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Tony Blair backs Egypt's government and criticizes the Muslim Brotherhood


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Tony Blair backs Egypt's government and criticises Brotherhood | Politics | theguardian.com

Tony Blair has given staunch backing to Egypt's government following a meeting on Wednesday with its army leader, Abdel Fatah al-Sisi.

In a television interview on Thursday morning, Britain's former prime minister claimed that Mohamed Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood had stolen Egypt's revolution, and that the army who deposed Morsi last July had put the country back on the path to democracy.

"This is what I say to my colleagues in the west," said Blair, visiting Egypt as a representative of the UN, the US, the EU and Russia in their attempts to mediate the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. "The fact is, the Muslim Brotherhood tried to take the country away from its basic values of hope and progress. The army have intervened, at the will of the people, but in order to take the country to the next stage of its development, which should be democratic, we should be supporting the new government in doing that."

Morsi, Egypt's first freely elected president, was removed by Sisi last July following days of mass protests. His many critics said Morsi had authoritarian leanings and that his removal was essential to prevent Egypt from eventually turning into an autocratic theocracy.

But rights groups say the government that replaced him has been anything but democratic – with more than a thousand dissidents killed, thousands more arrested, and the right to free assembly and free speech severely curbed. The day before Blair's comments were aired, 20 journalists were referred to court on terrorism allegations – charges a leading rights lawyer said returned Egypt to the dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak.

Blair's office did not respond to a query about how the west could promote democracy without criticising lapses in democratic values.

In his television interview, he added: "Right here in Egypt I think it is fundamental that the new government succeeds, that we give it support in bringing in this new era for the people of Egypt. And, you know, we can debate the past and it's probably not very fruitful to do so, but right now I think it's important the whole of the international community gets behind the leadership here and helps."

Blair's comments were in keeping with his previous comments on the region. In the past, he has been supportive of autocratic rulers toppled during the 2011 revolutions, such as Hosni Mubarak and Libya's Muammar Gaddafi.

His comments drew criticism from other British-based Middle East specialists.

@Frogman @Mahmoud_EGY @Yzd Khalifa @al-Hasani @Arabian Legend

So tell me habibi, I thought the west was with the MB yet we have your military leader trying to score brownie points here.....
170,000 rockets are aimed at Israel's cities, says IDF intel head | The Times of Israel

In the sort of wide-ranging presentation that the head of military intelligence typically gives once a year, Kochavi also focused on positive developments. The decline in the popularity and legitimacy of the radical axis of Hezbollah and Bashar Assad, alongside “the erosion” in the Muslim Brotherhood’s popularity in the Middle East, was a positive development. Additionally, he said, “the moderate Sunni states, represent a significant opportunity.”

Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and the Gulf states, “when you look in depth,” all share priorities that “are in confluence” with Israel’s most pressing interests.


This too guys....

Intelligence head: 170,000 rockets and missiles threaten Israel | JPost | Israel News

Regarding Egypt, Kochavi proclaimed "any retreat of the Muslim Brotherhood in the region is significant for Israel."


So tell me guys I thought the West and Israel were so greatly disappointed with the Egyptian military......Ha Ha Ha! Good joke you've got me laughing! I almost fell off my chair!


It's surprising not a single one of you came to respond to this....:lol:
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We don't have to disagree with Israel on everything to be correct.
They all support the military/secular generals

These people are the enemies of muslims and wish to keep the muslim populations under their heel

With the military harami's in charge they get everything they want, protection for israel and slaughter of muslims its a triple whammy
We don't have to disagree with Israel on everything to be correct.

That's not what I said, you pro Egyptian military leadership used to always go off on me about how the US and the West and Israel supported the MB all the way and this was a bad development for them.

So why did you guys deliberately lie like that?

They all support the military/secular generals

These people are the enemies of muslims and wish to keep the muslim populations under their heel

With the military harami's in charge they get everything they want, protection for israel and slaughter of muslims its a triple whammy

This is absolutely true and in other words they want to prevent us from self-determination.

Yet our populations are so ignorant of this truth.

We don't have to disagree with Israel on everything to be correct.

You don't just disagree with Israel, you enhance their power, kiss their *** and make everything go their way on their behalf.
That's not what I said, you pro Egyptian military leadership used to always go off on me about how the US and the West and Israel supported the MB all the way and this was a bad development for them.

So why did you guys deliberately lie like that?

This is absolutely true and in other words they want to prevent us from self-determination.

Yet our populations are so ignorant of this truth.

You don't just disagree with Israel, you enhance their power, kiss their *** and make everything go their way on their behalf.

لم نتخلا عن فلسطين! ولا عن شعري فلسطين! ولا عن مقدسات فلسطين!
So tell me habibi, I thought the west was with the MB yet we have your military leader trying to score brownie points here.....

I'm not sure if you are joking or you don't grasp the classical realist concept of international relations.

The US has interests in Egypt and the region and as you are well aware they don't have problems working with people or governments that have a different ideological mindset or are unelected/autocratic/JewishPapanewguineanT-rexian, now with Mubarak overthrown they required a new 'partner' (because the SCAF was ultimately going to be replaced) and their best bet was the MB (the most organised and arguably popular political party in Egypt at the time, a guaranteed win). They approached the MB and the brothers being pragmatic and power hungry (like any human being or political party) weren't against working with them, to do otherwise would risk their ascent to power. Now just as they did with Mubarak the US dumped Morsi and the MB after they realised there was no way back, think back to 2011 and the first US response to the protests and their support for Mubarak and then later when they realised that he was going to fall. Long story short just as the MB insisted they were "real friends" with the US and sent a love letter to the Israelis, the military regime is doing practically the same thing, you know why? because they are classical realists who know that to go against the states at a time of weakness would be foolish. All leaders think about is interests, security, and power of their nation or themselves.

BTW Tony Blair: Don't believe anything and I mean anything that comes out of that criminals mouth.
Wow what an apologist you are. :lol:

The West was apparently very pro MB against the state of Egypt yet they are meeting with Sisi day to day and he's asking for their praise publicly.

So if the MB had relations such as these we would see you guys attempting at bashing them yet when it's your guys oh it's nothing..."just some interests here and there".

The US and the West and Israel had a conspiracy against the MB including certain Arabic countries. Before they were elected they planned and organized the coup.

You're deluded if you don't see the events that followed MB election victory...one, the western media propaganda campaign which dropped tourism. Two, intentional efforts to prevent oil from getting to the citizens, Qatar was involved and the Egyptian military itself would store supplies in private factories as I saw in my own eyes. Three, Israel war on Gaza to test the MB's resolve. Four, hiring of Baredi to stir up the situation for some money and after objective was achieved he completely stepped out the scene following the coup because he got his paycheck.

I can go on and on.

And if Blair is a criminal why did Sisi invite him to Egypt and have a meeting with him?

CAIRO — The streets seethe with protests and government ministers are on the run or in jail, but since the military ousted President Mohamed Morsi, life has somehow gotten better for many people across Egypt: Gas lines have disappeared, power cuts have stopped and the police have returned to the street.

“This was preparing for the coup,” said Naser el-Farash, who served as the spokesman for the Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade under Mr. Morsi. “Different circles in the state, from the storage facilities to the cars that transport petrol products to the gas stations, all participated in creating the crisis.”

Working behind the scenes, members of the old establishment, some of them close to Mr. Mubarak and the country’s top generals, also helped finance, advise and organize those determined to topple the Islamist leadership, including Naguib Sawiris, a billionaire and an outspoken foe of the Brotherhood; Tahani el-Gebali, a former judge on the Supreme Constitutional Court who is close to the ruling generals; and Shawki al-Sayed, a legal adviser to Ahmed Shafik, Mr. Mubarak’s last prime minister, who lost the presidential race to Mr. Morsi.

The West was apparently very pro MB against the state of Egypt yet they are meeting with Sisi day to day and he's asking for their praise publicly.

So when meeting Mohammed Morsi day to day it was different? When the US ambassador visited Khairat Alshater who held no official position in government at a presidential palace it was different?

So if the MB had relations such as these we would see you guys attempting at bashing them yet when it's your guys oh it's nothing..."just some interests here and there".

Last time I checked the SCAF didn't publicly condemn the USA in every rally/conference/protest they held nor do they have a tendency for anti-Semitic behaviour and/or speech (comparing them to apes and pigs etc. etc.). The MB showcased obvious hypocrisy and deserve to be criticised for it, the current regime also deserves to be critcised, however, people perceive them to be anti-American when they have not done one thing to merit such a perception. Either way everyone has their interests.

The US and the West and Israel had a conspiracy against the MB including certain Arabic countries. Before they were elected they planned and organized the coup.

Why? The MB was willing to cooperate fearing the consequences and the perception of both the military and the Egyptian people if they didn't cooperate with America (that means not being dumb and turning into a pariah state at your weakest).

Do you have any actual proof of conspiracy?

ne, the western media propaganda campaign which dropped tourism.

Tourism was already in the gutter. The number of tourists had shrunken by half (if not more) before the Brotherhood took over. It also doesn't help when you hire governers who have links to organisations which perpetrated attacks on tourists in the 1990's.

Two, intentional efforts to prevent oil from getting to the citizens, Qatar was involved and the Egyptian military itself would store supplies in private factories as I saw in my own eyes.

Qatar!? the principal backer of the Brotherhood?

A nation which alone donated over $8B to keep Egypt's economy afloat while the Brotherhood bounced from one tragic mismanagement to the next(and has since rescinded a large proportion if not all of that money)? a nation which uses Aljazeera to distort and fabricate news stories for politcal purposes?
A nation which has welcomed every MB exile/refugee?

What you saw with your own eyes could have been a one off incident of corruption, or it could have been 'conspiracy' either way you can't prove it was the latter and it was much more likely the former, since that's what happens when there's an actual fuel crisis.

Three, Israel war on Gaza to test the MB's resolve.

Right, that's the only reason Israel has ever started a war on Gaza, to check the Egyptian/MB reaction, never mind the long and bloody history between Israel and Hamas or the fact that Gaza is occupied by them or that Hamas and other resistance groups fire into their stolen territory or that they fire into Gaza, all they wanted to do was test the MB's resolve because the only thing that works in international relations is seeing who has the bigger Richard or set of balls.

. Four, hiring of Baredi to stir up the situation for some money and after objective was achieved he completely stepped out the scene following the coup because he got his paycheck.

Evidence? oh yes of course, none.

You are accusing a Nobel peace prize wining gentleman of bribery!? The only reason he left the scene because he didn't want Rab3a to be cleared knowing full well what the consequences would be and he was right.

I can go on and on.

And every word you will write will be unfounded and fantastical or a platitude. You are literally writing out of your arse right now.

And if Blair is a criminal why did Sisi invite him to Egypt and have a meeting with him?

His title: Middle East Peace Envoy. And do you think Elsisi really cares if Tony Blair is a criminal or not? wait that ones rhetorical.
So when meeting Mohammed Morsi day to day it was different? When the US ambassador visited Khairat Alshater who held no official position in government at a presidential palace it was different?

That's not what I was saying, that's for the people claiming the West had sided with the MB. Btw, the US was communicating with Egypt's military, Sisi was the military commander while Morsi was serving his term. Nothing was that different in the military.

Last time I checked the SCAF didn't publicly condemn the USA in every rally/conference/protest they held nor do they have a tendency for anti-Semitic behaviour and/or speech (comparing them to apes and pigs etc. etc.). The MB showcased obvious hypocrisy and deserve to be criticised for it, the current regime also deserves to be critcised, however, people perceive them to be anti-American when they have not done one thing to merit such a perception. Either way everyone has their interests.

What's SCAF? I'm not understanding what you're trying to get across.

Why? The MB was willing to cooperate fearing the consequences and the perception of both the military and the Egyptian people if they didn't cooperate with America (that means not being dumb and turning into a pariah state at your weakest).

The coalition government made up of less than 42% MB seats had Sisi appointed as the military commander. So what do you mean by 'cooperate with the military'?

Do you have any actual proof of conspiracy?

I just posted a link and gave several occurrences. Things happened that were unusual and events that followed such as the UAE and Saudi Arabia pledging billions in military aid to Egypt. This was something planned to happen and it was approved if not directed by the US. Those gulf countries don't give military aid around to whom they wish especially with a country like Egypt. Even when it comes to Syrian rebels they only do what's within the limit and what America permits.

Tourism was already in the gutter. The number of tourists had shrunken by half (if not more) before the Brotherhood took over. It also doesn't help when you hire governers who have links to organisations which perpetrated attacks on tourists in the 1990's.

Tourism was in the gutter during the period of a major revolution in which areas of the country were shut down basically. This is self explanatory, however, following those events there was speculation the MB would win democratic elections and take power. This is when European, US and Israeli media began running stories against the MB and the 'dangers' of visiting Egypt and they publicized these stories as much as possible including fake news that they wanted to tear down the historic pyramids which Christian media in the United States constantly pushed along with other half truths.

Qatar!? the principal backer of the Brotherhood?

My mistake I was referring to UAE.

A nation which alone donated over $8B to keep Egypt's economy afloat while the Brotherhood bounced from one tragic mismanagement to the next(and has since rescinded a large proportion if not all of that money)? a nation which uses

Where are you getting is idea and which nation? Egypt was going for IMF loans but that shouldn't have happened.

to distort and fabricate news stories for politcal purposes?
A nation which has welcomed every MB exile/refugee?

Which nation are you speaking of? And who cares where they leave to that's irrelevant.

What you saw with your own eyes could have been a one off incident of corruption, or it could have been 'conspiracy' either way you can't prove it was the latter and it was much more likely the former, since that's what happens when there's an actual fuel crisis.

It wasn't one incident, I have you an report on it. So this sudden fuel crisis cake out of nowhere?

Right, that's the only reason Israel has ever started a war on Gaza, to check the Egyptian/MB reaction, never mind the long and bloody history between Israel and Hamas or the fact that Gaza is occupied by them or that Hamas and other resistance groups fire into their stolen territory or that they fire into Gaza, all they wanted to do was test the MB's resolve because the only thing that works in international relations is seeing who has the bigger Richard or set of balls.

That's a big part of why they attacked Gaza, not to see if Egypt would retaliate, but to put them to test and get political advantages out of it in the Sinai.

Evidence? oh yes of course, none.

How would I get evidence of covert activities? Was there evidence in past CIA military coups at the certain time? No, the information came out decades later. Also with Iran, if it wasn't for Iranians, the CIA/MI5 overthrowing wouldn't have been an major event today.

You are accusing a Nobel peace prize wining gentleman of bribery!? The only reason he left the scene because he didn't want Rab3a to be cleared knowing full well what the consequences would be and he was right.

Yes, I am accusing him of bribery, he got a nobel peace prize for doing nothing besides the thing with Iran. He doesn't just show up mysteriously taking the stage in such a situation. Bribery and corruption is very common in the Middle East. Don't play stupid with me. If someone would listen to you lecture them all day they would think Egypt is a more developed state than the United States.

His title: Middle East Peace Envoy. And do you think Elsisi really cares if Tony Blair is a criminal or not? wait that ones rhetorical.

He's looking to the West to give him credibility. The West was just talking when it came to the aftermath and it's process. They know what's going to happen and were looking forward it and always wanted Egypt to stay a military dictatorship.
Tony Blair backs Egypt's government and criticises Brotherhood | Politics | theguardian.com

Tony Blair has given staunch backing to Egypt's government following a meeting on Wednesday with its army leader, Abdel Fatah al-Sisi.

In a television interview on Thursday morning, Britain's former prime minister claimed that Mohamed Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood had stolen Egypt's revolution, and that the army who deposed Morsi last July had put the country back on the path to democracy.

"This is what I say to my colleagues in the west," said Blair, visiting Egypt as a representative of the UN, the US, the EU and Russia in their attempts to mediate the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. "The fact is, the Muslim Brotherhood tried to take the country away from its basic values of hope and progress. The army have intervened, at the will of the people, but in order to take the country to the next stage of its development, which should be democratic, we should be supporting the new government in doing that."

Morsi, Egypt's first freely elected president, was removed by Sisi last July following days of mass protests. His many critics said Morsi had authoritarian leanings and that his removal was essential to prevent Egypt from eventually turning into an autocratic theocracy.

But rights groups say the government that replaced him has been anything but democratic – with more than a thousand dissidents killed, thousands more arrested, and the right to free assembly and free speech severely curbed. The day before Blair's comments were aired, 20 journalists were referred to court on terrorism allegations – charges a leading rights lawyer said returned Egypt to the dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak.

Blair's office did not respond to a query about how the west could promote democracy without criticising lapses in democratic values.

In his television interview, he added: "Right here in Egypt I think it is fundamental that the new government succeeds, that we give it support in bringing in this new era for the people of Egypt. And, you know, we can debate the past and it's probably not very fruitful to do so, but right now I think it's important the whole of the international community gets behind the leadership here and helps."

Blair's comments were in keeping with his previous comments on the region. In the past, he has been supportive of autocratic rulers toppled during the 2011 revolutions, such as Hosni Mubarak and Libya's Muammar Gaddafi.

His comments drew criticism from other British-based Middle East specialists.

@Frogman @Mahmoud_EGY @Yzd Khalifa @al-Hasani @Arabian Legend

So tell me habibi, I thought the west was with the MB yet we have your military leader trying to score brownie points here.....
my friend empty words mean nothing cuting the aid to the military is action not political talk and this shows who the US support by the way it is clear that the brotherhood is history day after day they fail in any objective even a blind can see that so maybe they want to limit their losses with Egypt
Only words again, the reality is that JEW UK send weapons for zionist Al Qaeda

They are liars, like they lied for the Al Ghouta CW massacre

Think a bit before you post next time Hazzy
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