the graveyard of aviation.
Boeing's Stealthy F-15 "Silent Eagle" May Fly After All

you know how expensive it is to fly the F-15 is though :o:

but i think the Silent Eagle in head on fight against the Su-30MKI would win. that reduced RCS vs that big fat RCS of the Su-30MKI :pop:
F-35 is a dud (so far)! Raptor is good but not cost effective. Production has closed due to prohibitive maintenance costs. J-10 is as yet untested in combat.

Gripen NG loses out due to its single engine which has been modified from the Super Hornet's General Electric F414 turbofan engine.

But the single engine F-35 tops the list.
So why is the single engine J-10 on the list.
Why would that make top 10, and not the Gripen NG?
Iran's F14. :D

Cool Jet (y)

Where is The J-20 or the J-31 ??? These two should atleast be on 3rd ....:pakistan::china:

:Dcontroversial to say but seem true to me

Btw how come J20 and j30 are not in least
Being operational is no excuse here (f35), at least j20 which is only months away from induction
I was thinking the same .....
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