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Today in History

September 28, 1984
First production F-16D block 25 (#83-1174) is delivered to the USAF.
September 30, 1992
307th Fighter Squadron officially moves from Homestead AFB, Florida to Moody AFB, Georgia in the wake of Hurricane Andrew.

September 30, 1997
Congress approves 3 new F-16s to be delivered to the USAF in the FY 98 budget.

September 30, 2006
Pakistan orders 18 F-16s.
October 1987
Japan announces it has selected a derivative of the F-16C for its FS-X program.
October 1997
LMTAS concludes evaluation of paintless F-16, 600sq feet of which was covered with an adhesive film in stead of paint.
October 1, 1992
Congress is notified of the MLU production phase for the European air forces, following Secretary of Defense Cheney's decision to continue U.S. participation in the development program.
October 5, 1989
F-16 team wins USAFE Excalibur VI bombing competition.

October 5, 1990
64th Aggressor Squadron deactivates at Nellis AFB, Nevada but reactivates again in 2003.
October 6, 1990
The US embargoes F-16 deliveries to Pakistan, and a total of 28 Pakistan F-16A/B Block 15OCU aircraft are put in flyable hold storage in the Sonoran desert.
October 7, 2001
Start of Operation Enduring Freedom, in which F-16s participate in air operations against terrorist training camps and infrastructure within Afghanistan.
October 9, 1979
First production F-16A block 5 (#78-0022) is delivered to the USAF.
October 13, 1987
F-16 teams dominate Gunsmoke '87, USAF's worldwide bombing competition.
October 17, 1978
First production F-16B block 1 (#78-0077) is delivered to the USAF.
October 20, 1976
Rollout of F-16A FSD no. 1 (#75-0745), the first full-scale development aircraft, at Fort Worth.

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