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Top 10 Destroyers


Apr 28, 2011
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The most porweful modern navies operate destroyers. These are the heaviest surface combatants in general use today. These ships are not numerous. Only the powerful navies around the world operate these warships.

So which is the most powerful destroyer in the world? Which is the greatest modern destroyer and why? Our Top 10 analysis is based on the combined score of firepower, offensive and defensive capabilities, size, displacement, sensors, stealthiness and some other features.

This list only includes destroyers that are currently in service, or will be commissioned in the near future.

Currently top 10 destroyers in the world are these:


Nr.1 Zumwalt class (USA)

The Zumwalt class destroyers are the new cutting-edge warships for the US Navy. It is planned that the lead ship will be commissioned in 2016. It is named in honor of Admiral Elmo R. Zumwalt Jr. Originally 32 ships of the class were planned. However only three ships will be built due to high unit price.

The Zumwalt class warships are the largest destroyer ever built. Actually in terms of size, displacement and armament these are closer to cruisers rather than destroyers. The Zumwalt class ships are even larger than Ticonderoga class cruisers. These new vessels sport cutting-edge technology and are stealthy to radars. Also these warships have new propulsion and powerful armament.

These stealthy guided missile destroyers can perform anti-aircraft and naval fire support, however the main focus is on land attack.

The USS Zumwalt has unusual hull design optimized for wave piercing. There is a composite deckhouse. Angular shape minimizes its radar signature. The ship has hidden radar and sensors. The despite its size the USS Zumwalt has a radar signature of a fishing boat. Also it has reduced sound and infrared signature what makes this ship harder to detect.

These warships will be fitted with 80 advanced modular vertical launch cells for various missiles. The USS Zumwalt can carry a mix of various missiles, including Tomahawk land attack cruise missiles (1 per cell), ASROC anti-submarine rockets (1 per cell), RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missiles (ESSM) (4 per cell) and Standard surface-to-air missiles. Also there are two 155-mm naval guns with 920 rounds of ammunition and two 57-mm guns.

This stealthy destroyer has the highest level of automation of any US Navy surface warship. It will be operated by less sailors than comparable ships. The USS Zumwalt will be run by a crew of about 140 sailors. It is half the crew of comparableArleigh Burke class destroyer. Automated systems will put out fires and combat flooding. Surveillance cameras will monitor what is going outside.

The ship has a flight deck and a hangar for up to two medium-lift helicopters such as SH-60 or MH-60R Seahawks. It can also carry up to three MQ-8 Fire Scout or other small UAVs.

The USS Zumwalt is the first US surface warship to use electric propulsion. Its integrated power system can send electricity to the electric drive motors or weapons. Its powerplant produces enough electricity to power future weapons like the electromagnetic gun or laser. It generates enough power to light up a small city. Sound levels of the Zumwalt are comparable with Los Angeles class submarines.


Nr.2 Sejong the Great class (South Korea)

The Sejong the Great class destroyers are among the most advanced warships afloat today. They were developed under the KDX-III program, which sought to provide the South Korean Navy with a world-class destroyer capable of meeting virtually any threat at sea, on land, or in the air.

The design of these vessels borrows heavily from features of the American Arleigh Burke class and the Japanese Atago class, and shares numerous common components and systems as well, but has a largely original construction and composition. Moreover, with a combat displacement of some 11 000 tons (practically making these vessels Cruisers), the Sejong the Great class destroyers are substantially heavier.

South Korean Navy operates three of these vessels. They were commissioned in 2008, 2012, and 2014.

Likely owing to the use of only fully-developed technologies and subsystems, the Sejong the Great class destroyers cost only $923 million per-vessel. This price tag makes these vessels among the most inexpensive AEGIS warships ever constructed.

The weapons, sensors, fire controls, propulsion, and other systems are fully-automated, and networked together via the Aegis combat information system; the version currently used in the Sejong the Great class is Baseline 7 Phase 1. This system allows the ship to detect, identify, evaluate, and engage targets with no input from the crew, other than the decision to engage. The system can also display several-thousand contacts, and track and/or engage up to 100 targets simultaneously.

The missile battery of the Sejong the Great class is exceptional. Not even including the 21-cell RAM launcher, or even the 16 Hyunmoo III anti-ship missiles, they carry an incredible 128 missiles in three different vertical launch cell pads (one forward with 48 cells, one aft with 32 cells, and another 48-cell pad aft). This is a much larger stock of missiles than the 96 cells found on the Arleigh Burke class, furthermore it is second-place to the Kirov class battlecruisers (which have the world's largest missile battery, at 352 missiles).

The variety of missiles carried by the Sejong the Great class is staggering as well. These include the RIM-66M-5/SM-2ER Block IV Standard SSM-700K Haeseong with a range of 240 km, the Hyunmoo IIIB land attack cruise missile with a range of 1 000 km, the SSM-700K Haeseong anti-ship missile with a range of 150 km, the Red Shark (also called the K-ASROC) anti-submarine missile with a 18.5 km range, and the RIM-116B RAM surface to air missile with a range of 7.4 km. The K745 Blue Shark torpedo has an effective range of 18.5 km.

There are two hangars for helicopters.


Nr.3 Arleigh Burke class (USA)

The Arleigh Burke class warships are the biggest destroyers currently in service with the US Navy. Also these are one of the biggest destroyers in the world that incorporate highly advanced weaponry and systems.

These guided missile destroyers entered service with the US Navy in 1991 were the first large US Navy vessel designed to incorporate stealth shaping techniques to reduce radar cross-section. Also these were the first destroyers fitted with Aegis combat system. These destroyers were intended to be a cheaper, less capable vessels than the Ticonderoga class cruisers. Originally tasked with defending against Soviet aircraft, missiles and submarines, these potent general purpose destroyer are now used in high-threat areas to conduct anti-air, anti-submarine, anti-surface, and land attack operations.

Hull profile of the Arleight Burke class significantly improves seakeeping, permitting high speeds to be maintained in difficult sea states. The hull form is characterized by considerable flare and a 'V'-shape appearance at the waterline.

Built primarily from steel, the class has aluminium masts to reduce topweight. Kevlar armour is fitted over all vital machinery and operations room spaces. Surprisingly, it was the first US warship class to be fully equipped to operate in NBC environments, with the crew confined to a protected citadel located within the hull and superstructure.

The AN/SPY-1D phased array radar incorporates significant advances in the detection capabilities of the AEGIS weapons system, particularly in its resistance to enemy electronic countermeasures.

The AEGIS system is designed to counter all current and projected missile threats to the Navy's battle forces. A conventional, mechanically rotating radar 'sees' a target when the radar beam strikes that target once during each 360° rotation of the antenna. A separate tracking radar is then required to engage each target. By contrast, the AEGIS system brings these functions together within one system. The four fixed arrays of the SPY-1D send out beams of electromagnetic energy in all directions simultaneously, continuously providing a search and tracking capability for hundreds of targets at the same time. The SPY-1D and the Mark 99 fire control system allow them to guide vertically-launched Standard missiles to intercept hostile aircraft and missiles at long ranges. Missile are stored in vertical launch systems, that can also house smaler Evolved Sea Sparrow (ESSM) missiles, Tomahawk land attack cruise missiles, ASROC anti-submarine missiles. For point defense the ships are equipped with two Phalanx Close-In Weapon Systems (CIWS). Also there are 324 mm launchers for Mk.46 or Mk.50 torpedoes.

This class currently consists of 62 destroyers in three versions, namely Flight I, Flight II, and Flight IIA. The laters Flight IIAvessels are sometimes referred as the Oscar Austin class. These have a helicopter hangar for two helicopters, as well as an enlarged vertical launch system, a new 127 mm dual-purpose gun and are packed with modern sensors and weaponry.These warship have a full load displacement of 9 648 tons and are significantly larger than original Flight I ships, that were commissioned in the early 1990s. Construction of further improved Flight III variant is planned for 2016.


Nr.4 Type 052D class (China)

The Type 052D class is referred as Chinese Aegis. It is known in the West as Luyang III class. It is a follow-on to the previous Type 052C (Luyang II) class. A total of 12 Type 052D destroyers are being built at a rapid pace for the Chinese Navy by two different shipyards. The first vessel entered service in 2014.

The Type 052D class is among the World's biggest and most capable destroyers. It follows the lines of the previous Type 052C class, but is larger and has reduced radar cross-section. Also the new warships have improved weaponry and pack a heavier punch. These guided missile destroyers are equipped with advanced radar and two 32-cell Vertical Launch Systems (VLS) for various missiles. Still though these are general-purpose destroyers, rather than specializes anti-air warfare vessels. It seems that these warships have capabilities similar to those of the US Arleigh Burke class general-purpose destroyers.

It looks like the phased array radar of the Type 052D is a further development of the Type 052C radar. The new radar is larger and presumably has more transceivers. This radar was first observed in 2012 on a Bi Sheng weaponry trial ship. In function it is similar to the US SPY-1 Aegis radar. It can detect air targets at significant ranges and track numerous targets simultaneously. Some sources report that the Type 052D class warships are also fitted with a newest Chinese data link. This secure tactical data system is used for communication with other naval assets.

The two 32-cell VLS can hold and launch different types of missiles. These include surface-to-air missiles, cruise missiles, anti-ship missiles and anti-submarine missiles. The Type 052D class has superior offensive capabilities. In these terms it even outperforms many Western destroyers.

Point defense is provided by a HHQ-10 launcher, packed with short-range air defense missiles.

Last ditch defense is provided by a seven-barreled 30 mm CIWS. It seems that starting with the 9th hull destroyers will be fitted with improved eleven-barreled 30 mm CIWS. It can fire at a rare of a whooping 10 000 rounds per minute. It is claimed that it can intercept incoming anti-ship missiles up to a speed of Mach 4 with a 96% success rate. So far these eleven-barreled CIWS were fitted on Chinese Liaoning aircraft carrier and latest Type 054A class frigates.

These Chinese destroyers have a single 130 mm main gun.

For anti-submarine warfare there are torpedo tubes and anti-submarine rocket launchers.

The Type 052D class warships have a hangar for a single helicopter. These destroyers can accommodate a Kamov Ka-28 (export version of the Ka-27) or Harbin Z-9C. However most other warships of similar size and displacement typically can accommodate two helicopters.


Nr.5 Kolkata class (India)

Even though the Indian Kolkata class destroyers might not be as advanced as contemporary Western or even Chinese warships, these pack a very formidable punch.

The Project 15A was launched in 1986, following the approval of the cabinet committee as a follow-on class to Delhi class. As with most Indian military projects, development and construction of these warships was plagued with setbacks, delays and cost overruns. By the year 2000, the Kolkata class was redesigned by Directorate of Naval Design including the modern stealth attributes. These destroyers have reduced radar cross section, although these are by no means true stealthy vessels. The lead vessel was delayed by 4 years (to 2014) due to technical faults found out during the sea trials. However, the faults were rectified and INS Kolkata was finally commissioned 2014. The Kolkata class comprises of 3 ships namely – INS Kolkata, INS Kochi, INS Chennai. All 3 named on the coastal cities of India.

These warships a packed with a mix of indigenous, Russian, and Western sensors, equipment and weapons. Weapon systems include BRAHMOS nuclear capable supersonic missiles (16 missiles) These can reach a speed of 2.8 Mach (3 457 km/h) and engage hostile ships or land targets. So these Indian destroyers have significant offensive capabilities. Also there are Indo-Israel jointly developed Barak-8 air defense missiles (32 missiles). These have a range of up to 90 km.

Other weapons include a single 76 mm dual-purpose gun and four AK-630 CIWS.

Anti-submarine weapon include 533 mm torpedoes and anti-submarine rocket launchers. These vessels can house two helicopters, either HAL Dhruv or Westland Sea King.


Nr.6 Atago class (Japan)

The Atago class are large Japan's destroyers with strong anti-air warfare capability. This class is a scaled-up and improved version of the Kongou class (a Japanese version of the US Arleigh Burke class). Two Atago class ships are in service with Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) and two more are being built.

The Atago class warships carry Aegis world-class air defense system. It integrates a mix of Japanese- and American-made systems, including weapons, radar and fire control into one highly efficient system, capable of controlling a fleet battle above and below the surface. Furthermore the Aegis system used on Atago class ships is more capable than that, used on the previous Kongou class.

The main role of the Atago class destroyers is to provide air defense for the fleet. These warships can even engage ballistic missiles. There is a 96-cell Mk.41 VLS with 64 cells in the forward area and 32 cells in the stern area. These are packed with a mix of SM-2MR Standard missiles, SM-3 anti-ballistic missiles and RUM-139 ASROC anti-submarine missiles.

The same VLS could also pack Tomahawk anti-ship and land attack cruise missiles. However in line with Japan's post-war constitution the Atago class does not carry Tomahawk missiles. Instead anti-ship capability is provided by less capable Type 90 (SSM-1B) anti-ship missiles. These anti-ship missiles have a range of 150 km and carry a 225 kg warhead. In concept these are similar to the US Harpoon, though it looks like these Japanese missiles are more advanced than the Harpoons. The Atago class can carry up to 8 of these missiles on two quadruple launchers.

So offensive capabilities of the Atago class warships is rather week, even compared with the Indian Kolkata class destroyers, that are much smaller.

The Atago class has a 127 mm dual-purpose gun in a stealth-shaped mount. The gun is the same as on the previous Kongou class, its barrel has extended from 54 calibers to 62 calibers. It can handle strengthened powder charges and has a maximum range of 38 km. This gun can engage hostile ships, air targets, and bombard land targets.

Last ditch defense against incoming anti-ship missiles is provided by two 20 mm Phalanx CIWS. One of them is located in the forward area, while another one is in the stern area.

For anti-submarine warfare there are 2 triple-tube torpedo launchers for Mk.46 Mod.5 Neartip, or Japanese Type 73 torpedoes.

Hangar of the Atago class accommodates only a single SH-60K helicopter. Though most warships of similar size and displacement can accommodate two helicopters.

These warships are operated by a crew of 300 sailors, including the aircrew, and can function as fleet command centers.


Nr.7 Kongou class (Japan)

For much of the last four decades, the primary focus of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defence Force (JMSDF) has been on anti-air and anti-submarine warfare. During the 1980s and 1990s, the increasing threat from China, together with the reduction of the US military presence in the region, meant that Japan was forced to take a more active military role in Asian waters. To meet this new role a new Kongou class of guided-missile destroyers has been commissioned.

Based loosely upon the US Navy's Arleigh Burke class, the Kongous have been built to mercantile instead of warship standards. However, they are slightly bigger than the American ships, and carry an improved lightweight version of the Aegis combat system. It integrates weapons, radar and fire control into one highly efficient system, capable of controlling a fleet battle above and below the surface. Actually the Kongou class destroyers are one of the largest destroyers in the world. In terms of size and displacement these are nearly as large as cruisers.

The lead ship of the class, Kongou, was commissioned in 1993. It was followed by three more similar warships.

The main external difference between these vessels and the Burkes is that the Kongous have a longer flush deck at the stern, making it easier to handle helicopters up to the size of the SH-60J Seahawk or larger. Though it looks like due to this improvement the Kongou class lost some of the Arleigh Burke class's seakeeping.

The main role of these warships is fleet air defense. The Kongou class ships are an extremely important element in the protection of Japan. Their sophisticated long-range air defense capability is seen as a national asset beyond their duty to protect the fleet.

Main weapons of the Kongou class are two Mk.41 vertical launch systems with a total of 90 Standard SM-2MR surface-to-air missiles.

There are two 20 mm Phalanx CIWS, that provide last ditch protection against incoming anti-ship missiles. There is also a 127 mm dual-purpose rapid-fire cannon that can engage both surface and air targets, or bombard land targets.

Anti-ship capability is provided by 2 quadrupple Harpoon missile launchers. However the Kongou class lacks any significant land attack capabilities.

Also there are two tripple launchers for Mk.46 Mod.5 Neartip anti-submarine torpedoes. Anti-submarine capability is also provided by a SH-60J helicopter.

Further development of the Kongou class became the Atago class anti-air warfare destroyers. These are essentially scaled-up versions of the Kongou class.


Nr.8 Aikizuki class (Japan)

The Japanese Aikizuki class of general purpose destroyers are used as escorts for the Hyuga and Izumo class helicopter carriers. A total of 4 Aikizuki class ships were planned and were eventually completed. The lead ship was commissioned with the JMSDF in 2012. The last one was commissioned in 2014.

The Aikizuki class is based on the previous Takanami class destroyers. Their main role is to escort Hyuga class and Izumo class helicopter carries, as well as Kongou class and Atago class Aegis destroyers, and to shield them from air, surface and underwater threats. The Aikizuki class ships pack more advanced equipment than their predecessors, including new sensors and sonar and are slightly larger than the Takanami class vessels. Furthermore the Aikizuki class has cleaner lines in order to reduce the radar cross-section. Other improvements include more powerful engines. Also the Aikizuki class destroyers have an indigenous ATECS battle management system, that is being called the Japanese Aegis.

The Aikizuki class destroyers have an indigenous combat system, which includes AESA radar and fire control system. It is a derivative of the combat system, used on Hyuga class helicopter carriers, but has additional local area defense capability. Data is transferred among JMSDF ships by a secured Link 16 datalink.

The Aikizuki class guided missile destroyers carry balanced armament, that provides protection airborne, surface and underwater threats. There is a 32-cell Mk.41 VLS, packed with a mix of RIM-162 Evolves Sea Sparrow Missiles (ESSM) surface-to-air missiles and ASROC anti-submarine missiles. The lead ship, Aikizuki, is armed with RUM-139 ASROC missiles, while all later ships carry the Type 07, a Japanese equivalent of this missile.

Long-range anti-ship capability is provided by two quadrupple launchers with Type 90 (SSM-1B) anti-ship cruise missiles. These anti-ship missiles have a range of 150 km and carry a 225 kg warhead. In concept these are similar to the USHarpoon, though it looks like these Japanese missiles are more advanced than the Harpoons. The JMSDF actually replaces Harpoon missiles on its ships by their Type 90.

There is a 127 mm dual-purpose gun in a stealth-shaped mount. The gun is similar to that as used on the larger Atago class destroyers. It has an extended 62 calibers barrel and can handle strengthened powder charges. The gun has a maximum range of 38 km. It can engage hostile ships, air targets, and bombard land targets.

Last ditch defense against incoming air threats is provided by two 20 mm Phalanx Block 1B CIWS. One of them is located in the forward area, while another is in the stern area.

Anti-submarine capability is provided by two tripple launchers for 324 mm torpedoes. These can launch Mk.46 Mod.5 Neartip, or Japanese Type 73 torpedoes. Also the Aikizuki class ships have an anti-torpedo system.

There is a hangar for a single Mitsubishi SH-60K anti-submarine helicopter. It is mainly intended for anti-submarine duties.

Some of the Aikizuki class systems, such as hull sonar, towed array sonar, electronic warfare suite, are comparable to those used on the Zumwalt class.

Nr.9 Daring class (United Kingdom)

The Daring class eveloped from a joint Anglo-French-Italian project called 'Project Horizon'. However, this initiative was beset with delays and arguments. The Royal Navy wanted a larger destroyer, which would operate in the Atlantic ocean, could patrol large areas and provide air defense for the fleet. On the other hand France and Italy desired for smaller warships to operate in the Mediterranean region. In 1999, the Royal Navy withdrew from the joint project and commenced the development of the Type 45 class. Significant changes were made to the original project. The lead ship, HMS Daring, entered service in 2009. The last of 6 ships was commissioned in 2013. These are the largest surface combatants operated by the Royal Navy since World War II. Also these are the most advanced warships of the Royal Navy.

The main role of the Daring class is to provide air defense for the fleet. Some of the class's features include Principal Anti-Aircraft Missile System (PAAMS). The PAAMS incorporates 48-cell VLS with 32 Aster-30 missiles (80 km range) and 16 Aster-15 missiles (30 km range). The system can intercept super-agile missiles fitted with re-attack modes, together with the full envelope of current and anticipated air threats. Furthermore, the ship can engage missile threats operating either individually or in salvos. In addition to PAAMS, it is hoped that the Daring class will eventually deploy Tomahawk cruise missiles.

Anti-ship capability is provided by two quadrupple Harpoon launchers.

The ships feature a comprehensive suite of sensors. An S1850M radar provides wide-area, long-range search. This is reinforced by an MFS-7000 bow-mounted sonar. Air defence combat management is co-ordinated by the Sampson radar system, combining surveillance and tracking roles in a single system. This can detect and track hostile aircraft or missiles while providing guidance for the ship's own weapons systems. This radar is more capable than the radars used on the Franco-Italian Horizon class destroyers.

The ship's sensors are linked together by the combat management system, while communications with other vessels and satellite systems are facilitated through the fully-integrated communications system.

Ship protection is provided by the Surface Ship Torpedo Defence System. Furthermore, the ship can embark a complement of 60 Royal Marine Commandos with a supporting helicopter. The flight deck accommodates the Royal Navy's Merlin helicopter, although initially the ships operated with Lynx.

The Type 45 or Daring class features a revolutionary WR-21 advanced gas turbine engine. The engines features an Integrated Electric Propulsion System, which eliminates the gearbox and increases fuel efficiency.

The ship's interior has been designed with 'room for growth' as a major consideration. While the ship's complement include around 190 crew, there is an option to increase this to 235. This permit the accommodation of specialist personnel, which allow for an increased range of missions, such as humanitarian relief, to be performed.


Nr.10 Horizon class (France/Italy)

The Project Horizon started life in 1992 as a cooperative Anglo-Franco-Italian development. In Italy it was known as Project Orizzonte, which translates as "horizon". An international joint venture company was established in 1995 to produce the new warships. However due to differing national requirements this initiative was beset with delays and arguments. The Royal Navy wanted a larger destroyer, which would operate in the Atlantic ocean, could patrol large areas and provide air defense for the fleet. On the other hand France and Italy desired for smaller and less capable warships to operate in the Mediterranean region. Also there were workshare arguments. In 1999 the United Kingdom left the project and eventually developed its equivalent - the Daring class destroyers. France and Italy continued development on their own. In 2000 a contract was signed to jointly produce 4 ships, two for each country. Originally four more ships were planned, tow for each country. But eventually these were never ordered.

Italy ordered Andrea Doria and Caio Duilio. The first one was commissioned in 2007. It reached full operational capability in 2008. The second ship followed in 2009. France ordered Forbin and Chevalier Paul. The first one was commissioned in 2008 and the second followed in 2009.

The Horizon class ships are officially referred as frigates. However considering their size and powerful armament these ships are clearly destroyers. These are called frigates purely for political reasons. These vessels have enhanced stealth features with significantly reduced radar cross section and noise levels.

The main radar is the EMPAR phased array multi-purpose radar. It detects air targets and provides tracking for the missiles.

The Horizon class destroyers are fitted with a 48-cell VLS for a mix of Aster-15 (range 30 km) and Aster-30 (range 120 km) surface-to-air missiles.

Anti-ship capability comes from two quadrupple launchers. French warships are armed with MM.40 Exocet anti-ship missiles, while Italian warships carry OTOMAT Teseo Mk.2A anti-ship missiles. These have a range of 180 km and carry a 210 kg warhead.

The French Horizon class warships are armed with two OTO Melara 76 mm Super Rapid guns. These rapid-firing dual purpose guns can engage both surface and air targets and even act as CIWS. On French ships last ditch defense is provided by a SADRAL launcher with six Mistral short-range surface-to-air missiles. Also there are two 20-mm automatic cannons for engaging small surface targets.

On the other hand Italian warships are armed with three 76 mm rapid-firing guns. Also there are two Oerlikon 25 mm cannons for engaging small surface targets.

These destroyers are armed with 2 twin launchers for MU90 lightweight torpedoes. For defense against incoming torpedoes there are 2 launchers with SLAT anti-torpedo system.

The Horizon class destroyers can accommodate a single helicopter. It can be NH90 HFH, or AW101. It can be used for long-range anti-submarine warfare, search and rescue, utility and other roles. Aviation facilities include a flight deck and hangar.



ANother different between Kongo/Atago and Burke is that in the Japanse ships the SPY-1 radar and bridge are located 1 deck higher up than in the Burke. That translates to a radar horizon that lies somewhat further out.

Another Burke variant is the South Korean Sejong the Great-class destroyer. Built slightly bulkier and heavier than Arleigh Burke-class destroyers or Atago-class destroyers to accommodate 32 more missilesm these currently the largest ships to carry the Aegis combat system. Rather than 2 Phalanx CIWS, the employ one 30 mm Goalkeeper CIWS and one 21-round RAM Block 1 CIWS.


Personally, I would take all of these as forming a single class. And, I don't see why the two Japanese Burke variants would be classified after both the Type 052D and the P15A Kolkata. While Type 052D is included, the preceeding 052C isn't: why not?

The ESSM and ASROC armed Aikizuki class is about the same size as the APAR and SPY-1 equipped and SM-2 armed Euro-frigates i.e. F-124 Sachsen, LFC Zeven Povincien class and F-100 Alvaro de Bazan classes, which aren't included. The former is ASW oriented, the latter three are AAW oriented.
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what rubbish,
we have not even seen the zumwalt in action yet so calling it the "top destroyer" is worthless.
what rubbish,
we have not even seen the zumwalt in action yet so calling it the "top destroyer" is worthless.

actually i dont want to see them in action at all

and none other than the Arleigh Burke class, the list warship on top had going through action at all in any form
Its "MADE IN USA" Grandpa so it must be GOOD!!! Relax the Royal Navy had their time!!! :p:
:o: blasphemy !
i still maintain our type 45's are more bad@$$
look at it.
its a beauty and its a beast at the same time.

because i'm nice you can have second spot
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