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Too many mosques, legislation needed

State should not interfere in any religious matter.............. Thats what secularists preach every where, so why you want legislation for number of mosques? isn't it interference in religion?

:disagree: Hypocrisy at its best.

it is not the interference in religious matter at all. No one is stopping you from performing religious activities. even the mosques will and remain available for prayers.
they have similar regulation in Tunisia...New mosques are not allowed anymore.
I loosely agree with the OP..Too many mosques are being disused or never used to full capacity and yet new mosques in the same area are being constructed.
Our little mosque somewhere in Abbottabad was a small room with capacity of 24 people...in 1992...still the same..No room for ablution ..minimalist mosque..but always full to capacity..Until the time more people come for prayers we dont feel like expanding it..despite many readily available sponsors and empty land dedicated to the mosque..In Ramadan we do face trouble as taraweeh attracts over a hundred people every night..but we do away with temporary arrangements..
Personally i don't like too many mosques built in same area as it causes conflicts..and none of the mosques is used to full capacity..people get distributed..and mosque is not about distributing people..its about uniting them and creating a community.
Large iconic mosques are good as their purpose is to be a hallmark of an islamic country..The view of Grand Shah Faisal Mosque in Islamabad gives you an idea that you are in an islamic country..Most of the The islooites wont give you same impression..

But let people decide..state better not interfere..

Yes, even in Karachi, the marriage halls / parks etc are used for tarawih purposes. With respect to mosques being hall mark of islamic society, I am not asking that all the mosques be demolished, rather construction of new mosques should be prohibited where there is already a mosque.
you forget the important thing ... do you know how many sect Pakistan have ?? :hitwall: & each & everyone declaring other Kafirs .. :confused:

so every sect have each mosque in an area . :sick:

That can be handled. When all these sects can offer prayers in Khana Ka'aba behind one Imam, why can't they do the same in their country.
I am sure the mosques gives employment to many.

no, not to many. Just one Molvi, one mozin and one two other persons. But if we construct a building there, it will surely provide roof to a large number of homeless.
DHA is a bit painful...if you want to go mosque for your 5 times prayers ,, you cant because the mosques are too far apart..unless you have a car.

How far, can you tell me in Kilometers?

But by going through your logic there should be mosque attached with every house?
Dear members,

I am just pointing out a very important aspect of our society, which in my view remained under gross negligence. That is the Number of mosques in every Area.

I am not aware what procedure is followed while allowing construction of any mosque. I mean whether population of area is considered or not. As it is observed that most of the times (except jumma prayers) all the mosques lie vacant, just 1, 2 or 3 lines get filled.

Like in my own area there are around 7 mosques. considering the population, the number of mosques is almost 3 times higher than required.

Another issue is the construction of mega mosques, i mean high capacity mosques like we have Faisal Mosque in Islamabad, which i think never got filled, which just made it a picnic point rather than the mosque. Even a safe place for couples to visit there.

- Do we really need a Huge Number of mosques?

- Can a legislation be made for restricting the number of mosques considering the Sq. KM area.

- before allowing construction of additional mosques, it should be made mandatory to prove that the mosque already in the area remains full / out of space.

What are your views.

Right thinking, there should be control and legislation over construction of new mosque. Tradition to take box and start CHANDA FOR MOSQUE should be ended.
No matter how many fractions are there but bring all mosque into a controlled centralize system.
Right thinking, there should be control and legislation over construction of new mosque. Tradition to take box and start CHANDA FOR MOSQUE should be ended.
No matter how many fractions are there but bring all mosque into a controlled centralize system.

Thanks DV, a very important aspect which I ignored was the funding. All the funding should be made public through division of AGP. That will certainly reduce the factor that mosques are alleged for having funds from 'unknown' sources to project some specified agenda.
Your wajib ul qatl now. But on a serious notes no offence but too many mosques now. Mosques are built on illegal land, can't even demolish them or else bearded apes will say you are wajib ul qatl for being a kaffir.

not all mosques are on enchroached land
most are on land donated privately by people......have you seen that grand mosque in federal B area and that in sabzee mandee...both have been accused of enchroachment by opposition..but both were built on private lands donated by land owners themselves.
Thanks DV, a very important aspect which I ignored was the funding. All the funding should be made public through division of AGP. That will certainly reduce the factor that mosques are alleged for having funds from 'unknown' sources to project some specified agenda.

i disagree with the chandaa bit...mosques are run on public donations as they are used by public....putting barriers in the way will discoursge people from donating which is unwanted.
Your wajib ul qatl now. But on a serious notes no offence but too many mosques now. Mosques are built on illegal land, can't even demolish them or else bearded apes will say you are wajib ul qatl for being a kaffir.

Yes, and those fatwa will be from those mullahs whose funding will be in danger.
i disagree with the chandaa bit...mosques are run on public donations as they are used by public....putting barriers in the way will discoursge people from donating which is unwanted.

you aren't getting the point completely.

I am not asking for zero mosque society. Mosques will be there but according to demand and supply. and people will continue to donate.
you are getting the point completely.

I am not asking for zero mosque society. Mosques will be there but according to demand and supply. and people will continue to donate.

No i understand what you mean.
Dear members,

I am just pointing out a very important aspect of our society, which in my view remained under gross negligence. That is the Number of mosques in every Area.

I am not aware what procedure is followed while allowing construction of any mosque. I mean whether population of area is considered or not. As it is observed that most of the times (except jumma prayers) all the mosques lie vacant, just 1, 2 or 3 lines get filled.

Like in my own area there are around 7 mosques. considering the population, the number of mosques is almost 3 times higher than required.

- Do we really need a Huge Number of mosques?

- Can a legislation be made for restricting the number of mosques considering the Sq. KM area.

- before allowing construction of additional mosques, it should be made mandatory to prove that the mosque already in the area remains full / out of space.

What are your views.

I concur. Masjid should be build to accommodate the devotee and strengthen brotherhood among Muslims however in our countries some people build Masjid to either show off or diluted competion with other block. This scenario of over crowed Masjid more true in Bangladesh than Pakistan. :cry:

Another issue is the construction of mega mosques, i mean high capacity mosques like we have Faisal Mosque in Islamabad, which i think never got filled, which just made it a picnic point rather than the mosque. Even a safe place for couples to visit there.

In Islamic civilization Masjid are build in center of of the city. For example: Badshahi Masjid of Lahore. However I suspect Faisal Masjid was not part of original master plan of Islamabad. Otherwise how can you explain a mega Masjid build out side of the city. :disagree:
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